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Basically, Apple TV is a small notebook with all the extra crap stripped away streamlined for living-room media center usage. Sure, you can't pack it up and take it with you on the road, but it's a LOT more convenient than hooking up a laptop to a TV.
What?!! I've taken my :apple: TV on the road before. Most if not all hotels have component video inputs on their TVs. Sure its not HD but beats watching CNN/Fox/Weather channel for hours on end :p
Apple TV: needs to be hacked to death to play normal common video formats
XviD with AC3 in AVI is not common. Neither is H.264 in MKV. The only formats suitable of being called common are MPEG-4 and MPEG-2, which is what broadcast television and content delivery rely on.

VC-1, an MPEG-4 variant, can be used on Blu-Ray so I guess that's 'popular' too, but it's not easily distributable in any common container.

Apple went with the latest MPEG standard with the best video compression, MPEG-4 with AVC (H.264). MPEG-2 has too large file size to be worth supporting by Apple, since they operate on downloads and limited space machines (note your DVDs (MPEG-2) can be compressed to 1/4 of their size with literally no loss of visual detail using MPEG-4).
This is crazy. After doing the update my aluminum MacBook now has firewire!! And what's more, my iPhone now records video!

Kidding obviously but question: how useful have you guys found ATV? I have a MBP and just hook up to my tv to watch iTunes content. Isn't that what ATV essentially does or is there more?

The Apple TV also allows for HD content rentals not currently avaliable in iTunes on your mac. That's the biggest difference. I think I'm going to update and see if it will give my Macbook Air a SuperDrive! Crossing my fingers!
Apple TV: needs to be hacked to death to play normal common video formats
Do we really need to derail the topic with yet another post about how the AppleTV doesn't satisfy your needs? Fine, we get it, you can't play all of your "content"... so go find a device that can. I'm really tired of seeing these comments show up in every AppleTV-related thread. My AppleTV has never been hacked, and I have over 1.2TB of content that is instantly available to it, all encoded in a normal, standard, and common format.

I've noticed syncing the iTunes library information (I stream everything) seems to work a bit faster in 2.3.1, but that could simply be due to the reboot.
I'd like to point out that with 2.3 I had MAJOR issues with the IR functions. To make a long story short, I thought my Apple TV had become useless.

With the new 2.3.1 update, everything is back to normal.
Most if not all hotels have component video inputs on their TVs.

"Most if not all"? Definitely not "all". In fact, I've stayed at hotels where they didn't even have composite inputs (coaxial cable only), though this isn't common.

I've done quite a bit of traveling in recent years and I would say that the majority of hotel rooms do not have component inputs. For travel purposes, I would suggest that an iPod is a better way to carry movies with you than the AppleTV. The AppleTV would be great if you could count on component or HDMI connections, but IMO you can't. Not to mention that iPods are designed to be moved around. (I wonder how much of a pounding an AppleTV would take in checked luggage.)

I will tell you one new bit of hardware I plan to take on longer excursions in the future: my Roku NetFlix Player that I just got. Granted, hotel internet is often not fast enough to support a decent quality picture, but if it is, this would be a great way to get a good selection of video while on the road.
"You'll understand better when you have a wife"

Well I have just had to register so I could post a comment.

What's all this about wives needing things to be simple on the tech front? lol

I will have you boys know, that I am a lady, I checked, and I have an Apple TV - my own one that I bought myself, along with a Mac Mini, an iMac G5, an iPhone (the original bought on its first day of sale), and several iPods!

It was my birthday 2 days ago, and I asked for (and got :D) the Logitech z-5500, and a second monitor for my Mini as I was getting bored of using it through the TV or screen sharing on iMac. Then I was straight to Apple Store to buy the wireless keyboard to sit next to my full size to work Mini.....its sooooo pwetty, and titchy, and cute.......:eek: eh, anyway

When I got Apple TV in January '08, I spent hours.....probably days.... ripping and decoding hundreds of my DVDs so I could get all my own content on, and then spent even longer adding full info for every TV episode and movie - including pictures and took me frickin ages!!

But now I have almost 2.5TB of external drives full of stuff and its awesome! I love Apple TV - couldnt be without it now.

I came on here to research the new update after the last one knocked out loads of folks sound I wanted to check there was no problems with this one. I find a load of comments about how women need simple tech solutions....... shocking!! lol

Nah, I'm not surprised tho, most women don't have a clue, and it pis**s me off a little that they want to use it and experience it but as soon as something goes wrong, which it always does, they have no patience- then its always that it was a waste of money, or time! Thank god its not Stephanie Jobs, or else the first sign of trouble with a product it would be abandoned.

I just wanted to point out that we are not ALL that useless.... I don't know everything about technology, far from it, but I love it none the less. Don't clump all us females into the same category....... there are some exceptions about...... like I agree, men are better drivers overall - but I spend my holiday every year at the Nürburgring in Germany and I havent crashed yet!! lol


p.s. I'm not gay, butch, or manly.....I'm straight, I wear make up, and have long hair...... although I did kiss a few girls, but that was back in my party days, I don't do things like that anymore.....honest......:p
I did kiss a few girls, but that was back in my party days, I don't do things like that anymore.....honest......:p

Pictures or it didn't Happen ;) :p

My wife is pretty adept at the technology, but she doesn't want to deal with the hassle, she just wants it to work. I'm pretty sure that's all the OP of that comment was trying to say.
I copied the start-up video to my movies in ITunes, and usually put it in my custom TV Show playlist as a "commercial." :D

I still think the original Apple TV start-up video is the best.

I second that request, that would be neat to have available.


Edit* never mind, i just did that myself.
[/QUOTE]p.s. I'm not gay, butch, or manly.....I'm straight, I wear make up, and have long hair...... although I did kiss a few girls, but that was back in my party days, I don't do things like that anymore.....honest......:p[/QUOTE]

i think IT just moved alittle

It’s not so much that women demand simple solutions, it’s just that women are more sensitive to how things look. The reason why having a wife makes a difference is that most wives would much rather have a simple, elegant box connected to their TV than a computer with a bunch of visible wires.

That being said, I am reminded of a column I read in a stereo magazine many years ago. It had a picture of a VCR that was intended to represent what women really wanted: it was pink and had a single button on it.
The Apple TV also allows for HD content rentals not currently avaliable in iTunes on your mac. That's the biggest difference. I think I'm going to update and see if it will give my Macbook Air a SuperDrive! Crossing my fingers!

I noticed the other day when I bought an episode of "24" that it was in HD (this was purchased on my MB Pro) -- are you telling me that there is HD content like this that you can't get on iTunes unless it's via Apple TV?
And for those less technically inclined (dare I say wife?), it's just so easy to use...

My 5-year old finds it easy enough to go through all his SpongeBob episodes on it (I ripped and tagged them of course). Now if only it can distract him enough to not notice the Wii died. sadness

Love my :apple:TV. The only thing stopping me from buying a 2nd is that I'm willing to hold out until the next model, whenever the hell that may come out...

J you're hot. Are you single?

Oops off topic there for a moment! :--)

So I haven't upgraded yet but I think I'm hearing people say the response to the atv after boot is better and remote response? Is this true? My biggest gripe lately those two issues.
So I haven't upgraded yet but I think I'm hearing people say the response to the atv after boot is better and remote response? Is this true? My biggest gripe lately those two issues.

Yes I would concur that both of those issues have been resolved for me with the new update.
The ATV is very useful, ESPECIALLY if you patchstick it. Let's say you have some movie content lying around, perhaps, you've ripped your DVD library or home videos; just ftp into your ATV, upload them, and voila, a massive on-demand video library.

How anyone can describe 160GB as massive is beyond me. I have an iTunes library with nothing but music and it's over 190GB. I still have 60 more rock CDs and 100 classical, jazz, holiday, etc. ones to go. I've calculated that the 250GB hard drive I've set aside for iTunes won't be enough.

In case you haven't already figured it out, I rip everything into a lossless format because it takes so much effort to rip hundreds of CDs that I only want to do it once. Making an MP3 or AAC copy of a lossless file is easy; going the other way is impossible.
I'd like to point out that with 2.3 I had MAJOR issues with the IR functions. To make a long story short, I thought my Apple TV had become useless.

With the new 2.3.1 update, everything is back to normal.

I'm seeing the same thing here. It was driving me nuts - thankfully it seems to working fairly normally now, although I've only used it briefly.
No loss of 5.1?

So far, can people confirm that there will be no loss of 5.1 with this new update? :eek:
I'm seeing the same thing here. It was driving me nuts - thankfully it seems to working fairly normally now, although I've only used it briefly.

So I can remove the bit of paper blu-tacked to the front of my aTV? great.

Bregalad said:
How anyone can describe 160GB as massive is beyond me. I have an iTunes library with nothing but music and it's over 190GB. I still have 60 more rock CDs and 100 classical, jazz, holiday, etc. ones to go. I've calculated that the 250GB hard drive I've set aside for iTunes won't be enough.

I think sfbayrealtor was referring to using a patchstick to add an external storage solution through either a usb hard drive or or via streaming from a
NAS unit which essentially reduces the internal disk a buffer.
That being said, I am reminded of a column I read in a stereo magazine many years ago. It had a picture of a VCR that was intended to represent what women really wanted: it was pink and had a single button on it.

lmao :D
Well I have just had to register so I could post a comment.

What's all this about wives needing things to be simple on the tech front? lol

I will have you boys know, that I am a lady, I checked, and I have an Apple TV - my own one that I bought myself, along with a Mac Mini, an iMac G5, an iPhone (the original bought on its first day of sale), and several iPods!

It was my birthday 2 days ago, and I asked for (and got :D) the Logitech z-5500, and a second monitor for my Mini as I was getting bored of using it through the TV or screen sharing on iMac. Then I was straight to Apple Store to buy the wireless keyboard to sit next to my full size to work Mini.....its sooooo pwetty, and titchy, and cute.......:eek: eh, anyway

When I got Apple TV in January '08, I spent hours.....probably days.... ripping and decoding hundreds of my DVDs so I could get all my own content on, and then spent even longer adding full info for every TV episode and movie - including pictures and took me frickin ages!!

But now I have almost 2.5TB of external drives full of stuff and its awesome! I love Apple TV - couldnt be without it now.

I came on here to research the new update after the last one knocked out loads of folks sound I wanted to check there was no problems with this one. I find a load of comments about how women need simple tech solutions....... shocking!! lol

Nah, I'm not surprised tho, most women don't have a clue, and it pis**s me off a little that they want to use it and experience it but as soon as something goes wrong, which it always does, they have no patience- then its always that it was a waste of money, or time! Thank god its not Stephanie Jobs, or else the first sign of trouble with a product it would be abandoned.

I just wanted to point out that we are not ALL that useless.... I don't know everything about technology, far from it, but I love it none the less. Don't clump all us females into the same category....... there are some exceptions about...... like I agree, men are better drivers overall - but I spend my holiday every year at the Nürburgring in Germany and I havent crashed yet!! lol


p.s. I'm not gay, butch, or manly.....I'm straight, I wear make up, and have long hair...... although I did kiss a few girls, but that was back in my party days, I don't do things like that anymore.....honest......:p

Kudos... That is very nice!

But of course the last comment is what we all really want to hear about. Forget the apple tv.... lol.... j/k....... :)

My wife loves it to.. although she isn't quite as tech savy to rip movies yet,,, but she does no how to push buttons!
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