To Loby - I remember quite well the beginnings of Windows and also remember for years MS touted Windows as being the premier networking operating system when in fact, it really was not and was made even worse by Gate's misstep with respect to the rapid growing access to the Internet. As always, MS made promises that they didn't really back up on security until much much later. Meanwhile, Unix which is an 'old' system proved to be more secure.
AFEPPL - I have zero doubt you are correct. I have seen various snickers from Black Hat folks on just how lackluster OSX and IOS is with respect to security.
While some folks might disagree with me, I find the entirety of the MS Server use of GPOs and other matters to be rather clunky and tedious which makes for bad habits where security is concerned. OSX server is rather limited in its bag of tricks as well.
Agree...Not supporting the idea of Microsoft Windows was secure by any means. Code was bogged down from the start, but the time that they needed to make changes, it was too late and the beast was too large to control. Ah..those were the days when technology was young and adventurous. Not saying that it is not exciting today, but participating and living through the birth of the computer age was a thrill, especially seeing it grow to the giant that it is now is something to behold. Those days you never knew what to expect, had to invent and experiment just to keep workflows going etc., especially when "promises" were not kept. I remember it was a race for whomever to invent or got whatever out first and then they were the star. Now it is different with big-money and stock market and shareholder demands and requirements etc. Just a different time with different goals.