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To Loby - I remember quite well the beginnings of Windows and also remember for years MS touted Windows as being the premier networking operating system when in fact, it really was not and was made even worse by Gate's misstep with respect to the rapid growing access to the Internet. As always, MS made promises that they didn't really back up on security until much much later. Meanwhile, Unix which is an 'old' system proved to be more secure.

AFEPPL - I have zero doubt you are correct. I have seen various snickers from Black Hat folks on just how lackluster OSX and IOS is with respect to security.

While some folks might disagree with me, I find the entirety of the MS Server use of GPOs and other matters to be rather clunky and tedious which makes for bad habits where security is concerned. OSX server is rather limited in its bag of tricks as well.

Agree...Not supporting the idea of Microsoft Windows was secure by any means. Code was bogged down from the start, but the time that they needed to make changes, it was too late and the beast was too large to control. Ah..those were the days when technology was young and adventurous. Not saying that it is not exciting today, but participating and living through the birth of the computer age was a thrill, especially seeing it grow to the giant that it is now is something to behold. Those days you never knew what to expect, had to invent and experiment just to keep workflows going etc., especially when "promises" were not kept. I remember it was a race for whomever to invent or got whatever out first and then they were the star. Now it is different with big-money and stock market and shareholder demands and requirements etc. Just a different time with different goals.
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I believe that Apple behaves akin to MS in certain business moves. However, their target markets have some overlap but MS goes much further in directions that Apple fails to capture or does not even pursue.

To quote myself with respect to personal computers -

Windows holds the hardware hostage
Mac computers hold the operating system hostage

You are always holding someone hostage, as long as it's not human.

Apple tries to underpin privacy and security as a measure to not include them or they will harm the OS in such a way Apple doesn't wanna spend the time.

It used to be about security which makes sense, but look how far that's gone.... Now, Apple users the term for everything even when it does nothing to security either directly or indirectly.

Meanwhile, Microsoft does the Windows 10 telemetry mash with users
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I'd like to point out something I've noticed for the past couple of years or so, and get some feedback. Since Apple has lost Steve Jobs, and Microsoft has gained Satya Nadella (who is arguably quite the visionary), and Mac OS X has basically become Windows in terms of reliability, and Windows has become Mac OS X by the same metric, wouldn't it be fair to say that Apple and Microsoft have switched places? I know this may be a tough issue for some of you, but I'd like your input. Thanks. :)
You want my take? Well, let's see:

OS X has Continuity, Handoff and AirDrop to offer a seamless experience between iOS and OS X. Does Windows have that functionality between their desktop, phone, mp3 player and tablet offerings? What ever happened to Windows Phone?

I can AirPlay my iPhone on my Apple TV. Does Microsoft offer that functionality with their television?

The resale value of Macs years later still amazes me. How is the resale value of Windows PC's?

I've heard that Microsoft is forcing users to upgrade to Windows 10. I have never seen Apple do this and I've been using OS X since the release of Mavericks.

I've heard that Windows 10 has spying capabilities built into the operating system. Does Apple do the same?

With the inclusion of System Integrity Protection in OS X 10.11, it is difficult to destroy the system unless the user disables SIP. Does Windows have this functionality?

Hmm.. I think Apple is still quite a cut above. Microsoft is the McDonald's of the computer world: junk.

Of course, that's just my opinion.
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You want my take? Well, let's see:

OS X has Continuity, Handoff and AirDrop to offer a seamless experience between iOS and OS X. Does Windows have that functionality between their desktop, phone, mp3 player and tablet offerings? What ever happened to Windows Phone?

I can AirPlay my iPhone on my Apple TV. Does Microsoft offer that functionality with their television?

The resale value of Macs years later still amazes me. How is the resale value of Windows PC's?

I've heard that Microsoft is forcing users to upgrade to Windows 10. I have never seen Apple do this and I've been using OS X since the release of Mavericks.

I've heard that Windows 10 has spying capabilities built into the operating system. Does Apple do the same?

With the inclusion of System Integrity Protection in OS X 10.11, it is difficult to destroy the system unless the user disables SIP. Does Windows have this functionality?

Hmm.. I think Apple is still quite a cut above. Microsoft is the McDonald's of the food world: junk.

Of course, that's just my opinion.

I tend to agree with your take save for some cases where Apple was less than kind.

1) Early Mac Pro < PCI 2.0 ABANDONED by Apple.
2) Aperture software < ABANDONED by Apple (and no, Photos is not a real replacement).
3) XServe ABANDONED by Apple.
4) Full feature front end to Airport Extreme (dumb down) ABANDONED by Apple.
There are a few more and I might as well throw in one that back when pissed off a lot of people. If you recall, people used their regular email accounts against iTunes. Later when iTunes was hooking up to Apple's mail etc., people could not transfer over purchases (DRMs back then) to their new account with Apple. In fact, to this day some have to flip between the two to get all their movies etc.

The list goes on. Apple is no saint here either. I'll skip for now the fact that Apple's Mac Pro is no longer "expandable and the most upgrade oriented computer" as Apple used to boast. The Mac Mini has been also CPU neutered by taking a step backwards to dual-core top of the line from quad-core.

You comments on Windows seems to be where we are in agreement. I am not a fanboy of either though I prefer the interface of OSX. My fav OS is long gone - OS/2.
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I tend to agree with your take save for some cases where Apple was less than kind.

1) Early Mac Pro < PCI 2.0 ABANDONED by Apple.
2) Aperture software < ABANDONED by Apple (and no, Photos is not a real replacement).
3) XServe ABANDONED by Apple.
4) Full feature front end to Airport Extreme (dumb down) ABANDONED by Apple.
There are a few more and I might as well throw in one that back when pissed off a lot of people. If you recall, people used their regular email accounts against iTunes. Later when iTunes was hooking up to Apple's mail etc., people could not transfer over purchases (DRMs back then) to their new account with Apple. In fact, to this day some have to flip between the two to get all their movies etc.

The list goes on. Apple is no saint here either. I'll skip for now the fact that Apple's Mac Pro is no longer "expandable and the most upgrade oriented computer" as Apple used to boast. The Mac Mini has been also CPU neutered by taking a step backwards to dual-core top of the line from quad-core.

You comments on Windows seems to be where we are in agreement. I am not a fanboy of either though I prefer the interface of OSX. My fav OS is long gone - OS/2.
Looks like I'm fortunate that I didn't switch over to OS X until 2013, so I missed a lot of the history as well as the shortcomings.
Looks like I'm fortunate that I didn't switch over to OS X until 2013, so I missed a lot of the history as well as the shortcomings.

Perhaps, but you are always welcome to future follies (grin). I admit at this time in my life, I sort of stopped caring. I went Apple when I had to bench MS Vista for a company. I knew* it was time to go and since then primarily use Mac at home (though I do have Win7 and Win10 virtuals).
I've heard that Microsoft is forcing users to upgrade to Windows 10. I have never seen Apple do this and I've been using OS X since the release of Mavericks.
Its unfortunate but yes, MS has tricked users into upgrading or just plain upgrading them. I'm not making excuses for that behavior, but on the OS X side, I hate the nagging OS X does when there's an update. Almost along the lines of forcing the update, Apple does this for iOS.

I've heard that Windows 10 has spying capabilities built into the operating system. Does Apple do the same?
Spying no, collecting information, yes which can easily be turned off.
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You want my take? Well, let's see:

OS X has Continuity, Handoff and AirDrop to offer a seamless experience between iOS and OS X. Does Windows have that functionality between their desktop, phone, mp3 player and tablet offerings? What ever happened to Windows Phone?

I can AirPlay my iPhone on my Apple TV. Does Microsoft offer that functionality with their television?

The resale value of Macs years later still amazes me. How is the resale value of Windows PC's?

I've heard that Microsoft is forcing users to upgrade to Windows 10. I have never seen Apple do this and I've been using OS X since the release of Mavericks.

I've heard that Windows 10 has spying capabilities built into the operating system. Does Apple do the same?

With the inclusion of System Integrity Protection in OS X 10.11, it is difficult to destroy the system unless the user disables SIP. Does Windows have this functionality?

Hmm.. I think Apple is still quite a cut above. Microsoft is the McDonald's of the food world: junk.

Of course, that's just my opinion.

Yeah, but the reality is none of that really does just work now.
Continuity, nope
Handoff, nope
Airdrop, hardly ever, I've completely given up on it
Airplay, used to be great, but after the last round of updates if i know send a youtube link to any of the 5ATVs i have, i lose all control and have to drop the laptops wifi to get it back or even just send another video to it.

Glasses houses spring to mind.
Apples privacy policy is not that much different in truth...

I like your analogy, but it's like Mc'ds vs Burger King debate. Sometimes you just fancy something from one of the others and its not like you have to "only eat" at one restaurant. You are allowed to use others you know.
Yeah, but the reality is none of that really does just work now.
Continuity, nope
Handoff, nope
Airdrop, hardly ever, I've completely given up on it
Airplay, used to be great, but after the last round of updates if i know send a youtube link to any of the 5ATVs i have, i lose all control and have to drop the laptops wifi to get it back or even just send another video to it.
Ok, I understand that you have some problems.

My setup includes a Mac mini, iPhone 6s, iPad Pro 9.7, iPod Touch and an Apple TV.. and everything I mentioned is working fine here. I'll admit that I had to learn a bit about AirPlay, and make a few adjustments, but it's working rather well now.

One of the things I do when a new version is released (Sierra and iOS 10 are up next) is to go into it thinking "ok, I may have to unlearn and relearn in order to get everything to work the way I would like, but that's ok".

One of my favorite quotes: "We must be strong enough to bend, otherwise we risk breaking in the slightest breeze".
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But these "features" should just work.
Airplay is an icon. you click it. done
Airdrop is a swipe up and big button and has lets say a history of not working well.
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