Your iPhone talks to the cell network using Edge, 3G or LTE virtually anywhere in the world. It provides location services using triangulation, GPS and GLONASS. It has a touchscreen, a gyroscope, an accelerometer, NFC and a compass. It has multiple cameras and (if it's an X) 3D facial recognition. It fits in your pocket, runs all day on a charge, and benchmarks better than many laptops.
It's the Mac that looks a little skimpy by comparison...
That’s a nice arguement there not going to lie. But I think I probably spoke for myself when I compared the two. What I can get done on my Mac vs what I can achieve on my phone are miles apart. I suppose if I was recording 4K non stop and some of the other stuff then yeah.
But in terms of usable performance, at least for me. Mbp wins by far, I guess everyone’s mileage varies.