It was Flavor-Aid. Grape Flavor-Aid. I remember like it was yesterday.
I feel like it was more expensive then flavor-aid.
It was Flavor-Aid. Grape Flavor-Aid. I remember like it was yesterday.
They can't not update it after everything that happened this week.
But I have a feeling that it's going to be a bitter-sweet update, kind of like the rMBP. No, I don't mean it's going to become a laptop. I mean that it's going to be great in some ways and it's going to be disappointing to a bunch of people. I have a suspicion that it's going to be a redesign and they are going to go into directions that not everyone will be happy with. Much like the rMBP, which has polarised opinions on the MBP sub-forum.
I was agreeing with you until you mentioned Windows 8. It seems like MS threw the road map away when it came to Windows 8. It's a complete f-up and no corporate is going to upgrade it. It's pretty clear they are going to skip it since the training and upgrade costs will be horrendous when most are only now moving to Windows 7 and 8 is simply just far too much of a departure from the standard paradigm. In fact, it should not be called Windows any more. Metro is not right for the desktop and it shouldn't be forced onto desktop users.
MS are clearly panicking about the consumer market (iOS and Android) and this is their knee-jerk response and hence why they are trying to push a tablet market to home pc market. I don't think this is a good idea and I am not the only one. Even the journalists who are self-confessed MS fan boys are asking, "WTF".
That's the problem. You cannot disable Metro. You could in the developer and consumer previews and they've specifically disabled the bypass in the release preview that came out a couple of weeks ago.Yes, the thing is with Windows 8, there are a ton of indications, that you can just disable metro and just use a very Windows 7 like Desktop. I have a feeling there will be a version lacking metro for business. And I have a feeling it will be easy to disable metro in any version. I highly doubht MS would tie people to this ****** Metro UI on a desktop. ( though I think Metro would be super awesome on a tablet ). Microsoft isn't stupid. I think they'll have a metro free version.
At least I hope they'll make disabling Metro easy, I would hope so, as there are tons of videos FROM Microsoft of WIndows 8 running without Metro.
Even if we HAD to use Metro, at least Microsoft likes to provide SOME kind of roadmap.
Where Apple is " yeah we'll do some kind of update maybe in a year or so? And we wont tell you ANYTHING about it ".
I kind of wished this stupid crap would have stopped with Steve Jobs gone. ( Nothing against him or anything. I just question the way he ran Apple )
That's the problem. You cannot disable Metro. You could in the developer and consumer previews and they've specifically disabled the bypass in the release preview that came out a couple of weeks ago.
In fact, they have even said that they have made it so that it's practically impossible to switch off metro. The registry hack has been disabled and they will actively block any hacks that come along in the future.
Oh god dammit, I was still running the Beta, so I did not know this.
That's a problem. I think Metro is an awesome tablet UI, I would put it above iOS easily, but for a desktop? No thanks.
Here's what I don't understand. Why the hell were they releasing videos of the Windows 8 explorer? When it seems now that it won't even be useable?
It just seems silly that a company like Microsoft would do this.
Yes, as a tablet UI I do think it's pretty good, but not on a desktop.
The Mac pro just never lived up to the amazingness of the G5 series.
Going to have to disagree on that one. The Mac Pro has ran circles around any G5. Not in available power at the time so much as the cooling and fan assembly, stability, and IBM's chips never living up to expectations. They were clock speed fail and the whining fans sent me in hysterics. Soooo annoying. Not to mention the Quad 2.5GHz liquid cooling fiasco. G5's were always breaking. I repaired them way more than older G4's.
It's really a golden opportunity for a third player to come up with their own OS and hardware. Maybe an Adobe / Linux combo?
Why are two party systems so in-style anyway?
Going to have to disagree on that one. The Mac Pro has ran circles around any G5. Not in available power at the time so much as the cooling and fan assembly, stability, and IBM's chips never living up to expectations. They were clock speed fail and the whining fans sent me in hysterics. Soooo annoying. Not to mention the Quad 2.5GHz liquid cooling fiasco. G5's were always breaking. I repaired them way more than older G4's.
Or is this Vapor Ware? Do we drink the kool aid? thoughts?
Clock speed does not mean performance. Using that Logic, a 3.8gzh Pentium 4 is faster than a 3.4gzh i7 processor.
The PR reaction from Apple to the uproar is so unusual that I interpret it to mean there will definitely be a newly designed Mac Pro (or Mac Pro equivalent) next year. Apple controls their message pretty well (even if that often means no message).
Even though Tim said Apple will, but anything can happen between now and then. How many times major corporations stated they will release or upgrade certain product then they kill it at the end. This is business for profit after all. If Apple feel Mac Pro is no longer economically worth it to continue, they will have to discontinue it. Just like how they quietly discontinued 17" MBPI was planning on selling my 17" MBP on eBay but I have decided I going to keep it forever and just buy new 15 Retina.
Since when was the last time Apple more or less confirmed a replacement model? No department ever has at Apple, ever.
So I think you can expect something special next year.
In terms of Apple? So far as I now they have NEVER stated they are going to replace a product like they have with the Mac Pro.
I can't wait till Apple whips out the single best Mac Pro they've ever made and you guys all eat your words.
I'll have mine with a side of coleslaw
Really though, some of the posts here are just mind blowing. The downfall of Apple because they've taken a little too long to update the Mac Pro? C'mon.
Updating the MP without Sandy Bridge was a bad move. This was evident by the fact that their PR pre-announced a new MP (which is unheard of). This coupled with FCPX, lost them a lot of customers in the entertainment and advertising sectors. Apple realized this and now we have damage control