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Mainly in standby. When I went to sleep at night (with 3G on), by the time I woke up 7 hours later, I'd lost 20-30% of the battery. Now, I lose 2-3% in that time.

When it comes to actually using the phone, it seems to last only slightly longer. Barely noticeable change from 5.0.1 to 5.1.
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Well... I find the battery has improved a lot.
I have noticed improved standby time. Before, when running iOS 5.0.1, I would leave my phone over night with 100% charge and find that in the morning it had drained by 20-30%. Now it only drains by 3-5% over night.

While standby time is improved, I haven't noticed any major change when it comes to general use. I lose roughly 10% charge every hour when doing basic tasks like web surfing through wifi and listening to a few songs.
I have slightly worse battery life on my iPhone 4. I used to have about around 30 hours of standby + 5-7 hours of usage and now i'm barely making 24h standby + 4h of usage.

(brightness to a third, automatic, 3G always on, WiFi always on, BT always off, GMail on fetch every 1h, iCloud to push)
Standby usage has reduced. Now my 4S battery loses 2-3 % overnight vs 10-12 % on 5.0.1.

Battery life on Wifi and games is somewhat same.
Only NOW do I have battery life issue

Historically, prior to 5.1, I had 5.01 (latest I guess)

I had many services turned off, LS was on but only location was ON. I had icloud off, few settings in notifications, etc. The standard stuff to extend battery life. I could usually get bout 2 days of life. Charging at night only once every couple days.

I also didn't have any of the unknown daily data usage issues. A pretty HEAVY user, I use about 350-500MB of data a month and that includes doing updates to apps while out and about.

So, NOW after doing 5.1 from the device, I now have the device battery going down much more quickly. I'll be surprised if I get a whole day now and as an example in just the first two days of my billing cycle, since going up to 5.1, I have used 45 MB of data, so nearly 2x+ the normal daily amount. Not sure where it is coming from.

Are there settings to anyones knowledge that have now been turned on from the prior version?
I charge my iPhone 4 overnight every night and generally, with light use, I'm at 60 percent by night. If I make a number of phone calls, especially if they are lengthy, I'll be closer to 30 percent by night. I don't see much of a change from 5.0.1. I use my iPad2 a LOT during the day and it's battery life is outstanding.

No vids or gaming. GPS is "on" but turned off for all apps (will activate it if needed according to app use). Email is push iCloud. Bluetooth and wifi on all the time. Wifi active nearly all the time.
my 3GS is being charged every night and in the morning after being for an hour on FB and games, I can be down to 80% (after 1 hour!) or even less.
the battery problems started after I upgraded to ios 5.0.1.
I never had any problems when I was on 4.3.3...
If no charger next to me, after 4 hours of use, Im down to 20%.
Just as a side note, I noticed a big difference in battery performance after upgrading my iPad2 to 5.1 to the point where it wasn't making it through the day.

Following advice elsewhere I let the battery drain completely and then from drain charged it to 100% without removing power at any time.

I've just streamed an hours worth of live TV and 1/2 hour later battery is showing 96%. Result!
I'm still having a lot of Phantom use. Yesterday I was home on WiFi all day and according to the ATT web site I used 6 MB of data!
Battery performance was terrible immediately following 5.1 update, but at the suggestion of someone here on the forum I did a hard reset and seems greatly improved.
Mine is still atrocious.

With 6% left my usage counter says I've got 6 hours 13 minutes of usage and 21 hours 55 minutes of standby. It sucks, but it's a bit better. Still wholly disappointing.
My 32GB iPhone 4 seems to have improved battery life so far, but ONLY after letting it completely drain out and turn off automatically, then leave it charging overnight.

Usually when I wake up I check social networking, emails, calendar, send a few SMS', check a few websites, then go ahead with my daily routine and by the time I get to work about 2 hours later its usually around 80-85%, this morning I got to work and its at 97%
My 32GB iPhone 4 seems to have improved battery life so far, but ONLY after letting it completely drain out and turn off automatically, then leave it charging overnight.

Usually when I wake up I check social networking, emails, calendar, send a few SMS', check a few websites, then go ahead with my daily routine and by the time I get to work about 2 hours later its usually around 80-85%, this morning I got to work and its at 97%

I'm going to try that meow and report back in when I get results.
It has improved slightly for me, but nothing that is noticeable on my 4S. Standby time is the main one. I only lost 2% overnight, when I would lose easily 15-20% before on 5.0.1. I think that's commendable.
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