I'm not trying to troll or anything, but I noticed a MASSIVE improvement in my battery life. On 5.0.1, my battery would drain 1 percent around every 3~5 minutes. Now with a "restore and update", I'm getting around 7+ minutes per percent.
When sleeping:
iOS 5.0.1: 100% to 86%
iOS 5.1: 100% to 96%
Daily use:
iOS 5.0.1: 100% to 20-30%
iOS 5.1: 100% to 50%-60%
When sleeping:
iOS 5.0.1: 100% to 86%
iOS 5.1: 100% to 96%
Here is mine with 5.1. I restored, updated then reset settings (which icloud has saved) to default and my battery life is amazing.
What exact steps did you take to do this please? I use iCloud backup on my 4S/iPad (the iPad battery is fantastic but my 4S since update 5.1 is absolutely shocking). If you manage to get a few mins extra per % I could really do with that!
After a restore from iCloud go to settings -> general -> Reset -> and reset all settings. And then dont touch the settings you dont absolutely NEED to adjust (especially screen brightness)