If I rip DVDs to my Mac through Handbrake, would the movies have 5.1 surround if I streamed them through the AppleTV or would it just be stereo?
No way. I have the older atv, and there' s no way I'd give up the ability to buy and immediately watch movies. I like the tv rentals, but why on earth did they get rid of purchases? My kids likes to watch shows over and over, and I like to own some movies vs. renting. Sure, I can buy it on my computer and stream it, but then I have to wait an hour for the stupid thing to download before it's ready to view. With the old ATV it's ready right away.
Why didn't they just leave the option to purchase if you have the new atv sync'd to a computer. Would have had the best of both worlds then. Here's hoping they add that in an update.
Not right now, steaming only is a pain in the ass imo. Although I saw a USB port so if I have an external HDD with iTunes purchases on that I can play back then I'd consider (I prefer purchase to renting).Are you buying a new Apple TV?
Why didn't they just leave the option to purchase if you have the new atv sync'd to a computer. Would have had the best of both worlds then. Here's hoping they add that in an update.
I agree totally. I'll rent some, but I like to buy also. They should allow you to buy on Appletv and stream the download over to your computer or just come out with hard drive models also. They could just open up the usb port and we'd all be happy.
And FWIW, giving one of the new Apple TVs write permissions on a computer or cell phone to save purchased content opens up a can of security worms that I would prefer to keep a lid on. Buy the content on the device that has the ability to store it, then stream it from there (or wherever you decided to park it).
I voted no, because my parents will buy me one for Christmas, only and sole condition to come back for christmas time
Old AppleTV transfers purchases made on the AppleTV over to your computer now. So I don't see how that could be a problem. The problem with buying content on another device is you have to wait for it to download entirely before you can watch it on the AppleTV. Old AppleTV can watch content moments after you purchase said content on the AppleTV.
Does it do it at the point of purchase, or later as part of a synchronization initiated by the user from the computer? I can't say I've ever purchased any content directly from my Apple TV - I do it from a computer.
It does it as part of automatic synchronization, usually directly after watching the content. There is no way to stop it, that I know of, unless you delete the content off the AppleTV before it syncs. Once it syncs, the delete option goes away.
Old AppleTV transfers purchases made on the AppleTV over to your computer now. So I don't see how that could be a problem. The problem with buying content on another device is you have to wait for it to download entirely before you can watch it on the AppleTV. Old AppleTV can watch content moments after you purchase said content on the AppleTV.
However, I had problems in which I would get double downloads. The content would download to the Apple TV, only to find that it was also trying to download to my iMac later, before it had a chance to sync with my Apple TV. It was a bug I wish Apple would've fixed. (Maybe they can still put out a final point release.)
I've got the old Apple TV and 95% of the time it's just used for Air Tunes. I'm looking for a better video streamer but the new Apple TV doesn't impress.
I'm on the fence. Doubt usually means don't but at $99 it sure is tempting (especially when ios 4.2 is launched).