It does have a few bugs, but even with that, iOS 13 and iPadOS are my most favorite iOS updates in a long time - maybe even of all time. iPadOS is the best thing that happened to iPads, perhaps since iPad. But I’m also surprised how much I like it on the phone as well. Dark Mode looks really nice on iPhones, nicer than it seemed on photos. Also, I love how the new 3D/Haptic touch looks now. Not only that, but the new, sharper sound that goes along the haptics is even nicer. I’m sad that 3D touch tech is going away, but we’re getting it on iPads too, which is great. And there are more haptics all around, so I’m happy - the taptic engine is one of the best features of iPhones and it’s not talked about that much.
With that said - I wish the long press supported widgets on iPad (like on iPhone). No idea why it’s not there. Also, I really wish there was the same clicky sound on iPads as well, even without the haptic vibration.
Anyway, love iOS 13 and iPadOS. Visually, I feel it’s the best and most mature version since iOS 7 and feature-wise, it’s just great. The major features are just great, and there are so many little things (like, Bedtime now visible in Alarms, which I just discovered this morning). Apple always does these little improvements that I just love discovering.