Hi all,
I sort of agree with turbineseaplane above...I'm not sure that the problems that I'm experiencing with my 2018 MBP (WiFi disconnects, bluetooth disconnects, KPs, 5K monitor disconnects, SMB-mounted RAID disconnects, SSD file corruptions, etc.) are caused by the Apple ARM T2 processor, but it is curious that all of my 2018 MBPs problem issues are linked to or run by the T2. Thus I worry that a total Apple ARM laptop might have, at least initially, similar troubles with Apple ARM CPUs.
I am currently on essentially my fifth 2018 MBP (third CTO build and second repair job with both repairs replacing the logic board and touch ID board), and all five machines have had exactly the same problems. Over the last decade, I've bought 11 high-end CTO Macs, and the 2018 MBP is the only machine that I've had trouble with, and all 11 of these CTOs ran precise the same codes, compiled the same programs, and typeset the same TeX papers. Right now I have an iMac, a 2016 MBP, a 2015 MBP, and several PCs running Linux that compile and run my codes without any problems. My 2018 MBPs, on the other hand, suffer the errors listed above even on pristine machines (erased SSDs, freshly downloaded macOS from Apple, no other software loaded, no iCloud, no Time Machine backup restores, no personal files transferred to the 2018 MBP, nothing attached to the MBP TB3 ports) without my loading any of my code/files on the machines.
For my own uses, what I really want is reliability and speed. (Since the iMac Pros also use the T2 and the iMac Pros have been having similar problems since their introduction over a year and a half ago, and Apple has not yet fixed the iMac Pros, I won't purchase any Mac that has the T2 ever again until these issues are solved by Apple.)
The above are my own opinions...