download an application called diskaid! it's for windows and mac.. and the good thing is that you don't have to jailbreak your phone since pictures is in the media folder.. as soon as disk aid sees your phone a list of folders is going to pop up.. choose dcim and just drag all the files over.. and their you have it.. all your pictures
Thanks for the suggestions everyone, but I don't think any of them are going to work. I have tried each and I keep coming back to the same problem - it can't access the phone because:
1. phone is brand new and I had it activated at AT&T and it has never interfaced with my laptop
2. It is more than locked, it is "disabled" b/c of too many unsuccessful attempts at unlocking
So the things I have tried today that are not working.
Diskaid says "looking for iPhone Please plug it in" even when it is plugged in (refer to 2)
QUICKPWN would not work b/c in the tutorial on how to use, it says "Before beginning click the Restore button in iTunes to update your iPhone to the 2.2.1 firmware." I have no Restore button that I can find (refer to 1??)
Based on all the suggestions here and elsewhere, I don't think I am able to salvage my photos. If anyone who can help, while taking into account the two primary facts that are causing problems
1- my phone has NEVER bee synched with my computer (please save the speeches, I know, I know, I should have done it the day I got it, but I didn't)
2- it is "disabled", not just locked.
Thanks in advance everybody. I have a genius bar appointment again for tomorrow to ask them for help one last time (my hope is that they are able to confirm it is my phone and do some override like they can do on a normal computer, which I was hoping to figure out, or one of the guys will give me info about doing it myself if they are not allowed to help with such a thing, which I still can't seem to figure out when they can do it for actual computers once the verify ownership thru the serial numbers or whatever).
Oh yeah, and I am on Mac, so I will have to wait until my neighbor gets back before I can go through the other suggestions you all had made about trying it with a windows computer, but I am guessing it will still not recognize there is a phone attached b/c of the disabled mode.
Anyway, I am so sad that this is so complicated and that it is very likely my photos are gone forever.
Have a great day all.