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Try diskaid, or iphonebrowser, dunno if it work.

DiskAid Features
DiskAid is a tool (freeware) for PC and Mac which enables to use your iPhone or iPod Touch as external Disk. With DiskAid you can transfer files and folders via USB between your device and your Computer.

Windows based GUI for manipulating files on the iPhone.
I don't know if this is your phone or not. Either way, I don't know how to help you.
I do have some advice for the future--assuming you haven't figured this out already. Make sure you back up your phone on a weekly basis minimum. And when you've taken pictures that are supposedly important, back them up after you've taken them.

Best of luck.
I think the easiest way would to try and remember what you might have set the passcode to. Let me say a few words to try and spark your memory:

Phone number
The price of a large pizza at Dominoes
Maybe you spelled something using the little letters below the numbers?

Hope you get your photos back.
Thanks for the suggestion.

Yes, you were absolutely right. I did reset it to spell something, but I only remembered it AFTER I had locked the phone down by trying all the birthdays and street numbers that I normally had used, which is where I am now.

Anyway, I have no interest in getting anything off of the phone but my pix, but it seems that in order to do so I have do "break into" it. I did some other google searches for photo recovery just now and it said something similar to what you said about looking for recovering data instead because if I try to get into my phone through the ways suggested here, it will likely erase the photos in the process.

The biggest issue now is that my laptop does not even have the iPhone software. I thought I could go to the apple site and download it but it seems that you have to do it with the phone plugged in and since I had it activated at AT&T and never plugged it into the laptop before and now it is disabled, I can't download it. What a mess. Anyway, I am on another couple sites too right now and some people seem to have some ideas that I might need to try.

This might not make sense, but to me, a non-techie I would think that the Apple store should somehow be able to get into my phone and retrieve my files like they can do with a computer? Maybe I am not asking the question right or have not made myself clear when there. I know when I have gone to the genius bar in the past and had work done I have heard other customers with laptops that will not start and they verify the person is the owner and then get them fixed up. Why would this be different? Am I missing something? They can easily verify who a person is and if the serial number matches on a computer, so isn't there something like that with the phone? Maybe not and that why people are assuming I have a stolen phone. Is that it??
If you've given up and are ready to call it quits just plug the phone in, put it in recovery mode (you can google that) and let iTunes restore it.

Note that in your case you have to put it in recovery mode.
Recovery mode

It looks like unless I had synched it once before or downloaded the iPhoto software before the phone was disabled it is impossible to even do a recovery because I don't have the software. I am setting another Genius Bar appointment for Monday to go see if they can do the thing about verifying me and then fixing it. I guess I may have been asking them for help the wrong way. At the very least, they should be able to help me get the software loaded on my laptop so I can mess with it before giving up.
It looks like unless I had synched it once before or downloaded the iPhoto software before the phone was disabled it is impossible to even do a recovery because I don't have the software. I am setting another Genius Bar appointment for Monday to go see if they can do the thing about verifying me and then fixing it. I guess I may have been asking them for help the wrong way. At the very least, they should be able to help me get the software loaded on my laptop so I can mess with it before giving up.

Just download iTunes. There's no special iPhone software, unless you're talking about firmware. If that's the case then you just have to put the phone in recovery mode to get the firmware.

Recovery mode
I've had nights myself (being a photographer also) that my minds split into 3 or 4 different directions anyways as it is. Now couple that with the fact/fear that my account was compromised I'm thinking ohh **** change the passwords QUICK. So now we run into the problem of what emotional and mental/physical state was she in (sounds like she was tired) so after changing all the passwords on everything & really lets not forget the iPhone either (just because its a phone doesnt mean it cant be compromised). We now fastforward to when she gets up unless she wrote down those passwords or they're easy to remember (something short n simply or something that just "clicks" with the person) she could of forgotten the password to her phone. Granted its only 4 digits anyways but I'd think long and hard and try to visually remember what I hit on the keypad as a code. I think the most logical thing when blanking out on a password especially to a phone is to ask is if theres a way to bypass the code screen as opposed to asking about merely getting pictures off without the code.

Is that to say we should all trust her and hand out advice? nope not at all but her story/situation is more believable then some random teenager getting a new phone from a friend that had the password on it and now his friend moved away recently and if theres any way to get rid of the password screen and just use the phone.

I also talked about passwords that "click" with that person I had a guy recite numbers to me in the form of 101460, seems easy to remember but it wasnt till he said it as 10 14 60 that it "clicked" with me as I had an almost impossible time entering it in one digit at a time 1 0 1 4 6 0.
Yes, you were absolutely right. I did reset it to spell something, but I only remembered it AFTER I had locked the phone down by trying all the birthdays and street numbers that I normally had used, which is where I am now.

Anyway, I have no interest in getting anything off of the phone but my pix, but it seems that in order to do so I have do "break into" it. I did some other google searches for photo recovery just now and it said something similar to what you said about looking for recovering data instead because if I try to get into my phone through the ways suggested here, it will likely erase the photos in the process.

The biggest issue now is that my laptop does not even have the iPhone software. I thought I could go to the apple site and download it but it seems that you have to do it with the phone plugged in and since I had it activated at AT&T and never plugged it into the laptop before and now it is disabled, I can't download it. What a mess. Anyway, I am on another couple sites too right now and some people seem to have some ideas that I might need to try.

This might not make sense, but to me, a non-techie I would think that the Apple store should somehow be able to get into my phone and retrieve my files like they can do with a computer? Maybe I am not asking the question right or have not made myself clear when there. I know when I have gone to the genius bar in the past and had work done I have heard other customers with laptops that will not start and they verify the person is the owner and then get them fixed up. Why would this be different? Am I missing something? They can easily verify who a person is and if the serial number matches on a computer, so isn't there something like that with the phone? Maybe not and that why people are assuming I have a stolen phone. Is that it??

As people have said its merely downloading iTunes as that has "software" to talk to the iPhone. The only sad part about this is that I'm not sure what would happen next if it will ask to wipe the phone and start all over thus linking it with your laptop. Possibly for future reference being able to unlock the phone simply by using iTunes and your laptop again. I'd suggest trying to download iTunes 8.1 and seeing what it says after connecting. If it asks to restore the phone there IS a 100% chance your photos will be deleted but you'll get your phone back to working order. I think you hit a real snag when it asked you to hook it up to iTunes and not give you any more chances to muck around with it. You COULD also try that QuickPwn software as I think that'd kick the phone out of asking to be connected to iTunes but like I said if iTunes asks to restore your phone then kiss your photos bye bye.

Hope ya get your photo's off safe and sound though cos I can relate to loosing em especially if its from a trip.
There are 10 000 passcodes, but surely you didn't just pick one randomly. Did you spell something out? Date? Part of an old phone number or address? Surely you can try to think of some likely candidates. Man. Bummer situation.
I think the reason people think your story is dubious is because you claim to be a photographer using an iPhone -- which has the crappiest camera in the world -- to take very important photos for an art project??

Hard to believe.

However, your options are few at this point. So, just reset the iPhone and chalk it up to a lesson learned. Then go re-take the photos with a real camera. You don't seem too concerned about losing any of the other data on the iPhone anyway.
OMG you're a psychic.

I've had nights myself (being a photographer also) that my minds split into 3 or 4 different directions anyways as it is. Now couple that with the fact/fear that my account was compromised I'm thinking ohh **** change the passwords QUICK. So now we run into the problem of what emotional and mental/physical state was she in (sounds like she was tired) so after changing all the passwords on everything & really lets not forget the iPhone either (just because its a phone doesnt mean it cant be compromised). We now fastforward to when she gets up unless she wrote down those passwords or they're easy to remember (something short n simply or something that just "clicks" with the person) she could of forgotten the password to her phone. Granted its only 4 digits anyways but I'd think long and hard and try to visually remember what I hit on the keypad as a code. I think the most logical thing when blanking out on a password especially to a phone is to ask is if theres a way to bypass the code screen as opposed to asking about merely getting pictures off without the code.

Is that to say we should all trust her and hand out advice? nope not at all but her story/situation is more believable then some random teenager getting a new phone from a friend that had the password on it and now his friend moved away recently and if theres any way to get rid of the password screen and just use the phone.

I also talked about passwords that "click" with that person I had a guy recite numbers to me in the form of 101460, seems easy to remember but it wasnt till he said it as 10 14 60 that it "clicked" with me as I had an almost impossible time entering it in one digit at a time 1 0 1 4 6 0.

Yeah, I had the phone only 2 days before I went on my trip and I am kind of lax when it comes to back-up anyway. So I get back and had some issues with my computer at home and was lazy and did not call the internet provider immediately, so by the time I go around to it and they told me that it was likely I had been hacked, I was beside myself. My mom had her identity stolen last year because of some hack into where she works (they got into HR and the Payroll system and had the info of all the employees). She has been dealing with that and that was all I could think about. Then every person is giving me advice and I was in a panic because all my banking info is on the laptop and so are all my other personal stuff that is really important, like addresses, photos, friend's info, passwords to websites, etc. Anyway, I was up until late checking all the sites that I normally visit and logging in and changing my info. I went to bed but then got up and changed my phone password because it was the same as a couple of my other passwords and for some reason I thought it was at risk, but in hindsight, there was no need to have done it b/c as long as it was still in my possession it was safe. Anyway, the next day I went to make a call and when it asked for my password I put in the old one and then thought I must have hit the wrong number and tried again, then did that a couple more time until I remembered I did change it....but what to? I normally keep all my passwords in the keychain on my computer but I did not want to take the time to log back in to put it in there the night before. Anyway, I called a friend and she said to just keep guessing, but I did not realize my phone had a lockout feature activated when it was set up at AT&T. I am sure the gal told me but I must not have really made a mental not of it because the next thing I know it says the phone is disabled. Anyway, that is where I am now. I know what I changed it to but it's too late now. Anyway, I am happy to see that someone else realizes it is human to forget things.
I am an artist (painter) not a photographer!

I think the reason people think your story is dubious is because you claim to be a photographer using an iPhone -- which has the crappiest camera in the world -- to take very important photos for an art project??

Hard to believe.

However, your options are few at this point. So, just reset the iPhone and chalk it up to a lesson learned. Then go re-take the photos with a real camera. You don't seem too concerned about losing any of the other data on the iPhone anyway.

Yeah, I guess I can see that, but I am not a photographer, but rather a painter. I was getting the photos to use for a project I am doing and the only reason I did not use a better camera is because it was a risky endeavor taking photos in the snow. I had bought the hard clear plastic cover for the phone which was much less likely to get messed up that dragging out a good camera. Anyhow, I have no interest in any of my other data because i never loaded any music on it or anything else, so the only thing on it was the contact address book from my old phone and these pix.

I am going to go to Apple on Monday to see if they can somehow help, as from everything I have read you are probably right that all my info will be gone if I do a reset.
There are 10 000 passcodes, but surely you didn't just pick one randomly. Did you spell something out? Date? Part of an old phone number or address? Surely you can try to think of some likely candidates. Man. Bummer situation.

yeah I know the password now, but it is too late.
They're just reference photos for a snowboard painting (or something like that) you really don't need a high quality picture to be a reference image and the OP didn't want to take a good camera to the mountain for fear of it breaking. FFS read the thread!

Exactly. The store wants the mural to look like a collaged compilation of images they have in their minds, but it is not easy to do when you are not into the sport. They liked my sketches, which is how I landed the gig, but I need to plug in some realism and proper lighting angles on the snow and people/equipment, etc. You are right though, the pix would work perfectly and that is why I really want to get them. I spent a lot of money and time to go up and stay there when they had a bunch of snow and there were a lot of people on the slopes and trails. Now it is not as good I am sure since it has not snowed again. Plus, the bottom line is, I can't afford a second trip.
Did you try hooking it up to a Windows machine, like someone mentioned upthread? Windows will say it found a new hardware, and if it asks for permission to install drivers for it, say "yes." It may ask several times, just keep clicking yes. When it's done, the iPhone should show up as a camera in My Computer, then you can open it like it was an external hard drive, and drill down through the folders until you get to your pics, and copy them off. Hopefully, this still works even though your iPhone is disabled.
Uh, you can sync the phone with iTunes without entering your passcode, if thats what you are talking about. Then you could get the photos off of it without a problem. Otherwise, I don't understand your story.
Lol I just read this whole thread. Kind of amusing that no one has given any steps. In order to retrieve your pics, you need to first jailbreak your iPhone. Google "quickpwn" and download that program. Then, run it and it will tell you how to put your iPhone in DFU restore mode (don't worry, all your information WILL be saved, I did this too and everything was fine).

Refer to this topic on how to jailbreak with quickpwn (quickpwn is a free and safe download, and fully legal as far as license and copyright it's freeware meaning it's made to be free):

Ok, now once you have jailbroken your iphone... your phone will probably be locked, but that's ok! because with a jailbroken iphone you can access the actual files with a program called "iPhoneBrowser".

Here is a link to iPhoneBrowser download on Google:

Just run this program and you should see a bunch of files and folders... follow this file path and you should find all your images!

Ok, now once you have jailbroken your iphone... your phone will probably be locked, but that's ok! because with a jailbroken iphone you can access the actual files with a program called "iPhoneBrowser"


Actually, jailbreaking isn't required to use iPhoneBrowser to access the Media directory. When you run iPhoneBrowser and attach an unjailbroken iPhone, the Media directory shows up.

But then, like I said, Windows treats the Media/DCIM directory on an unjailbroken iPhone like an external hard drive, so I don't think there's any need to jaibreak an iPhone or even install any other program just to copy pictures off your iPhone.

That is, unless the iPhone being "disabled" also prevents Windows from seeing the Media/DCIM directory.
it's possible!

download an application called diskaid! it's for windows and mac.. and the good thing is that you don't have to jailbreak your phone since pictures is in the media folder.. as soon as disk aid sees your phone a list of folders is going to pop up.. choose dcim and just drag all the files over.. and their you have it.. all your pictures
download an application called diskaid! it's for windows and mac.. and the good thing is that you don't have to jailbreak your phone since pictures is in the media folder.. as soon as disk aid sees your phone a list of folders is going to pop up.. choose dcim and just drag all the files over.. and their you have it.. all your pictures

Thanks for the suggestions everyone, but I don't think any of them are going to work. I have tried each and I keep coming back to the same problem - it can't access the phone because:
1. phone is brand new and I had it activated at AT&T and it has never interfaced with my laptop
2. It is more than locked, it is "disabled" b/c of too many unsuccessful attempts at unlocking

So the things I have tried today that are not working.

Diskaid says "looking for iPhone Please plug it in" even when it is plugged in (refer to 2)

QUICKPWN would not work b/c in the tutorial on how to use, it says "Before beginning click the Restore button in iTunes to update your iPhone to the 2.2.1 firmware." I have no Restore button that I can find (refer to 1??)

Based on all the suggestions here and elsewhere, I don't think I am able to salvage my photos. If anyone who can help, while taking into account the two primary facts that are causing problems
1- my phone has NEVER bee synched with my computer (please save the speeches, I know, I know, I should have done it the day I got it, but I didn't)
2- it is "disabled", not just locked.

Thanks in advance everybody. I have a genius bar appointment again for tomorrow to ask them for help one last time (my hope is that they are able to confirm it is my phone and do some override like they can do on a normal computer, which I was hoping to figure out, or one of the guys will give me info about doing it myself if they are not allowed to help with such a thing, which I still can't seem to figure out when they can do it for actual computers once the verify ownership thru the serial numbers or whatever).

Oh yeah, and I am on Mac, so I will have to wait until my neighbor gets back before I can go through the other suggestions you all had made about trying it with a windows computer, but I am guessing it will still not recognize there is a phone attached b/c of the disabled mode.

Anyway, I am so sad that this is so complicated and that it is very likely my photos are gone forever.

Have a great day all.

Thanks for the suggestions everyone, but I don't think any of them are going to work. I have tried each and I keep coming back to the same problem - it can't access the phone because:
1. phone is brand new and I had it activated at AT&T and it has never interfaced with my laptop
2. It is more than locked, it is "disabled" b/c of too many unsuccessful attempts at unlocking

So the things I have tried today that are not working.

Diskaid says "looking for iPhone Please plug it in" even when it is plugged in (refer to 2)

QUICKPWN would not work b/c in the tutorial on how to use, it says "Before beginning click the Restore button in iTunes to update your iPhone to the 2.2.1 firmware." I have no Restore button that I can find (refer to 1??)

Based on all the suggestions here and elsewhere, I don't think I am able to salvage my photos. If anyone who can help, while taking into account the two primary facts that are causing problems
1- my phone has NEVER bee synched with my computer (please save the speeches, I know, I know, I should have done it the day I got it, but I didn't)
2- it is "disabled", not just locked.

Thanks in advance everybody. I have a genius bar appointment again for tomorrow to ask them for help one last time (my hope is that they are able to confirm it is my phone and do some override like they can do on a normal computer, which I was hoping to figure out, or one of the guys will give me info about doing it myself if they are not allowed to help with such a thing, which I still can't seem to figure out when they can do it for actual computers once the verify ownership thru the serial numbers or whatever).

Oh yeah, and I am on Mac, so I will have to wait until my neighbor gets back before I can go through the other suggestions you all had made about trying it with a windows computer, but I am guessing it will still not recognize there is a phone attached b/c of the disabled mode.

Anyway, I am so sad that this is so complicated and that it is very likely my photos are gone forever.

Have a great day all.


There is a restore button if you would put the phone in DFU mode or recovery mode...
QUICKPWN would not work b/c in the tutorial on how to use, it says "Before beginning click the Restore button in iTunes to update your iPhone to the 2.2.1 firmware." I have no Restore button that I can find (refer to 1??)

Since your iPhone is brand new, it likely already has 2.2.1 firmware. I believe you can safely skip that step and start from the next step.
I appreciate the info. Yes, you mentioned what I have done and they did verify me at both the AT&T store and at Apple. The only thing is that they tell me if I had not synched it (or whatever the term is) with my laptop then the only place my info is located is inside the phone and it will be lost if I do a reset. I am only interested in getting the photos back and that seems to be where the help with unlocking or resetting defeats my purpose. If I have never synched it or backed it up or however it is done, then it is my understanding that this will all be gone. God I wish I knew of someone who had recovered photos with this process, but I am almost sure nobody was dumb enough to just start using the phone without ever backing it up. This was my first iPhone so I was under the impression it was like my old phone where everything was on my sim card, but that is obviously not the case.

You didn't follow the steps I outlined. You upgraded itunes.

I mentioned a firmware update.

Please look at the hackintosh thread I mentioned.

What you want is to somehow get the files/photos off the iphone.

So, the firmware together with quickpwn will get the files onto you computer.
These files will not be readable by your computer, but once they are on there you now have a back up, something you did not have before.

Make another copy of them just in case.

Once you copied the files you can star anew with the iphone. Just don't start from the old back up that has the lock in it.

Again, read and follow the instructions on hackintosh.

It looks like the best way.

If that all works synch your iphone with a computer
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