Sounds like it's very broken. Some of the other commenters on thus thread have noted what you've said here since 2019, so it doesn't look like there's a good fix coming any time soon.I've finally thrown in the towel and abandoned Linux because of one dealbreaker: there is literally no way whatsoever to color manage the entire desktop and clamp display colors to sRGB range. It's app-specific only. That means on any recent wide gamut laptop display without any OSD controls (which are most new laptops), colors on Linux will permanently look like over-vibrant radioactive atomic vomit instead of the calm subdued regular color that is intended.
Gnome supports ICC profiles that affect the gamma and color temperature of the whole display, but it does not clamp the color space. KDE same thing. I've literally tried everything, from going back to compiz plugins (broken and no longer developed), to something call novideo_srgb (nvidia direct connection only, no go on optimus). What I finally succeeded on is creating a 3D LUT from my display's ICC profile and using that with vkBasalt, a kind of ReShade for Linux, which miraculously worked after ages of research, but it only works with Vulkan games, like Steam. Full desktop is a no go.
This sucks and I can't even look at my internal display while using Linux. This is one area macOS gets right, they always care about details like this. Windows also doesn't manage colorspace at the OS level, but OEMs all step in with solutions like Asus GameVisual and Dell PremierColor to correct this oversight. With Windows 11 being pretty modernized and elegant like Gnome 40, I'm making the switch until Linux get its act together with color. I hear whispers of next year perhaps.
Intel Developer Working On Adding HDR Display Support To Wayland / Weston - Phoronix Forums
Phoronix: Intel Developer Working On Adding HDR Display Support To Wayland / Weston While the Linux desktop's display stack has largely reached parity with Windows and macOS in recent years (most recently, the DRM core properties hitting Linux 5.0 around Adaptive-Sync / VRR), but one of the...