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macrumors G4
Original poster
May's assignment is Water. The idea is that members will go out and try to find their own way of interpreting the monthly theme thus improving their photographic eye. Posting is open to all MR members, and encouraged. (edited from ChipNoVoMac's summary on what assignments should be about)

You must have taken the picture yourself between 6 and 31 May. If you took a picture that fits the assignment but was taken earlier, then post it in the Gallery: Water thread instead.

Anyone can enter from those with (D)SLRs from P&S to cameraphones although they should be pictures that you think are good rather than just snapshots. The goal is not to 'win' but to share the enjoyment of taking pictures and learn from others.

Some basic rules on commenting (basically be nice!) are listed. Changes to the rules should be discussed there just as remarks about the topic(s) chosen should be kept in the poll thread. Let's keep this thread just pictures and comments if possible

Post your pictures in this thread by the end of May with a title and we'll start commenting (make sure you title your comment referencing the pic you are commenting on)


macrumors regular
Apr 1, 2006
Austin, Texas
here is mine, taken at the creek near my apartment


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Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
snap58 said:
One from a rainy day

Not sure if this is allowed, so forgive me. I like the concept. And IMO if fits the theme. But the crop is too broad to make it work IMO. I took the liberty to do a very quick crops as to how I might have worked this image for the assignment.

Hope you don't mind. :)


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macrumors 6502
Jan 29, 2006
somewhere in kansas
Chip NoVaMac said:
Not sure if this is allowed, so forgive me. I like the concept. And IMO if fits the theme. But the crop is too broad to make it work IMO. I took the liberty to do a very quick crops as to how I might have worked this image for the assignment.

Hope you don't mind. :)

Not at all. I appreciate the feedback, especially from the more experienced photographers. The crop most certainly does a better job of exposing the water droplets better than the original. Overall though it tends to crowd it a bit, and to me not nearly as relaxed as the wide version. I try to limit cropping whenever possible, but don't mind in the least if you have any cropping or other suggestions on any photos I may post.

This is another droplet photo, (theme wise even more subtle than the last), so I went ahead and cropped out one of the water drops. : )

Thanks again for your input,


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Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
snap58 said:
Not at all. I appreciate the feedback, especially from the more experienced photographers. The crop most certainly does a better job of exposing the water droplets better than the original. Overall though it tends to crowd it a bit, and to me not nearly as relaxed as the wide version. I try to limit cropping whenever possible, but don't mind in the least if you have any cropping or other suggestions on any photos I may post.

This is another droplet photo, (theme wise even more subtle than the last), so I went ahead and cropped out one of the water drops. : )

Thanks again for your input,

I really like these two new images. Some may see it as a stretch, but that is their problem. :)

I wish I had the desire to take the time that these type of images require. I am more of the shoot and run type of photographer. :)


macrumors newbie
Oct 31, 2005
Chip NoVaMac said:
A great shot. Would you care to share the details on this one?

I raised the contrast a little and cropped it.

Canon 20D
ISO: 400
Length: 75mm
Aperture: F/3.5
Shutter Speed: 1/125 sec


macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2006
Lovely pictures all,
I especially enjoy the duck and the last leaf :)

Im having some troubles finding a subject. I really want to do somthing different, not just a stream or water droplets*(nothing wrong with them I just want somthing more me).

Hmm, I guess Ill have to keep looking.


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2006
London, UK
I went on a short break to Sylt (an island off the north-west coast of Germany) Monday & Tuesday. Fantastic beaches and some beautiful sunsets. These are a couple of my water shots for this months assignment from that trip.
The first two I have cropped, saturated and adjust WB a bit.
The last one I unsharp masked the footprints to make them pop and cropped a bit.

Let me know what you think. Any constructive criticism is welcome as I am most definitely still learning.


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