Well my MP7,1 is doing a 'milk run' around the USA. Not sure if it's taking short flights or traveling by land ? With the various transition locations I hope it isn't being shuffled around too much. At this time it is heading east and in the wrong direction.

If it's indeed a 'milk run' then maybe the truck/plane is dropping off multiple MP7,1 to customers around the USA. I'm hoping that later today it will start heading west toward my location just north of Seattle. No matter, my MP7,1 is clocking up some serious 'frequent flying/driving miles'.

Label created - Thursday Jan 30th 10:42 PM - Ready for UPS
Shipped - Friday Jan 31st 6:12 PM - Round Rock, TX
Departure scan - Friday Jan 31st 11:24 PM Round Rock, TX
Arrival scan - Saturday Feb 1st 3:48 AM - DFW Airport, TX
Departure scan - Saturday Feb 1st 9:44 PM - DFW Airport, TX
Arrival scan - In transit - Sunday Feb 2nd 12:56 PM - Louisville, KY
Delivery estimated - Tuesday Feb 4th 1:15 PM - 5:15 PM (some 22 miles north of Seattle, USA)