My test results on my 6 AT&T
Wifi: 37.82 42.21 23
LTE: 16.79 5.57 46
This is with full Wifi and 3 bars with LTE
I got consistently better LTE speeds on my old iPhone 5 on AT&T. WTF
I'm not sure where to even start with looking into this. The thought if calling att to discuss makes my head hurt.
I got LTE speeds over 50mb down TWO years ago on my iPhone 5. This new phone should be screaming fast.
Those of you having data speed issues with your 6, who still have your 5 or 5s, try moving your SIM card to the old phone and running a few speedtests to see if definitely the iPhone 6 or not.
I thought my 6 was giving me crappy performance compared to the 5, but then I pulled out my iPad Air (also on AT&T) and did a speedtest and the performance was crappy there too. So it may just be a general AT&T problem.
Those of you having data speed issues with your 6, who still have your 5 or 5s, try moving your SIM card to the old phone and running a few speedtests to see if definitely the iPhone 6 or not.
I thought my 6 was giving me crappy performance compared to the 5, but then I pulled out my iPad Air (also on AT&T) and did a speedtest and the performance was crappy there too. So it may just be a general AT&T problem.
So I have an iPhone 6 and noticed my LTE speeds were slow. I ran a few speed tests with 3 LTE bars and they were between 5-7Mbps. I popped my SIM out of my iPhone 6 and put it in my old iPhone 5 and immediately got 22Mbps. I did a few more tests and they were between 20-30Mbps on the iPhone 5. Today I did some more tests around town and had the same results. I have not seen over 10Mbps with 5 LTE bars with my iPhone 6.
Okay so I ran some tests. Same SIM card, same iOS version (8.1 beta 2), same location. Both phones had 5 bars. The speed results were fairly consistent. The iPhone 6 not only won, but completely annihilated the 5.
Interpret as you will; I think the cel radio in the 6 is fine.
I have AT&T here in the St. Pete/Clearwater area of Tampa Bay and had slow LTE on my 6+. On my i5 I was getting 13-15Mbps down, but with the 6+ I got half that if not less.
I called AT&T and asked the rep to reprovision my data plan. I have one phone line period, so I shut my phone off for 2-3 minutes and the rep called me back. After the reprovision data speeds on my 6+ are back to 15+ Mbps down.
AT&T LTE here in Tampa Bay just kinda sucks, but the rep did inform me that he saw my phone was using a hybrid of 4G/LTE, which he modified to LTE-only. Whatever he did, it helped some. LTE is bearable if it's the only data connection I can get, but not what I hope for or expect from AT&T especially compared to other areas of the country. Thankfully I get 40+ Mpbs on wifi, so I only use LTE when I'm outta the house.
Ahoy matey, nice to finally have some Fall weather huh?!Hello from a fellow Tampanian!I asked AT&t to re-provision mine as well, but still getting slow speeds. Sometime's I can get it to spike around 20Mbps but it is a rareity. I didn't know they can switch it to just LTE?
Ahoy matey, nice to finally have some Fall weather huh?!
I too have a spike close to 20 Mbps, but it's as rare as a Buccaneers victory
What the rep explained is that the phone will switch from LTE to 4G when LTE is not available. It "should" handoff or transition completely from one to the other, but some times it gets hung up from 4G to LTE, and on the carrier end they'll see a hybrid 4G/LTE data combo.
I was in St. Louis this summer for a few days and was shocked at how fast the AT&T LTE was there. For one of the largest metro areas in FL, I figured we'd get better speeds, but I figured wrong![]()
Using identical phones, side by side testing eliminates the phones.
Done at the beginning of my billing cycle, no throttling due to consumption.
I'm paying for the 30 GB plan since I travel extensively.
AT&T averages
4.2 Mbps download / 3.6 Mbps upload
T-Mobile averages
12.2 Mbps down / 15.0 Mbps up