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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 26, 2006
Did anyone try Battlefield 2 on a 24" iMac? or CoD 2? How do these games run on this machine?
ive played call of duty 2 on the 24inch imac with all the eye candy on at full res and it played very smooth! the imac has a 7600gt 256mb gfx, 2gigs ram and the 2.16ghz core 2. Haven tried any other games yet. Only had the imac for a week now so haven had time to play much games on it, and its my first mac along with my MBP :D
nice to hear some good experiences... do you think 1 GB RAM less would make a difference?
I guess the video card might compensate for the 1Gb RAM, but i remember when I used to play BF2 on the PC a lot, I was surprised to see people recommending 2Gb RAM for it. Not sure if that's been alleviated with patches or not.

Actually, scratch that. I'm forgetting about the Core Duo chip, I'm sure it'll run fine.
well I have too played cod2 on my imac and well, it runs fine, no more, no less, on 1280 resolution it has about 35 fps which is not really fast, but playable... quake 3 on the other hand runs in 1600x1200 with maxfps set to 125 and doesn't even blink ;) then again, the game is 7 years old =)
to answer your question about the hd resolution, it will definately not run, crawl maybe, but never run, I tried it, anything above 1280 becomes unplayable, so I'd rather stick with a lower resolution with more fps than otherwise, but then again, that's your choice.
ve played call of duty 2 on the 24inch imac with all the eye candy on at full res and it played very smooth! the imac has a 7600gt 256mb gfx, 2gigs ram and the 2.16ghz core 2. Haven tried any other games yet.
I have exactly the same config, and I really don't see where you got it running at full res with all the eye candy....sorry ;)
the 24' imac is by no means a gaming machine, it runs most games fine, but when vista and directx10 come out, it will probably be obsolete, unless of course apple offers a gfx upgrade.
It would be nice if someone install the Battlefield 2 on its iMac 24" to see how well the game will run.

Battlefield 2 is a very demanding game, more than CoD2, so I think that it'll only run decently on iMac at a 1024 resolution. Above that it'll be unplayable... but this is just a guess.
ony 24" iMac with 1gig ram, 2.16, and 7600GT i ran Call of Duty 2 at 1920x1200 with everything turned up, and it ran beautifully. I tried installing the BF2142 demo however and i get some directx error. Anyone else have this problem?
sokrates said:
I have exactly the same config, and I really don't see where you got it running at full res with all the eye candy....sorry ;)
the 24' imac is by no means a gaming machine, it runs most games fine, but when vista and directx10 come out, it will probably be obsolete, unless of course apple offers a gfx upgrade.

Well i have had it run at full res with all the eye candy.... i wouldn have said it otherwise. And your right its by no means a gaming machine but it doesn't do a half bad job :)
Konradx said:
ony 24" iMac with 1gig ram, 2.16, and 7600GT i ran Call of Duty 2 at 1920x1200 with everything turned up, and it ran beautifully. I tried installing the BF2142 demo however and i get some directx error. Anyone else have this problem?

can you please try the battlefield 2 demo? you'll help me a lot!
you guys say that cod2 runs beautifully in 1920 so is it just me who needs more than 10 fps or what the hell am I doing wrong? :D can you enable the fps (I think its cg_drawfps 1 in console) and tell me how much you get there? also have you made any modifications to the graphic card's config for example with nvtune? because when I overclocked it, it was of course better, still light years away from beeing smooth in 1920x1200
there was one console command in quake 3 which like trippled your fps, it had to do with the sound was a s_something command, doesn't seem to exist in cod 2 though, any ideas?

oh and JGamer, I might do you the favor and install bf2 tomorrow, gotta go to bed now =)
Konradx said:
ony 24" iMac with 1gig ram, 2.16, and 7600GT i ran Call of Duty 2 at 1920x1200 with everything turned up, and it ran beautifully. I tried installing the BF2142 demo however and i get some directx error. Anyone else have this problem?

you gotta get the new directx 9c (my friend told me it just came out with an update a month to two ago). I'm gonnna try that a littie bit later for I too have had problems installing bf2142 demo.
bmcgrath said:
ive played call of duty 2 on the 24inch imac with all the eye candy on at full res and it played very smooth!...

could you share with me all the settings youve used? I have the single player demo and it runs decent. My res is most definitely not 1920 x 1200--even 1600 x 1200 it is not smooth at all. I wonder if my iMac is malfunctioning
darrenemo said:
could you share with me all the settings youve used? I have the single player demo and it runs decent. My res is most definitely not 1920 x 1200--even 1600 x 1200 it is not smooth at all. I wonder if my iMac is malfunctioning

like u said, did u try installing directx 9.0 c yet?
wchong said:
like u said, did u try installing directx 9.0 c yet?

yes! i heard its directx 9.0cz (could be wrong though). but yeah, the new direct x patch made battlefield 2142 work--and it is freaking sweet.

runs like a champ too on the 24-- (2.16, 7600gt, 2 gig of ram). i run at 1600 x 1200 and everything on high with no AA. my guess is im getting around 50-70 fps?
well guessing won't really help =)

I just overclocked the hell out of it and managed to get 3400 3dmarks instead of the standard 2960,

overclocked the gpu to 568 instead of 500 and the ram to 711 instead of 600 mhz.... these were the settings nvtool determined to be "ideal",the temperature went up to 64 degrees while 3dmark was running... in cod i got some more frames, pushing it to about 42 fps in average instead of 35 or so.....
still nowhere near "running at 1920x1200"
so, if BF 2142 runs smooth, BF 2 should also run OK? And are you guys running cod 2 with mac os x or windows xp?
JGamer said:
so, if BF 2142 runs smooth, BF 2 should also run OK? And are you guys running cod 2 with mac os x or windows xp?

Yes, BF2142 at 1600 x 1200 runs moderately well (with 'enhanced lighting effects' turned off--HDR lighting). Once i turned that off, it ran so much smoother.

BF2 at 1600 x 1200 with everything on HIGH and no AA runs very playable too, in my opinion (i have relatively high standards, too.)

COD2 on boot camp at 1600 x 1200 will run relatively decent. I can never get that game to look good and play well though, even at 1600 x 1200 i'm just not impressed with the graphics. But it will run at a playable FPS at 1600 x 1200--i don't remember my settings though. I'm assuming AA is off.

BF2142 is a lot of fun, though. check it out.
Very nice! Thank you very much DARRENEMO ! at what resolution are you playing?
JGamer said:
Very nice! Thank you very much DARRENEMO ! at what resolution are you playing?
JGamer said:
saw it, but he plays in widescreen?

not sure what you mean? It is in widescreen, since it's 24 inches (I assume). As far as I know, there's no 'widescreen' option in BF2142. It's set at 1600 x 1200 resolution.
The game can run excellent on the 24" iMac. But please, make sure you have at least 1.5gb of RAM. With all the options on max, the game takes about 1.2gb of RAM under windows, so if you only have 1GB, there will be SERIOUS stuttering and disk thrashing ( I know, I tried). Other than that, the framerates are quite good.
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