JGamer said:You play the game at 1600x1200 but that is not a widscreen resolution?
timesnap said:I am currently downloading crossover which allows for intel macs to play and run windows apps. I will post as soon as i play counter strike source on the performance on my 2ghz 1gb 128mb video MacBook Pro. http://www.codeweavers.com/products/
JGamer said:i just bought the iMac 24" 2 GB 256 7600 GT, i'll let you know how these games play!
timesnap said:I am currently downloading crossover which allows for intel macs to play and run windows apps. I will post as soon as i play counter strike source on the performance on my 2ghz 1gb 128mb video MacBook Pro. http://www.codeweavers.com/products/
sokrates said:how is that possible? what are your settings plz?
ascender said:Why are some people trying to get stuff running in Crossover or Parallels? I thought the whole point of Boot Camp was that it runs natively, so all resources are dedicated to XP which is important if you're wanting to run games?
astewart said:I'm sure everyone understands that but one must inquiry how the performance will compare when using Parallels or Crossover instead of Bootcamp. Its always good for Testing purposes and I for one would definitly like to hear some feedback playing games under "CrossOver".