Thanks for the suggestion. I had a quick look at the app, and liked the fact the developer seems to be regularly updating and improving the app. It is perfect on iOS, but on my Mac it is not quite so good. I liked the Mac YouTube feature that allowed you to look ahead at what is contained in a video, when you run the cursor along the timeline. Even scrubbing on the timeline doesn't work well on Mac, but perfectly on iPhone. Worth the £1.79 for iPhone use alone. I think it's irrelevant if you're running an ad-blocker or not if you use Vinegar, as it blocks the in-video ads on its own.Some mentioned before me to be using wipr + vinegar. I didn't know vinegar till I read that comment. I decided to give vinegar a try and thanks to this person I now watch Youtube without ads. So now I'm currently using wipr + vinegar. Give vinegar a try. I'm not able to say if it's compatible with your adblocker, but I don't see a reason why it wouldn't. You can search more info about vinegar and its compatibilities and incompatibilities on the Internet if you need. BTW Vinegar is available for download in Apple Store.
Hope this can help.