Tech Support Fail ?:
Enterprise Solution Fails:
Perhaps most disconcerting, however, is a message that MacFixIt reader, Tim Thomason, received from Psystar's support team, which reads:
Of course, the reader asked what options were available in the event of a major system failure requiring Leopard reinstallation, to which Psystar suggested a return shipment to the company."We absolutely do not support customers attempting to install the Leopard operating system on our Open Computer themselves. This is due to a difficult process that we go through to get Leopard to function on our computers. We encourage you to purchase an open computer, and select the option to have Leopard Pre-installed."
"Currently, (shipping the computer back to us) is the only option available. If the HDD dies, you can ship it to us for $50 plus shipping, so we can replace it for you."
Enterprise Solution Fails: