... Could also do it with Better Touch Tool, AppleScript, or some other automation tool.
Alfred, RayCast, etc..
Here is a simple AppleScript - opens up two finder windows side by side taking up 1/2 the overall screen space horizontally and 3/4 vertically from the top left of you display. Opens one finder into your "Home" Directory and the other finder into your "Documents" directory.
tell application "Finder"
set w to (get bounds of window of desktop)
set windowWidth to (item 3 of w) / 4
set windowHeight to (item 4 of w) * 0.75
set leftPosition to {0, 0}
set rightPosition to {(item 3 of w) / 2, 0}
set leftWindow to make new Finder window to home
set rightWindow to make new Finder window to folder "Documents" of home
set position of leftWindow to leftPosition
set position of rightWindow to rightPosition
set bounds of leftWindow to {0, 22, windowWidth, windowHeight}
set bounds of rightWindow to {windowWidth, 22, item 4 of w, windowHeight}
end tell