I never really used any alternative file managers, but as I have to use Windows more often now, the standard file manager there was going on my nerves and a coworker showed my OneCommander, which is so much better. So now that I know what's possible I want an alternative to the Mac Finder.
I tried Fork Lift 3.5.8 and 4 Beta 2. But they have some problems:
When resizing a window in listview, Finder resizes the Name column with it. Fork Lift doesn't, and there doesn't seem to be an option for that.
In listview open a folder tree (the ">" button) often doesn't do anything, or makes Fork Lift load very very long before it actually opens the tree. I can just open the folder without a hitch though.
In listview when sorted by size, sometimes the sorting hangs, so everything is quite random. Like right now the largest is at the top, the 2nd largest at the bottom, 3rd largest below the largest. (see screenshot)
View attachment 2189058
Now, to sort it again, I click on size, which will sort it ascending, then I click again to sort descending, but then it opens the folder that was selected in the list. It seems to recognize that double click as a double click on the selected line, even though I clicked on the header.
These are so obvious and dealbreaking that I wonder if this happens only on my Mac and I might need to repair something.
I guess the next ones I will try are PathFinder and QSpace.