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I have it installed on my primary iPhone 7+ and while I've had a few quirky issues nothing has been a "show stopper" issue. 3rd party apps can be a bit finicky at times. I believe so long as you go in with knowing it's a beta and there are going to be issues here and there then you are fine.

I know of others that I've spoken with whom have had issues with their 7+ which I've not had - both iOS related and 3rd party app related.

I do, however, recommend for anyone upgrading to PB2 to reset all settings afterwards - look up what this means if you don't already know just to educate yourself before doing so. :) Doing the reset of all settings cleared a number of smaller bugs for me in PB2.

I have been on every PB and this one is the most unstable - battery life sucks and I am getting lots of resprings and freezes. I am reverting my phone back to 10.3.3 and will wait until there is a more stable PB - with better battery life. My phone dropped 50% in 2 hours with regular ussage.. whereas it would drop 20% under ios 10
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3D Touch is not working correctly on my iPhone 7 Plus. I long press icons and there's a delay before it opens, then quickly closes and I get wiggles/remove app function. That's the main issue I'm having with beta 3 so far.
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PB1 was quite bad on my iPhone 7 so decided to wait before upgrading my iPad Pro 10”... PB2 seems much better though and also went ahead with it on iPad too.
How long have you been running PB2 on iPad?
iOS 10 betas were completely unstable also
The betas are never anything close to the release software.

People are just used to putting up with different levels of crap.

None of these are "daily driver" quality
From what I recall iOS 10 PB 3 is actually stable and battery friendly enough to use as a daily driver.
I took the plunge and installed PB 2 on my iPad Pro 9.7”. So far it has been mostly ok. On track to get 9-10 hours of battery life, which is about average. I have noticed quite a few resprings (closing apps on the second home screen page or using the five finger pinch gesture seem to be especially problematic). Between that and all the reports of poor battery life on iPhones, I am going to wait one more beta before installing on my iPhone 7. But, for my iPad it is useable as a daily driver. You just have to go into it expecting all the lag and bugs that come from running a beta.
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How long have you been running PB2 on iPad?

I’ve had it running now for a full day. Nothing major has come up, except some bugs / crashes with 3rd party apps (ones with ProTube being most annoying). I still think it’s been much better than PB1 on my phone.

So far I think the tradeoff between stability and new multitasking features has been worth it. I’ve already become fully accustomed to the floating dock, so I think going back to iOS 10 would be painful.
I’ve had it running now for a full day. Nothing major has come up, except some bugs / crashes with 3rd party apps (ones with ProTube being most annoying). I still think it’s been much better than PB1 on my phone.

So far I think the tradeoff between stability and new multitasking features has been worth it. I’ve already become fully accustomed to the floating dock, so I think going back to iOS 10 would be painful.
Great to hear Donza, I installed Beta1 on new iPad Pro 12.9 and tried to remove it and the iOS got stuck in the iTunes boot loop thing. Apple replaced it so I’m a little nervous to go to this version yet but I’m anxious because the ios11 features are great compared to iOS 10.
I'm running DP3 as my daily driver on a 7plus and I'm pretty happy with it.

Screenshots are a bit buggy, sometimes have to home button my way out and back in to get it to send and sometimes hard to clear the little thumbnail (save or discard) but overall runs everything well 95% of the time and nothing critical. DJI software for my drone is buggy but that isn't mission critical. Battery life is maybe 25% less thus far than with 10.3.3 (not awful for beta)
I downgraded last night back to iOS 10. The battery drain of beta 3 just started getting ridiculous all of a sudden. It started off good but a day later it started rapidly draining battery.

So I'm back to iOS 10 and ill stay here til i get the new OLED iPhone which will come with iOS 11.

Edit: I'm on an iPhone 6S
DB3 has been really bad for my battery in the last two days. I suspect a newly updated app not playing well with iOS 11 is the problem. It is rather annoying as I'm only getting 1/2 a day out of it
Phone wise, the beta is tolerable barring your tolerance for bugs and reduced battery life. You have to weigh this up against the benefits. For me the new control centre and live photo modes - slow shutter in particular tips the scales for me. Your balance sheet might look completely different.

On an iPad Pro 10.5? No contest, beta 3 is seemingly rock solid as far as I can see. And all the new features make it truly the laptop replacement I have ever wanted. It is a joy to use this thing with a keyboard and pencil and multitasking and drag and drop. Maybe it’s because I am using my phone more that I am running into beta bugs, or maybe it’s because Apple is so focused on the iPad this round, but I am not noticing any bugs on the iPad at all.

So tl;dr:
iPhone: Maybe
iPad: Definitely
Beta 2 was fine on my 6s, but beta 3 is having a lot of issues. Seems to be graphics crashes causing a restart several timea a day. Not a huge deal, but annoying. Q
Beta 1 and 2 were pretty stable for me. I was amazed how good a Beta 1 was. Then came Beta 3, and hell broke loose. Freezes, it hesitates to unlock phone, it has rotation issues, but the worst is that it runs pretty hot and battery life is non-existent. Can't wait to get Beta 4 to fix, at least, the battery issue.
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