T-Mobile T-Zones
T-Zones setup:
1. Menu, WebAccess, Web Sessions
2. Select New Entry
3. Fill out the T-Zones menu as follows:
Name: T-Zones
Gateway IP:
Port 1: 9201
Domain 1:
Service Type 1: WAP
Gateway IP 2:
Port 2: 9201
Domain 2:
Service Type 2: WAP
DNS 1:
DNS 2:
Timeout: 15 minutes
CSD No. 1:
User Name 1:
Password 1:
Speed (Bps): 9600
Line Type 1: ISDN
CSD No. 2:
User Name 2:
Password 2:
Speed (Bps) 2: 9600
Line Type 2: ISDN
GPRS APN: wap.voicestream.com
User Name:
4. Save your entry
5. Highlight the T-Zones entry you just created and hit Menu
6. Select Set Default
Your T-Zones should be properly set up! If you are a new T-Zones customer, it will take about 24 hours for your T-Zones to become active. Be patient!
To Setup SMS and Picture Messaging (MMS):
1. Menu, Messages, Menu, Message Setup
2. On the Message Setup screen, make the following 3 entries are setup:
Service Center No: +12063130004
Email Gateway: 000000
Use GPRS: No
3. Now go to MMS Message Setup
4. Scroll down to Service Info, and select it
5. Hit the Menu key and create a New entry
6. Fill out the form as follows:
Service Name: T-Zones MMS
Server Name:
Web Session Name: T-Zones
7. Select Done.
Your Picture Messaging should be set up! In order for your account to be properly configured, send yourself a Picture Message. This will activate picture messaging for your account.
If you do not sign up for MMS, you can still use the email client on the phone to send pictures as regular attachments.
how to do it on a PowerBook using OS X Panther.
Your modem init string should be:
The phone number you dial should be:
Yes I got this off the net,
****I edited for better clarity******