To everyone interested in this project:
[P]eople must be aware that [this and other] interim future versions are NOT intended as a replacement for the official repository versions. Until further notice, those of you who want to use Pike's boot.efi ought to go to and download either the "black" version or the "grey" one, according to your particular preference (the change is purely cosmetic; otherwise, they are exactly the same; the choice is irrelevant as far as the operating system is concerned). Pike alone will decide when such repository versions will be updated with a newer version.
Please, notice that the [enclosed and other] upcoming experimental versions might contain bugs that could cripple your ability to boot your old Mac. So, unless you are absolutely certain of what you are doing and know how to reverse such undesirable situations, KEEP AWAY FROM THEM. In general terms, [these] versions ARE NOT FOR YOU!
To everyone interested in this project:
[P]eople must be aware that [this and other] interim future versions are NOT intended as a replacement for the official repository versions. Until further notice, those of you who want to use Pike's boot.efi ought to go to and download either the "black" version or the "grey" one, according to your particular preference (the change is purely cosmetic; otherwise, they are exactly the same; the choice is irrelevant as far as the operating system is concerned). Pike alone will decide when such repository versions will be updated with a newer version.
Please, notice that the [enclosed and other] upcoming experimental versions might contain bugs that could cripple your ability to boot your old Mac. So, unless you are absolutely certain of what you are doing and know how to reverse such undesirable situations, KEEP AWAY FROM THEM. In general terms, [these] versions ARE NOT FOR YOU!
Commit 9722e683 "typo" compiled; boot into createinstallmedia successful, but 'Install OS X' --> "OS X El Capitan is already installed", &c.
Thanks. Looking good. Now the question is... what's the output of:Commit 9722e683 "typo" compiled; boot into createinstallmedia successful, but 'Install OS X' --> "OS X El Capitan is already installed", &c.
Thanks. Looking good. Now the question is... what's the output of:
ioreg -p IODeviceTree -d 2 -k board-id | grep board-id
Edit: Copy/paste the output of the next line into a hex editor and look for "Mac-F42C88C8"
ioreg -lw0p IODeviceTree | grep -e 'SMBIOS" ' | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/[<>]//g'
Thanks. Looking good. Now the question is... what's the output of:
ioreg -p IODeviceTree -d 2 -k board-id | grep board-id
Edit: Copy/paste the output of the next line into a hex editor and look for "Mac-F42C88C8"
ioreg -lw0p IODeviceTree | grep -e 'SMBIOS" ' | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/[<>]//g'
Thanks. I noticed: "Apple002,1" in two places, and that means that something is still broken. I plan to comment out a line (or two) in a next commit. That should help me figure out what is going on.Okay, rebuilt the USB installer, tried your second command, got no output whatsoever.
To everyone interested in this project:
[P]eople must be aware that [this and other] interim future versions are NOT intended as a replacement for the official repository versions. Until further notice, those of you who want to use Pike's boot.efi ought to go to and download either the "black" version or the "grey" one, according to your particular preference (the change is purely cosmetic; otherwise, they are exactly the same; the choice is irrelevant as far as the operating system is concerned). Pike alone will decide when such repository versions will be updated with a newer version.
Please, notice that the [enclosed and other] upcoming experimental versions might contain bugs that could cripple your ability to boot your old Mac. So, unless you are absolutely certain of what you are doing and know how to reverse such undesirable situations, KEEP AWAY FROM THEM. In general terms, [these] versions ARE NOT FOR YOU!
Ok, but are the 'compatible' and 'model' properties ok now or still "Apple002,1"? The 'board-id' property should also be ok, because we're not replacing it. That is, if the memcpy() calls are fine, and we point to the correct memory location.Commit 71030aa1 compiled, added x3 to createinstallmedia...
Boots to working Environment
Install OS X --> "OS X El Capitan is already...', &c.
I get no return from shell via either ioreg query.
To everyone interested in this project:
[P]eople must be aware that [this and other] interim future versions are NOT intended as a replacement for the official repository versions. Until further notice, those of you who want to use Pike's boot.efi ought to go to and download either the "black" version or the "grey" one, according to your particular preference (the change is purely cosmetic; otherwise, they are exactly the same; the choice is irrelevant as far as the operating system is concerned). Pike alone will decide when such repository versions will be updated with a newer version.
Please, notice that the [enclosed and other] upcoming experimental versions might contain bugs that could cripple your ability to boot your old Mac. So, unless you are absolutely certain of what you are doing and know how to reverse such undesirable situations, KEEP AWAY FROM THEM. In general terms, [these] versions ARE NOT FOR YOU!
Let's call it what it is.
Huh? Totally unexpected result. Please go back to post #130 or upwards and test that version for me. Check of the compatible/model properties are ok now. If not use an even older version.
Hi,I have Microsoft compilers, which version is Peter using?
EDIT: Never mind, I see the instructions on GitHub. In lieu of Peter compiling, I'd be happy to do it.
Huh? Totally unexpected result. Please go back to post #130 or upwards and test that version for me.
Thanks. The compatible and model properties are set correctly? See post #217.I just tested the e235... commit on post 130 with a fresh createinstallmedia partition. The GUI comes up and allows me to choose to install El Capitan. It thinks for a minute or two, and responds "OS X El Capitan is already installed on this Mac."
I have four hard disks in this real unsupported Mac Pro, with a mixture of OS X releases, one being a fresh install of El Capitan created by a supported machine that I used for testing that method. Attached is the Installer Log from this test.
Thanks. The compatible and model properties are set correctly? See post #217.
Edit: New commit available for compilation. This test version will display the Entry Point Structure data. Will not copy/replace the SMBIOS table.