0:100 0:100 MemLog inited, TSC freq: 3457999529
0:100 0:000 CPU was calibrated with ACPI PM Timer
0:100 0:000
0:100 0:000 Now is 10.11.2018, 13:56:54 (GMT)
0:100 0:000 Starting Clover revision: 4741 on Apple EFI
0:100 0:000 Build with: [Args: -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED -t XCODE8 | -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED -D USE_LOW_EBDA -a X64 -b RELEASE -t XCODE8 -n 5 | OS: 10.12.6 | XCODE: 8.3.3]
0:100 0:000 SelfDevicePath=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1D,0x7)\USB(0x4,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x00000000,0x800,0x1DD5800) @73AD8418
0:100 0:000 SelfDirPath = \EFI\BOOT
0:100 0:000 === [ Get Smbios ] ========================================
0:118 0:018 Type 16 Index = 0
0:118 0:000 Total Memory Slots Count = 8
0:118 0:000 Type 17 Index = 0
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1333MHz
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 16384MB
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = DIMM 1
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Vendor = 0x0000
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->SerialNumber = 0x00000000
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->PartNumber = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000
0:118 0:000 Type 17 Index = 1
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1333MHz
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 16384MB
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = DIMM 2
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Vendor = 0x0000
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->SerialNumber = 0x00000000
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->PartNumber = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000
0:118 0:000 Type 17 Index = 2
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1333MHz
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 16384MB
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = DIMM 3
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Vendor = 0x0000
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->SerialNumber = 0x00000000
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->PartNumber = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000
0:118 0:000 Type 17 Index = 3
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1333MHz
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 16384MB
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = DIMM 4
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Vendor = 0x0000
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->SerialNumber = 0x00000000
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->PartNumber = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000
0:118 0:000 Type 17 Index = 4
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1333MHz
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 16384MB
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = DIMM 5
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Vendor = 0x0000
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->SerialNumber = 0x00000000
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->PartNumber = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000
0:118 0:000 Type 17 Index = 5
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1333MHz
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 16384MB
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = DIMM 6
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Vendor = 0x0000
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->SerialNumber = 0x00000000
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->PartNumber = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000
0:118 0:000 Type 17 Index = 6
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1333MHz
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 16384MB
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = DIMM 7
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Vendor = 0x0000
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->SerialNumber = 0x00000000
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->PartNumber = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000
0:118 0:000 Type 17 Index = 7
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1333MHz
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 16384MB
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = DIMM 8
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Vendor = 0x0000
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->SerialNumber = 0x00000000
0:118 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->PartNumber = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000
0:118 0:000 Boot status=0
0:118 0:000 Running on: 'MacPro5,1' with board 'Mac-F221BEC8'
0:118 0:000 === [ GetCPUProperties ] ==================================
0:118 0:000 CPU Vendor = 756E6547 Model=206C2
0:118 0:000 The CPU supported SSE4.1
0:118 0:000 BrandString = Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5690 @ 3.47GHz
0:118 0:000 The CPU supported turbo
0:118 0:000 non-usable FLEX_RATIO = 13F00
0:118 0:000 FSBFrequency = 134 MHz, DMI FSBFrequency = 133 MHz, Corrected FSBFrequency = 133 MHz
0:118 0:000 MaxDiv/MinDiv: 26.0/12
0:118 0:000 Turbo: 27/27/28/28
0:118 0:000 Features: 0xBFEBFBFF
0:118 0:000 Threads: 12
0:118 0:000 Cores: 6
0:118 0:000 FSB: 133 MHz
0:118 0:000 CPU: 3460 MHz
0:118 0:000 TSC: 3460 MHz
0:118 0:000 PIS: 533 MHz
0:118 0:000 ExternalClock: 133 MHz
0:118 0:000 === [ GetDevices ] ========================================
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:00.00) : 8086 3406 class=060000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:01.00) : 8086 3408 class=060400
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|01:00.00) : 111D 8061 class=060400
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|02:02.00) : 111D 8061 class=060400
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|02:04.00) : 111D 8061 class=060400
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|04:00.00) : 12D8 2308 class=060400
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|05:01.00) : 12D8 2308 class=060400
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|06:00.00) : 1B21 0625 class=010601
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|05:02.00) : 12D8 2308 class=060400
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|07:00.00) : 1B21 0625 class=010601
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:03.00) : 8086 340A class=060400
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|08:00.00) : 1002 67DF class=030000
0:118 0:000 - GFX: Model=AMD Radeon RX 480 (ATI/AMD)
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|08:00.01) : 1002 AAF0 class=040300
0:118 0:000 - HDMI Audio:
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:07.00) : 8086 340E class=060400
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:0D.00) : 8086 343A class=060000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:0D.01) : 8086 343B class=060000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:0D.02) : 8086 343C class=060000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:0D.03) : 8086 343D class=060000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:0D.04) : 8086 3418 class=060000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:0D.05) : 8086 3419 class=060000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:0D.06) : 8086 341A class=060000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:0D.07) : 8086 341B class=060000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:0E.00) : 8086 341C class=060000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:0E.01) : 8086 341D class=060000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:0E.02) : 8086 341E class=060000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:0E.03) : 8086 341F class=060000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:0E.04) : 8086 3439 class=060000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:0F.00) : 8086 3424 class=110100
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:10.00) : 8086 3425 class=080000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:10.01) : 8086 3426 class=080000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:11.00) : 8086 3427 class=080000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:11.01) : 8086 3428 class=080000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:14.00) : 8086 342E class=080000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:14.01) : 8086 3422 class=080000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:14.02) : 8086 3423 class=080000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:14.03) : 8086 3438 class=080000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:15.00) : 8086 342F class=080020
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:16.00) : 8086 3430 class=088000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:16.01) : 8086 3431 class=088000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:16.02) : 8086 3432 class=088000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:16.03) : 8086 3433 class=088000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:16.04) : 8086 3429 class=088000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:16.05) : 8086 342A class=088000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:16.06) : 8086 342B class=088000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:16.07) : 8086 342C class=088000
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:1A.00) : 8086 3A37 class=0C0300
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:1A.01) : 8086 3A38 class=0C0300
0:118 0:000 PCI (00|00:1A.02) : 8086 3A39 class=0C0300
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|00:1A.07) : 8086 3A3C class=0C0320
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|00:1B.00) : 8086 3A3E class=040300
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|00:1C.00) : 8086 3A40 class=060400
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|00:1C.01) : 8086 3A42 class=060400
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|00:1C.02) : 8086 3A44 class=060400
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|0C:00.00) : 8086 10F6 class=020000
0:119 0:000 - LAN: 0 Vendor=Intel
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|00:1C.03) : 8086 3A46 class=060400
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|0D:00.00) : 8086 10F6 class=020000
0:119 0:000 - LAN: 1 Vendor=Intel
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|00:1C.04) : 8086 3A48 class=060400
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|0E:00.00) : 104C 823E class=060400
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|0F:00.00) : 104C 823F class=0C0010
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|00:1C.05) : 8086 3A4A class=060400
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|10:00.00) : 14E4 432B class=028000
0:119 0:000 - WIFI: Vendor=Broadcom
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|00:1D.00) : 8086 3A34 class=0C0300
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|00:1D.01) : 8086 3A35 class=0C0300
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|00:1D.02) : 8086 3A36 class=0C0300
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|00:1D.07) : 8086 3A3A class=0C0320
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|00:1E.00) : 8086 244E class=060401
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|00:1F.00) : 8086 3A18 class=060100
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|00:1F.02) : 8086 3A22 class=010601
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|00:1F.03) : 8086 3A30 class=0C0500
0:119 0:000 PCI (00|00:1F.05) : 8086 3A26 class=010185
0:119 0:000 === [ GetDefaultSettings ] ================================
0:119 0:000 Clover load options size = 0 bytes
0:128 0:009 EFI\CLOVER\config.plist loaded: Success
0:180 0:051 === [ GetListOfThemes ] ===================================
0:184 0:004 - [00]: embedded
0:184 0:000 - [00]: random
0:189 0:004 - [00]: newyear
0:197 0:008 - [01]: christmas
0:205 0:008 === [ Found config plists ] ===============================
0:205 0:000 - Config.plist
0:205 0:000 === [ GetEarlyUserSettings ] ==============================
0:205 0:000 timeout set to 5
0:205 0:000 Custom boot CUSTOM_BOOT_DISABLED (0x0)
0:272 0:067 Custom EDID has wrong length=257
0:303 0:030 === [ LoadDrivers ] =======================================
1:448 1:144 Loading BiosVideo.efi status=Success
1:536 0:087 - driver needs connecting
1:564 0:027 Loading ApfsDriverLoader-64.efi status=Success
1:647 0:083 - driver needs connecting
1:675 0:027 Loading Fat-64.efi status=Success
1:763 0:088 - driver needs connecting
1:790 0:027 Loading NvmExpressDxe-64.efi status=Success
1:882 0:091 - driver needs connecting
1:910 0:027 Loading PartitionDxe-64.efi status=Success
1:998 0:088 - driver needs connecting
2:026 0:027 Loading EmuGopDxe.efi status=Success
2:117 0:091 - driver needs connecting
2:145 0:027 Loading FSInject-64.efi status=Success
2:232 0:087 Loading UsbMassStorageDxe.efi status=Success
2:348 0:115 - driver needs connecting
2:376 0:027 Loading CsmVideoDxe-64.efi status=Success
2:459 0:083 - driver needs connecting
2:487 0:027 8 drivers needs connecting ...
2:514 0:027 PlatformDriverOverrideProtocol not found. Installing ... Success
2:570 0:055 Partition driver loaded: CD disconnect Success
2:653 0:082 APFS driver loaded
2:680 0:027 Video driver loaded: disconnect Success
2:764 0:083 Searching for invalid DiskIo BY_DRIVER connects:
2:822 0:057 - Handle 73277818 with DiskIo, is Partition, no Fs, BY_DRIVER Agent: 73231718, Disconnect: Success
3:504 0:681 === [ InitScreen ] ========================================
4:671 1:167 Console modes reported: 1, available modes:
4:698 0:026 - [01]: 80x25 (current mode)
4:727 0:028 reinit: self device path=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1D,0x7)\USB(0x4,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x00000000,0x800,0x1DD5800)
4:753 0:026 Using embedded font: Success
4:783 0:029 === [ GetMacAddress ] =====================================
5:890 1:107 MAC address of LAN #0= Private
6:111 0:220 MAC address of LAN #1= Private
6:332 0:221 === [ ScanSPD ] ===========================================
7:585 1:253 SMBus device : 8086 3A30 class=0C0500 status=Success
7:613 0:027 SMBus CmdReg: 0x1
7:641 0:027 Scanning SMBus [8086:3A30], mmio: 0x90924004, ioport: 0x4000, hostc: 0x1
7:668 0:027 Slots to scan [8]...
7:735 0:067 === [ GetAcpiTablesList ] =================================
8:778 1:042 Get Acpi Tables List from RSDT:
8:832 0:053 - [00]: FACP Apple00 len=244
8:859 0:027 - [01]: ECDT Apple00 len=83
8:887 0:027 - [02]: HPET Apple00 len=56
8:915 0:027 - [03]: APIC Apple00 len=424
8:943 0:027 - [04]: SSDT CpuPPM len=85884
8:970 0:027 - [05]: SSDT SataAhci len=484
8:998 0:027 - [06]: SSDT NoHdau len=1733
9:025 0:027 - [07]: MCFG Apple00 len=60
9:053 0:027 - [08]: DMAR Apple00 len=104
9:081 0:027 Calibrated TSC Frequency = 3457999529 = 3457MHz
9:108 0:027 === [ GetUserSettings ] ===================================
10:129 1:020 Custom EDID has wrong length=257
10:165 0:036 USB FixOwnership: no
10:191 0:025 - final DSDT Fix mask=00000000
10:221 0:029 Using ProductName from config: MacPro5,1
10:247 0:026 Found same BiosVersion in clover and config
10:276 0:028 BiosVersion: MP51.88Z.F000.B00.1809191555
10:305 0:029 BiosReleaseDate: 09/19/18
10:332 0:026 Using EfiVersion from config:
10:358 0:026 Using FirmwareFeatures from config: 0x17540CC0
10:387 0:029 Using FirmwareFeaturesMask from config: 0x3FFF1FFF
10:413 0:026 PlatformFeature will not set in SMBIOS
10:442 0:028 Board-ID set from config as Mac-F221BEC8
10:468 0:026 BoardType: 0xB
10:498 0:029 ChassisType: 0x7
10:524 0:026 QPI: use Table 132
10:553 0:028 === [ Found DSDT tables ] =================================
11:523 0:970 === [ ScanVolumes ] =======================================
12:683 1:159 Found 27 volumes with blockIO
12:712 0:028 - [00]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x4,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x1,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)
12:768 0:056 - [01]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x4,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x1,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,F5CC509D-EFF5-4D47-95DF-5466F14122D3,0x800,0x64000)
12:824 0:056 Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
12:850 0:025 - [02]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x4,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x1,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,9D9B9669-B225-4AD4-CD6D-1786E3E9F8AF,0x65000,0x8000)
12:906 0:055 - [03]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x4,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x1,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(3,GPT,8431278A-5626-4061-0AF6-E40597D095D8,0x6D000,0xDE3E000)
12:961 0:055 Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
13:000 0:039 - [04]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x4,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x1,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,9F0C3D7F-E8D5-4D40-6853-6EA48EA71B44,0xDEAB000,0xE8800)
13:053 0:053 Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
13:081 0:027 - [05]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x4,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x2,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)
13:143 0:061 - [06]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x4,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x2,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,DD79AD8B-BFA2-4E35-BAB9-C99D436B816E,0x28,0x64000)
13:199 0:056 Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
13:227 0:027 - [07]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x4,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x2,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,8C29C86F-7E0B-47C8-93AD-2D9D409DA583,0x64028,0x1BD8A540)
13:284 0:057 - [08]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x4,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x2,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(3,GPT,4BF7E235-83E3-411F-92DC-844578DA24E5,0x1BDEE568,0x135F20)
13:341 0:056 - [09]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x2,0x0,0x0)
13:397 0:056 - [10]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x2,0x0,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,08C8A79A-9510-441B-BE7A-5B2ED808A16A,0x28,0x64000)
13:453 0:056 Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
13:481 0:027 - [11]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x2,0x0,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,563C4384-827A-4A93-881C-5FBFB992E031,0x64028,0x246269960)
13:538 0:056 - [12]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0x0,0x0)
13:594 0:056 - [13]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0x0,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,5ACC50D0-A941-43B9-B2C0-B0C3967B0862,0x28,0x64000)
13:650 0:056 Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
13:678 0:027 - [14]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0x0,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,4594F987-DBAD-4166-8B02-30C78AC924F1,0x64028,0x746A2D60)
13:735 0:056 Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
13:763 0:027 - [15]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x4,0x0,0x0)
13:821 0:058 - [16]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x4,0x0,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,DFE554C1-20B9-4A2E-AA8E-12E30EAA3CF3,0x28,0x64000)
13:876 0:054 Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
13:904 0:027 - [17]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x4,0x0,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,3FDE4C70-3991-44F1-BB96-EDEB68A2EFB7,0x64800,0x8000)
13:961 0:056 - [18]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x4,0x0,0x0)\HD(3,GPT,1B147299-1289-4445-A635-3A3C4533DFBE,0x6C800,0x1D05300D)
14:018 0:056 Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
14:046 0:028 - [19]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x4,0x0,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,059C9C95-F981-41EC-B292-A669F7E58501,0x1D0C0000,0xE8800)
14:103 0:056 Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
14:130 0:027 - [20]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1D,0x7)\USB(0x4,0x0)
14:188 0:057 USB volume
14:216 0:027 - [21]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1D,0x7)\USB(0x4,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x00000000,0x800,0x1DD5800)
14:275 0:059 Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
14:303 0:027 USB volume
14:330 0:026 This is SelfVolume !!
14:357 0:027 - [22]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)
14:412 0:054 Found optical drive
14:439 0:026 - [23]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0x0,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,4594F987-DBAD-4166-8B02-30C78AC924F1,0x64028,0x746A2D60)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,41D30E05471CDD448FC39DD446B06C03)
14:525 0:085 - [24]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0x0,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,4594F987-DBAD-4166-8B02-30C78AC924F1,0x64028,0x746A2D60)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,6240C61D76BBAB349D1702174E1CAC50)
14:580 0:055 - [25]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0x0,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,4594F987-DBAD-4166-8B02-30C78AC924F1,0x64028,0x746A2D60)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,D173968594D6574AB78522A943AD91C3)
14:635 0:055 - [26]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0x0,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,4594F987-DBAD-4166-8B02-30C78AC924F1,0x64028,0x746A2D60)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,8F018FFC8D587446B326B6D4971D7076)
14:690 0:055 === [ InitTheme ] =========================================
15:885 1:194 no default theme, get random theme newyear
15:911 0:025 using embedded theme
15:941 0:029 Using embedded font: Success
15:967 0:026 theme inited
15:996 0:028 Chosen embedded theme
16:022 0:026 after NVRAM boot-args=-v darkwake=no debug=0x100
16:051 0:028 === [ Dump SMC keys from NVRAM ] ==========================
16:824 0:772 found AppleSMC protocol
16:850 0:026 === [ ScanLoader ] ========================================
18:037 1:187 - [01]: 'EFI'
18:098 0:060 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=EFI
18:128 0:030 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=EFI
18:157 0:028 skipped because entry is hidden
18:183 0:026 - [06]: 'EFI'
18:264 0:080 - [07]: 'SierraSSD'
18:329 0:065 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=SierraSSD
18:363 0:033 Check if volume Is Hibernated:
18:390 0:026 Check sleep image 'by signature':
18:426 0:036 read prefs \Library\Preferences\com.apple.PowerManagement.plist status=Success
18:453 0:026 using default sleep image name = \private\var\vm\sleepimage
18:488 0:035 sleepimage not found -> Not Found
18:514 0:026 hibernated: no - sign
18:544 0:029 - [08]: 'Recovery HD'
18:656 0:112 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Recovery HD
18:685 0:028 - [10]: 'EFI'
18:740 0:055 - [11]: 'Backup'
18:798 0:058 - [13]: 'EFI'
18:861 0:062 - [16]: 'EFI'
18:921 0:060 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=EFI
18:953 0:031 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=EFI
18:981 0:028 skipped because entry is hidden
19:008 0:027 - [21]: 'CLOVER'
19:064 0:055 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=CLOVER
19:092 0:027 skipped because entry is hidden
19:119 0:027 - [23]: 'Preboot'
19:181 0:062 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Preboot
19:226 0:044 Check if volume Is Hibernated:
19:253 0:027 Check sleep image 'by signature':
19:282 0:028 using default sleep image name = \private\var\vm\sleepimage
19:311 0:029 sleepimage not found -> Not Found
19:338 0:026 hibernated: no - sign
19:368 0:030 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Preboot
19:417 0:049 - [24]: 'Mojave'
19:739 0:321 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Mojave
19:816 0:077 Check if volume Is Hibernated:
19:843 0:026 Check sleep image 'by signature':
20:022 0:178 read prefs \Library\Preferences\com.apple.PowerManagement.plist status=Success
20:049 0:027 using default sleep image name = \private\var\vm\sleepimage
20:130 0:080 sleepimage not found -> Not Found
20:157 0:027 hibernated: no - sign
20:190 0:033 - [25]: 'Recovery'
20:249 0:059 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Recovery
20:289 0:039 - [26]: 'VM'
20:345 0:055 Scanning legacy ...
20:373 0:027 3: 'Legacy HD3' (vista,win) add legacy
20:428 0:055 added 'Boot Windows from Legacy HD3' OSType=2 Icon=vista,win
20:456 0:027 4: 'Legacy HD4' (vista,win) add legacy
20:511 0:055 added 'Boot Windows from Legacy HD4' OSType=2 Icon=vista,win
20:539 0:027 18: 'Legacy HD3' (vista,win) add legacy
20:594 0:055 added 'Boot Windows from Legacy HD3' OSType=2 Icon=vista,win
20:622 0:027 19: 'Legacy HD4' (vista,win) add legacy
20:678 0:055 added 'Boot Windows from Legacy HD4' OSType=2 Icon=vista,win
20:705 0:027 === [ AddCustomTool ] =====================================
21:822 1:116 found tool \EFI\CLOVER\tools\Shell64U.efi
21:848 0:025 Checking EFI partition Volume 1 for Clover
21:877 0:028 Checking EFI partition Volume 6 for Clover
21:903 0:026 Checking EFI partition Volume 10 for Clover
21:932 0:029 Checking EFI partition Volume 13 for Clover
21:959 0:026 Checking EFI partition Volume 16 for Clover
21:989 0:029 === [ GetEfiBootDeviceFromNvram ] =========================
22:742 0:753 - efi-boot-device-data: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x4,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x2,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(3,GPT,4BF7E235-83E3-411F-92DC-844578DA24E5,0x1BDEE568,0x135F20)\com.apple.recovery.boot\boot.efii
22:769 0:027 - Volume: 'PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x4,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x2,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(3,GPT,4BF7E235-83E3-411F-92DC-844578DA24E5,0x1BDEE568,0x135F20)'
22:799 0:030 - LoaderPath: '\com.apple.recovery.boot\boot.efi'
22:825 0:025 - Guid = 4BF7E235-83E3-411F-92DC-844578DA24E5
22:853 0:027 === [ FindStartupDiskVolume ] =============================
23:743 0:889 - Volume: partition = PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x4,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Pci(0x2,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(3,GPT,4BF7E235-83E3-411F-92DC-844578DA24E5,0x1BDEE568,0x135F20)
23:772 0:029 - searching for that partition and loader '\com.apple.recovery.boot\boot.efi'
23:801 0:029 - found entry 2. 'Boot Recovery from Recovery HD', Volume 'Recovery HD', '\com.apple.recovery.boot\boot.efi'
23:828 0:026 Boot redirected to Entry 2. 'Boot Recovery from Recovery HD'
23:854 0:026 DefaultIndex=2 and MainMenu.EntryCount=17
23:885 0:030 GUI ready
33:194 9:308 BootVariable of the entry is empty
33:220 0:026 === [ StartLoader ] =======================================
34:352 1:132 Finally: ExternalClock=133MHz BusSpeed=133000kHz CPUFreq=3458MHz PIS: hw.busfrequency=532000000Hz
34:417 0:065 Loading boot.efi status=Success
34:524 0:106 GetOSVersion: 10.14 (18A389)
34:607 0:027 Will not patch boot.efi
34:635 0:027 === [ PatchSmbios ] =======================================
35:770 1:135 insert table 9 for dev 0:0
35:799 0:028 insert table 9 for dev 0:1
35:825 0:026 insert table 9 for dev 0:0
35:885 0:059 insert table 9 for dev 0:0
35:914 0:028 insert table 9 for dev 0:0
35:943 0:028 Trusting SMBIOS...
35:972 0:028 Detected alternating SMBIOS channel banks
35:998 0:026 Channels: 4
36:027 0:029 Interleave: 0 2 4 6 1 3 5 7 8 10 12 14 9 11 13 15 16 18 20 22 17 19 21 23
36:745 0:717 partNum=0x000000000000000000000000000000000000
36:771 0:026 SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 0 => 0 0:
36:802 0:030 DIMM1 1333MHz 16384MB
36:827 0:025 partNum=0x000000000000000000000000000000000000
36:856 0:028 SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 1 => 1 2:
36:882 0:026 DIMM2 1333MHz 16384MB
36:911 0:029 partNum=0x000000000000000000000000000000000000
36:938 0:026 SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 2 => 2 4:
36:967 0:029 DIMM3 1333MHz 16384MB
36:993 0:026 partNum=0x000000000000000000000000000000000000
37:022 0:028 SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 3 => 3 6:
37:049 0:026 DIMM4 1333MHz 16384MB
37:078 0:028 partNum=0x000000000000000000000000000000000000
37:104 0:026 SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 4 => 4 1:
37:133 0:029 DIMM5 1333MHz 16384MB
37:159 0:026 partNum=0x000000000000000000000000000000000000
37:188 0:028 SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 5 => 5 3:
37:214 0:025 DIMM6 1333MHz 16384MB
37:243 0:028 partNum=0x000000000000000000000000000000000000
37:268 0:025 SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 6 => 6 5:
37:306 0:037 DIMM7 1333MHz 16384MB
37:333 0:026 partNum=0x000000000000000000000000000000000000
37:361 0:027 SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 7 => 7 7:
37:389 0:027 DIMM8 1333MHz 16384MB
37:416 0:027 mTotalSystemMemory = 131072
37:444 0:027 NumberOfMemoryDevices = 8
37:471 0:027 Table 131 is present, CPUType=501
37:499 0:027 Change to: 501
37:526 0:027 Table 132 is present, QPI=1900
37:554 0:027 Change to: 0
37:581 0:027 === [ PatchACPI ] =========================================
38:803 1:221 Xsdt reallocation done
38:828 0:025 old FADT length=F4
38:857 0:028 SignatureFixup: 0xABACCABA -> 0x0
38:884 0:026 Output DSDT before patch to /EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/DSDT-or.aml
39:058 0:174 Apply DsdtFixMask=0x00000000
39:085 0:027 drop _DSM mask=0xFFFF
39:114 0:028 === [ FixBiosDsdt ] =======================================
40:256 1:141 VideoCard devID=0x67DF1002
40:283 0:027 DisplayADR1[0] = 0x30000, DisplayADR2[0] = 0x0
40:314 0:030 USBADR[0] = 0x1A0000 and PCIe = 0xFFFE
40:340 0:025 USBADR[1] = 0x1A0001 and PCIe = 0xFFFE
40:367 0:027 USBADR[2] = 0x1A0002 and PCIe = 0xFFFE
40:395 0:027 USBADR[3] = 0x1A0007 and PCIe = 0xFFFE
40:423 0:027 Found Airport BCM at 0x1C0005, 0x0
40:450 0:027 USBADR[4] = 0x1D0000 and PCIe = 0xFFFE
40:478 0:027 USBADR[5] = 0x1D0001 and PCIe = 0xFFFE
40:505 0:027 USBADR[6] = 0x1D0002 and PCIe = 0xFFFE
40:533 0:027 USBADR[7] = 0x1D0007 and PCIe = 0xFFFE
40:560 0:027 0 replacements
40:588 0:027 first CPU found at 4E7 offset 4EA
40:615 0:027 score candidate at 4E3
40:643 0:027 score inserted in acpi_cpu_score _PR_
40:671 0:027 Found ACPI CPU: CPU0 | CPU1 | CPU2 | CPU3 | CPU4 | CPU5 | CPU6 | CPU7 | CPU8 | CPU9 | CPUA | CPUB | CPUC | CPUD | CPUE | CPUF | CPUG | CPUH | CPUI | CPUJ | CPUK | CPUL | CPUM | CPUN , within the score: _PR_
41:443 0:772 PreCleanup XSDT: count=9, length=108
41:471 0:027 PreCleanup XSDT, corrected XSDT: count=9, length=108
41:497 0:026 === [ ACPIDropTables ] ====================================
42:565 1:068 0 replacements
42:594 0:029 0 replacements
42:621 0:026 0 replacements
42:650 0:029 Out of control with CPU numbers
42:713 0:063 CPUBase=0 and ApicCPUBase=0 ApicCPUNum=12
42:742 0:029 Cleanup XSDT: count=9, length=108
42:768 0:026 corrected XSDT count=9, length=108
42:799 0:030 === [ RestSetup macOS ] ===================================
43:846 1:047 VendorID = 0x6666 changed to 0x1002
43:872 0:026 ProductID = 0x6666 changed to 0x67DF
43:901 0:029 Framebuffer @0x80000000 MMIO @0x90000000 I/O Port @0x00003000 ROM Addr @0x90640000
43:928 0:026 PCI region 1 = 0x00000000, region3 = 0x00000000, region5 = 0x90600000
43:957 0:028 Use region5 as MMIO space
44:205 0:026 card not posted because GEN_CNTL = -1
44:234 0:029 ATI card non-POSTed,
44:290 0:056 Set VRAM for Ellesmere =4294967295Mb
44:315 0:024 ATI: get_vram_size returned 0xFFF00000
44:344 0:028 Found generic VBIOS ROM file (1002_67DF.rom)
44:376 0:032 Loaded ROM len=65536
44:404 0:027 Calculated ROM len=59904
44:429 0:025 VideoBIOS read from file
44:458 0:028 ATI Radeon EVERGREEN+ family
44:484 0:025 Users config name Orinoco
44:512 0:028 (AtiPorts) Nr of ports set to: 6
44:538 0:026 ATI Ellesmere AMD Radeon RX 480 -1MB (Orinoco) [1002:67DF] (subsys [1028:1701]):: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x3,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)
44:585 0:046 Device 0 deinited
44:612 0:026 stringlength = 124336
44:648 0:036 CurrentMode: Width=0 Height=0
44:674 0:026 Beginning FSInjection
44:704 0:029 skipping kext injection (not requested)
44:730 0:026 ** Warning: Your MLB is not suitable for iMessage(must be 17 chars long) !
44:759 0:029 Use origin smbios table type 1 guid.
44:791 0:032 Preparing kexts injection for arch=x86_64 from EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other
44:818 0:026 Preparing kexts injection for arch=x86_64 from EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.14
44:844 0:026 SetStartupDiskVolume:
44:873 0:029 * Volume: 'Mojave'
44:900 0:026 * LoaderPath: '<null string>'
44:929 0:029 * DevPath: Mojave
44:955 0:026 * GUID = 4594F987-DBAD-4166-8B02-30C78AC924F1
45:012 0:056 * efi-boot-device: <array><dict><key>IOMatch</key><dict><key>IOProviderClass</key><string>IOMedia</string><key>IOPropertyMatch</key><dict><key>UUID</key><string>4594F987-DBAD-4166-8B02-30C78AC924F1</string></dict></dict></dict></array>
45:068 0:055 Custom boot screen not used because entry has unset use graphics
45:094 0:026 Closing log