@mkush just curious if you have any updates. My Solidigm D5-P5336 30TB seems to be running uneventfully, albeit a bit quicker than the old Micron 9300 Pro. BTW, I'm using the old 9300 Pro as a TimeMachine drive. OMG, heavenly fast (I saw real world 2.1GB/s transfers between the boot drive and the TM drive--all the sudden we went from days to backup to mere hours).
/Time Machine deeper dive
Bit of a side note, but I think might be interesting to those in this thread. I've gone to a 2 tier time machine back up solution. A local fast SSD, and a network backup for infinity backup history on my Synology.
I believe as of the inclusion of APFS, you can no longer migrate your TimeMachine backups from a smaller to a bigger drive and just continue. Just more apple loser feature destruction for no good reason. As such, one of the only ways to let your TimeMachine backup grow with full history is to move your TimeMachine to a network drive so it backs up to a sparse disk image. If you couple that with a Synology that employs SHR raid, it lets you infinitely grow your storage pool size, you can keep a long TimeMachine history that way with little fuss.
The problem of course is network backup is painfully slow.
So my solution is to simultaneously run two TimeMachine backups. One local on the machine with the super fast SSD, and then a second on the network, that can basically grow forever. I know once the local TM drive fills up the only option is to basically replace it with a bigger drive and start over, but then I still have the network backup going keeping the version continuity for years and years if I want.
/end deeper dive
Anyway, eventually I'll upgrade my 30TB drive to 60 or more depending on what's useable, and the 30TB drive will become the new local time machine.