I'm not impressed. All these mac commercials boasting about how reliable the Mac is, and I've had to reinstall OSX TWO TIMES in the first 48 hours of owning it, now it looks like I have to do it again. First time the system froze and wouldn't find the mac partition on boot. Reinstalled OSX. Lasted about an hour before a program froze, and then it turned gray and told me to hold down my power button to restart. Fine. About 5 seconds after pushing the power button to turn it back on, same thing. It keeps doing it. Reinstall OSX AGAIN. This time, I had to force quit a program that was frozen. Decided to restart just for good measure. Now, it goes all the way through boot up, "starting mac osx" and then goes to a blue screen with the round spinning thing. After about 20 seconds I get to a darwin prompt (???) asking me to log in. WHY? And it won't even take my login. I'm frustrated to all hell, and I'm beginning to think this was a $2900 waste of money....
Please help if you can...
Please help if you can...