dpaanlka said:
Well, if you don't want pro-Mac attacks, you probably shouldn't label your thread as being a gigantic mistake to buy a Mac because of a faulty hard drive. Lots and lots of computers from all brands have faulty hard drives.
Clix Pix said:
!) Take the Mac in to the Apple store, have them check it over
2) Forget about putting WIN on it and if you absolutely need WIN to run certain specialized software, simply buy a cheap WIN machine to use in conjunction with your Mac; then you'll have the best of both worlds without running the risk of gumming up either machine. One reason I bought a Mac in the first place was to get away from Windows and all of its problems; why the heck would I turn around and put it on a pristine Mac which is beautifully integrated with its OS?
Rather than blaming the Mac for your problems, take a good look at what you were trying to do.....
If you have nothing helpful to offer and would rather argue with me about why Windows is inferior, then please leave your comments out of this thread. Earth shattering news here: not everyone operates under the same circumstances. You should be happy that I'm converting over to your beloved OSX, where it wouldn't have been possible for me to consider before the ability to dual boot. I think you know very well that this thread was created in frustration and
previous to the comments from those who actually helped me, I did feel that it was a waste of money. I do not necessarily feel the same now.
Regardless, please just stay out of this if you're just going to question my motives. I have plenty of legitimate reasons to run both Windows and OSX, and I don't need to be preached to about why you feel that is wrong. The most important of which is that I put $3000 into a computer because I knew it could run both Windows and OSX. I know this not because Apple claims to (they make no guarantees on Windows, and I understand this), but because I have many friends doing the same and I KNOW the equipment is able to run both. I also know I have a bad peice of hardware, and I'd like to get it fixed. I DON'T think this is an unreasonable expectation for a brand new $3000 peice of hardware.
Having said all that - to those of you who have been helpful and informative and/or those who are interested in an update - I was able to go into the Apple store on Sunday, and they told me what I expected them to - they cannot support the configuration with Windows installed. I have no problem with this - it is a risk I took when I installed Windows and I don't expect them to support a third-party influenced configuration. I've been instructed to use only OSX and try to recreate the problem, at which point they would replace the laptop. This is completely fair to me, and I've now reinstalled OSX ONLY and I hope to have a new laptop soon. They've been pretty fair and helpful, and while I know from experience it happens with OSX too, I understand that it needs to be proved to them. Hopefully they'll follow through when it does happen.
Again, thanks to those of you who have helped - I really appreciate the assistance.