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Buying strange iPads off the web because you just couldn't wait. :(


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Not sure why you had to threaten to contact the authorities after you got your refund. It's his problem now. You aren't the police. Just be done with it. He did the right thing by you; that's all you can ask. After all, maybe Best Buy sold a demo without realizing it, or maybe they got an extra demo by accident and decided to sell it. No longer your worry.

So much agreeance!

The guy met you and gave your money back. The transaction was reversed. You are lucky to get your money back and be done with it but then you had to be a dick about it. He showed you the receipt. It turns out he wasn't lying about having it yet you decided to dictate how he should behave from that point forward, after you subtly threatened him in your email to him--the one that you pasted in his thread with his name in it, for all to see. You don't have any proof that the unit was stolen or that he was the one that stole it if it was. It's possible he was as big a sucker as you were. You have no dog in this fight any more. Let it be.
I also told him that he had to contact me back on the progress and show me proof of what happen to it or else i will report him to the authorities since I have his contact info, and plus jointed down the serial numbers..etc for proof and made sure that local Starbucks had their security cams pointed at us when he arrived to refund me ( good thing I came first and brief to them about it and they were willing to do so with the cams).
You've got to be kidding.
Not sure why you had to threaten to contact the authorities after you got your refund. It's his problem now. You aren't the police. Just be done with it. He did the right thing by you; that's all you can ask. After all, maybe Best Buy sold a demo without realizing it, or maybe they got an extra demo by accident and decided to sell it. No longer your worry.

Agreed. He got his money back. Contacting the authorities is just being a dick!
+1... Says it all.
If the cops in his town are anything like New York City cops they'll say "You got your money back. Why are you bothering us?" I saw 2 high school kids playing with and shooting hand guns in their back yard. I took a photo with my iPhone and called the cops telling them I have a photo of the kids holding the guns with their faces. The cops never showed up.
"Demo - Not for resale" marked items are units that are supplied to resellers free of charge for demostration purposes, ie to be put on display to be trashed by people. They typically all end up being sold at some stage, usually to staff when the new version comes out at a heavily discounted price or just a freebee.

When there's shortages they often get sold to customers who beg enough, are regulars who you'd do a favour for, or hot chicks, or to staff who want one. The store just takes a new demo unit out of the next shipment.

Next time you're in a Best buy check the bottom of the demo units, I'll bet there's hardly any left in stores that have the "Demo - Not for resale" marked on the bottom, they'll all be sold and been replaced with new units.
Ugh, jesus! Why can't you people read the whole thread before bumping it? The issue is resolved, end of story!

Most of the recent posts have been comments on his actions after the resolution which I agree with most come off as over aggressive. :p
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