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Mistake #1: Using Craigslist.

The Ipad was bought for $440, guy said he had the receipt but when I was buying it he said he didn't have with him and that since we have each other contact info that he would give to me as soon as he can get it.
This is mistake #2. You're trusting this guy to produce something which he will never actually do. He has your money. The receipt likely never existed. Even if it did, you should have insisted that he find it before you give him the money.

Mistake #3: You didn't look at the back before handing over the money.

He told me he sold it because he got his laptop stolen and that he needed to sell this to buy a new one. I mean with that offer i thought it was a reasonable amount since it was used and we did it at his business company with security cams..etc.
Sob story is irrelevant. Likely a lie.

I contacted apple and gave them the serial number, they didn't say anything about it being stolen except that if I wanted to register the Ipad i need proof of purchase (ie: receipt) even after I mentioned the "Demo unit" and that i may be aware that it could have been stolen
Apple (AND the police) will not know or care that you bought this from someone else. As far as they're concerned, you are in possession of stolen property. They may even believe that you were the one who stole it. That in no way entitles you to any sort of service or support on your product...or any replacement with a non "demo" unit. This is why Apple insists you must have a receipt. If such a thing existed (which I'm certain it does not) then it would prove it was not stolen.

...but we all know this was stolen.

The update of the situation is that I am still trying to contact him for proof of purchase, he hasn't answered because it turns out he used google voice. However since I have more info about him such as his business number, I have just left a message there to see if he gets back to me.
He won't.

If that doesn't work, I have a few of his business partners number and email that I can try at to reach him, and also his wife's number, so I can try that and tell his wife the situation, and hopefully she makes him do the right thing.
She's probably already aware of his illegal activities.

If all else fails by this monday, as I mentioned in my previous post, i'm going to apple to see if they can fully verify that it is legit, if not then to file a report on it and give the police the seller's information (D/L number..etc)
Apple will not support it and may contact the police. The police will simply confiscate the iPad as evidence. Either way, you're out of one iPad with no refund.

If you can't get a receipt from this guy (and you won't, because it doesn't exist), then you're out of luck. You might as well just keep using the iPad and forget about any sort of service or support for it in the future. You'd better hope nothing ever goes wrong.
Jeez, maybe someone should go back to school and learn the definition of "not for resale."

Seriously? If I printed the words "Not for use by Consultant" on the back of an iPad, does that mean you can't use it? Come one... Use your head before you insult someone. I don't care WHAT the stamp says. It's NOT A LEAGAL CONTRACT. You can print ANYTHING you want, it doesn't mean it's legally binding in ANY WAY. It's called a "deterrent." May you are the one who needs more schooling sir.
You should act now, contact him his wife or go to his house with other people and demand your money back, if doesnt work go to the local PD, if this was stolen recently from a Person, Best Buy or Apple store and they havent notice, once they notice Im sure they will have the serial number to provide to the local PD and apple specially because they are demo units, and once you try to sync the ipad with itunes you could let them know your information because the serial numbers comes as stolen.

you should act now, you paid cash? he can tell the PD you stole it or you both did it togheter, you dont have proof that you paid for it right? are the security cameras were he works recording 24/7? the digital recording or DVR could be erased during the week, and then you will have no proof you paid him something.

Also he could be seen this post too, and taking advantage of what you say or going to do.

AACT NOW , just my 2 cents
Yes, but maybe you should go back to school and learn that just because you write some words onto something, it doesn't make it a fact. I could write "Bugatti Veyron" all over my car, but it still won't be true, believe me. Stamping "not for resale" onto an item has absolutely zero standing in legal terms. If someone can show me some legal document or law that says otherwise, I will stand corrected.

That's where you're wrong. That "not for resale" was bound to an Apple contract whether it's a reseller, a reviewer or a developer. We already know the developers signed a contract to cable it to an immovable object and black out any windows in the room it was located. I'm sure that contract states that it is Apple's property. If it's in someone else's hands and was sold along the way that is selling property which did not belong to them and that, sir, is theft. It was never the property of the person who sold it which is why it says not for resale.
That's where you're wrong. That "not for resale" was bound to an Apple contract whether it's a reseller, a reviewer or a developer. We already know the developers signed a contract to cable it to an immovable object and black out any windows in the room it was located. I'm sure that contract states that it is Apple's property. If it's in someone else's hands and was sold along the way that is selling property which did not belong to them and that, sir, is theft. It was never the property of the person who sold it which is why it says not for resale.

You see, my problem with posts like this is that you are making assumptions, not stating cold, hard facts. Like "I'm SURE (that the) contract states..." -no, you are not sure. You don't know this as a fact. Furthermore, it is pure speculation and guesswork that this iPad was ever tied to a contract. Again, you don't have proof. This is speculation. My problem is that all these couch lawyers are giving the OP legal advice, advice based on assumption and guesswork. The law works with FACTS.

I totally agree that theft is selling someone else's property, of course it is. But you, "sir", me or anyone else reading this does NOT know the history of the iPad in question. That's not to say that it wasn't stolen. I'm just stating the FACT that we don't know that!
It's called innocent until proven guilty, an ideal upon which most democracies are founded.
okay guys a good UPDATE on the situation, and probably one of my final posts bout this, so thank you again for are your help and comments.

Since he didn't respond my phone, i decided to email him and this was my message for those that wanted to see what i wrote:

Dear Evan Huynh

I am emailing you to inform you that I purchased an iPad from you the other day at the location, 8801 Folsom Blvd. in Sacramento near your work place, Fifty West. It has come to my attention that the iPad that you sold me was a “Demo – not for resale unit”; something that you did not mention in the transaction. The words are engraved into the iPad itself which brought up this problem. You mentioned that you had proof of purchase which is why I took it out of your hands. It turns out that this iPad that you have sold me may have been a unit from Apple/Best Buy and they need proof of purchase to confirm it. Giving the fact that you said you said you had the receipt, there may have been an error of some kind.

I have been trying to contact you numerous times through the contact information that you provided me, but since there is no response I must resort to emailing you. Therefore I need your response ASAP. I want to get my money back so that I can buy a full retail iPad without such engravings and full warranty support.

All I want is my money back and you can get your iPad back. Therefore I need your cooperation in this, if not I may have to go to other means to try to reach you as I have your business partners information, some names that you may be familiar with is Tiffany, Eric, Natalie, Tom.

If I am not able to receive any cooperation, then I will resort into making a police report indicating the scene of the transaction and provide your contact information from your affiliation at Century Landmark Network, and D/L numbers ending with 6353 so that they can investigate in this matter further.

I really do not like being scammed if this was really a scam, so I really need you to contact me back soon before that matters gets worst. Is this all this trouble really worth a couple hundred dollars to you?

Thank You.

Funny, he responded within minutes asking to meet up again and that he had the receipt, so i drove out and met him at a local Starbucks and he refunded me back my money because he told me he also bought it from another person, and that person provided the receipt, so we had the receipt in front of us and the box and everything and I told him it could be stolen and all the things that I have learned from this thread and that he has to go to best buy with his current receipt and solve it.

So there it goes people, i managed to get back my money, learned a valuable lesson, and afterwards went to the apple store and bought the IPad myself at full price, something I should have done in the first place. I took it off my hands and now he has to deal with it.

I also told him that he had to contact me back on the progress and show me proof of what happen to it or else i will report him to the authorities since I have his contact info, and plus jointed down the serial numbers..etc for proof and made sure that local Starbucks had their security cams pointed at us when he arrived to refund me ( good thing I came first and brief to them about it and they were willing to do so with the cams).

WELL DONE DEAL, this thread can be close now, or can be open to those who still want to talk about it or for those that encountered the same situation. Its true what they say "Make sure you check them Pads" :D
yea it was all thanks to his gmail account still logged into the IPad, without that I wouldn't be able to get 90 % of the information on him.

I would say I was really lucky for that to happen as he didn't cover up his traces that he thought...this is going to be funny because

I looked onto history and i found some search terms he used

"How to reset an Ipad" , "Can my Ipad be tracked", "Ipad reset"

It turns out he didn't know that he could have just gone to itunes and redid the OS.

At least this came out to be a good ending, but remember in the future for those who want to buy Ipad other than retail is to make sure you look under the 16,32,64 GB sign first :D
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Not sure why you had to threaten to contact the authorities after you got your refund. It's his problem now. You aren't the police. Just be done with it. He did the right thing by you; that's all you can ask. After all, maybe Best Buy sold a demo without realizing it, or maybe they got an extra demo by accident and decided to sell it. No longer your worry.
Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

Not sure why you has to threaten to contact the authorities after you got your refund. It's his problem now. You aren't the police. Just be dine with it. He did telhe right thing by you; that's all you can ask. After all, maybe Best Buy sold a demo without realizing it, or maybe they got an extra demo by accident and decided to sell it. No longer your worry.

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