The apple store ones are stamped as well.
Yup. I noticed that when I played with one at the Apple Store.
The apple store ones are stamped as well.
yea for sure i wont resell it, and stupid me for buying it, who would know??
I'm going to give the guy a few days to respond and if not i will make a report.
Thank You for your advices guys.
Maybe if you tell the guy if he does not refund you , you will report it to the police he might get scared into refunding it. Or he could also get angry enough to something bad if he knows your address... lol
Not a great situation.
This thread is chock full of some of the worst advice I've ever heard.
The stamp is not proof of a crime. It is a pretty bad sign though and the store may very well take the lengths to call the police.
Your options are pretty limited to keeping it and keeping your mouth shut and hoping you don't need warranty service...
Buying stolen goods is a crime whether you knew it or not. If it is stolen you have more things to worry about than getting a refund.
Buying stolen goods is a crime whether you knew it or not. If it is stolen you have more things to worry about than getting a refund.
Also has he left his iTunes account details intact? Spend up large on his credit card. See if his credit card details are on the device and then tell him you will buy your self a new iPad on his card if he doesnt refund you your money.
Also has he left his iTunes account details intact? Spend up large on his credit card. See if his credit card details are on the device and then tell him you will buy your self a new iPad on his card if he doesnt refund you your money.
If it has been stolen from a Apple store (or Bestbuy) apple could presumably track the device to where it went missing, though I wouldn't expect Apple to give you one if you just hand it in.
I would take the higher road here. If you piss off the crook, you're for sure not getting you're money back. Just say politely that you were not aware that it was a demo unit and that's not what you were after. Would it be possible to get your money back.
Buying stolen goods is a crime whether you knew it or not. If it is stolen you have more things to worry about than getting a refund.
Not correct (I am a lawyer in real life). Buying goods that you knew or had reasonable cause to know were stolen is a crime. Unwittingly buying stolen goods is NOT a crime because the buyer lacks what's called scienter, a fancy legal word for intent or knowledge that your conduct is wrong (which doesn't mean you get to keep the stolen goods that you bought in good faith, it still rightfully belongs to its original owner). As long as the OP didn't buy the iPad for $25, a price so low that it should have raised suspicions that something funny was going on, he's not violated any law.