Okay, since noone else has answered, I will.
I'd go with the middle one, the superclocked 680.
I don't think you need the backplate.
Xav8tor's GTX 670 has a backplate. I'd be curious to know his opinion.
I have a EVGA GTX 680 SC without a backplate, I don't know why you would need it.
It doesn't have a boot screen. Why do you need it?
Somebody can override me, but I am guessing it only has PCIe 1 speed with OS X because the link speed is only 2.5 GT/s.
I should think it would have PCIe 2 speed under Bootcamp with Windows.
I probably should not be throwing in my two cents worth as I don't know what I am talking about.
But maybe this will get somebody to answer your question who does know what they are talking about.
Is this report of any use? If you want me to run a program to test or give more info, let me know.
CUDA-Z Report
Version: 0.6.133 SVN Built Jun 25 2010 23:28:46
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.8 12A269
Driver Version: 8.0.51 295.30.00f01
Driver Dll Version: 5.0
Runtime Dll Version: 3.0
Core Information
Name: GeForce GTX 680
Compute Capability: 3.0
Clock Rate: 1124 MHz
Multiprocessors: 8
Warp Size: 32
Regs Per Block: 65536
Threads Per Block: 1024
Threads Dimensions: 1024 x 1024 x 64
Grid Dimensions: 2147483647 x 65535 x 65535
Watchdog Enabled: Yes
Integrated GPU: No
Concurrent Kernels: Yes
Compute Mode: Default
Memory Information
Total Global: 2047.81 MiB
Shared Per Block: 48 KiB
Pitch: 2048 MiB
Total Constant: 64 KiB
Texture Alignment: 512 B
Texture 1D Size: 65536
Texture 2D Size: 65536 x 65536
Texture 3D Size: 4096 x 4096 x 4096
GPU Overlap: Yes
Map Host Memory: Yes
Error Correction: No
Performance Information
Memory Copy
Host Pinned to Device: 2877.33 MiB/s
Host Pageable to Device: 2595.64 MiB/s
Device to Host Pinned: 2864.73 MiB/s
Device to Host Pageable: 2539.88 MiB/s
Device to Device: 67.831 GiB/s
GPU Core Performance
Single-precision Float: 2119.12 Gflop/s
Double-precision Float: 153.662 Gflop/s
32-bit Integer: 611.994 Giop/s
24-bit Integer: 610.082 Giop/s
Generated: Sat Aug 18 18:56:26 2012
BTW: this card flies X-Plane in BootCamp, sceneries where I get 12 fps in OSx are in BootCamp around 30 and more. So, it is clearly a driver issue in OSX. We can only hope for improved drivers but it may also never happen.