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Newtons Apple

Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
I purchased my iPad used. I checked the the serial# and it's still under warranty until next year. Mint condition expect for two bright spots underneath the glass. Looks like pressure spots but absolutely no damage to indicate this. Would Apple store replace it? I don't have any original proof of purchase.

You do not have to have the receipt, they will look up the serial number to confirm, just like you did.

Only Apple know if they will replace it.
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macrumors newbie
Sep 24, 2015
Huntington Beach, California
I made an appointment and went to the Apple store today. I was worried they wouldn't replace mine because I wasn't the original owner. But they checked my warranty and replaced it free of charge.


macrumors newbie
Jun 19, 2018
Got a new iPad Pro:) so yes they replace them under warrenty. The guy at the desk said it was most likely the battery expanding and putting pressure on the screen wich resulted in the bright spot.
Did they gave you the new one in a shield package or bulk (just the nylon cover) as they did in my case?


macrumors newbie
Jun 20, 2018
Ive had my Ipad pro 10.5 since December 2017 and just yesterday a bright dot/speck showed up in the lower left quadrant of the screen with a vertical and horizontal line coming from it; the horizontal line flashes. It's still under warranty and we called Apple, the first phone call the guy said they would replace it with a new ipad and send it to us and we could just send the old one back; then I received an empty box (no ipad) yesterday in the mail. So we called again and they said, that they don't know what we are talking about because they have it listed for just a repair? My husband asked for a supervisor and that guy was CLUELESS!!!! to say the least. He basically said that they just went ahead and changed what the original guy did about replacing the ipad on the work order to just a repair and that they never do replace them. Also said that they have never had this problem??? I'm a little ticked about Apple's customer service right now, they suck, and once more why should I have to wait for them to repair something that is obviously their fault - the bright dot - Just saying if I pay this much for a device and it's under warranty and it's your problem technically with the ipad then why don't they honor their warranty and replace the device?
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Mar 23, 2018
Mine was sent in and replaced for white dot, got replacement today, took 3 weeks as it got stuck somewhere. They gave me 2 free pencils for my trouble.
Great service as always.
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macrumors 603
May 6, 2008
I had the same thing happen to my 10.5" IPP. Took it to my local Apple Store a couple weeks ago and they gave me a replacement. No questions asked.
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Mar 23, 2018
Ive had my Ipad pro 10.5 since December 2017 and just yesterday a bright dot/speck showed up in the lower left quadrant of the screen with a vertical and horizontal line coming from it; the horizontal line flashes. It's still under warranty and we called Apple, the first phone call the guy said they would replace it with a new ipad and send it to us and we could just send the old one back; then I received an empty box (no ipad) yesterday in the mail. So we called again and they said, that they don't know what we are talking about because they have it listed for just a repair? My husband asked for a supervisor and that guy was CLUELESS!!!! to say the least. He basically said that they just went ahead and changed what the original guy did about replacing the ipad on the work order to just a repair and that they never do replace them. Also said that they have never had this problem??? I'm a little ticked about Apple's customer service right now, they suck, and once more why should I have to wait for them to repair something that is obviously their fault - the bright dot - Just saying if I pay this much for a device and it's under warranty and it's your problem technically with the ipad then why don't they honor their warranty and replace the device?

That is weird never heard of anyone getting sent a empty box unless it was stolen. Unfortunately you got a few duds, Just ring back again, they will replace it for sure. My case manager said they don't repair them.


macrumors G3
Sep 22, 2012
Andover, UK
I noticed this on mine about 2 weeks ago and have been debating whether to get it replaced. I went into the local Apple Store for a different reason today and noticed on one of the display 10.5's that it had the same spot on it, but much brighter. Mentioned this to one of the staff, and explained mine had the issue and they said they'd not seen it before and I should take it in for replacement. I'm not due to go back that way for a few weeks and I have AppleCare+, so may do an express replacement online


macrumors G3
Sep 22, 2012
Andover, UK
Update... Did online chat and they are sending me an express replacement within 2-3 business days. He wanted photos, but it's too hard to spot on a photo.


macrumors G3
Sep 22, 2012
Andover, UK
Just an update.... received my express replacement today, and all appears to be good with this unit. Was worried about the display lottery but I think I came out OK. This new unit has a slightly warmer display with TT off, and also a bit brighter on full brightness. This also shows that the backlight on my old device was getting a bit patchy as well as the spot. No evidence of "the spot" on this one....

Old unit was a May 17, and the replacement is a Nov 17 (iPad Pro's really hang around for 7 ish months?)


macrumors 65816
Apr 25, 2005
Canada, eh!
Wow, I thought I was seeing things. I also have the white spot about two inches above the home button on my iPP 10.5.

I think it developed in the last few weeks or so.

Time to take it to the Apple store.

Edit, got an appointment tomorrow afternoon! Hopefully it's quick and painless!

Edit#2, got a replacement. Can of corn!
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macrumors 6502
Dec 22, 2013
Sounds like a fairly widespread issue, though I wonder if the root cause has been fixed, or if we can expect the replacement units to exhibit the same problem after a while (at which point there is no warranty).


macrumors 65816
Apr 25, 2005
Canada, eh!
Sounds like a fairly widespread issue, though I wonder if the root cause has been fixed, or if we can expect the replacement units to exhibit the same problem after a while (at which point there is no warranty).
This did cross my mind. I wondered what could be the cause. I looked at the construction of the iPad and under the spot where mine occurred, there is nothing except for cables. Some folks thought it could be a swelling battery, however the batter doesn't run down the center channel of the iPad. It could be a pressure related thing and because there is nothing underneath, the screen panel flexes more than it should at this location.

Regardless, I probably won't have my iPad beyond when my warranty is up next year. I may replace it with the upcoming Samsung Tab S4 because it has an OLED screen. I replaced my Galaxy Tab S10.5 (2014) with my current iPad Pro.


macrumors 68020
I have an approx 1in spot on my iPad Pro screen which is brighter than the rest of the screen - it's unevenly lit. The spot is about 2in above the home button, and although it has soft edges, I'm anal about my gadgets, and the difference in brightness could be described as 'minor', it's clearly there. It looks a bit like a pressure spot or similar. I always keep it in a case with a screen protector and the Smart Keyboard, so it's well looked-after.

I can't find much about similar issues online - anyone heard anything similar? I have a Genius Bar appointment later in the week to see what Apple think (spending £800 on an iPad means I pretty much expect it to still be perfect within the warranty period).
I saw the same issue at an Apple Store with one of their display models, I’m curious if this is a slight QC issue with the 2017 models. Hopefully you got it resolved though. :)



macrumors newbie
Jul 30, 2018
Greater LA
Just got home--good news, they're replacing my iPad... The whole interaction took less than 10 minutes. The spot on mine is visible but barely and I was expecting the worst. However, the tech saw the spot, wireless connected to my iPad to run some diags and collect info and created a work order.

I have the 512 GB/Cellular model and check the store stock to confirm it was in stock, however they said they'd have to order it and they would notify me when it came in (couple of days). My guess is they have a certain quantity reserved for repairs and they just didn't have any of this model.

Very happy and glad I got this checked out. I suspect (like someone else suggested) that it will re-appear eventually, my guess is that there's some component under that section of the screen that's causing this over time. But i'm not too concerned--it might be time to upgrade by then...

I just got back from the Apple Store — 9 days out of warranty because I didn’t report the spot when I saw it, and they won’t honor it. It looks like I forgot to buy Apple Care...


macrumors member
Oct 5, 2003
Seattle, WA
I’ve been putting off dealing with the white spot on my iPad but this thread twisted my arm to get it over with. My iPad is covered under AppleCare and after chatting with a representative I have a new one on the way. Thanks folks.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 10, 2008
manchester UK
I had the exact same thing as the OP, (well the spot was slightly smaller at about 1cm, but in the same place, a few cm directly up from the home button), a few months back, having bought my 10.5 IPP on release day direct from Apple. I lived with it for a few weeks but then decided to take it in to my local store to see if there was anything that could be done. They replaced it straight away no questions asked, after saying something like "ooh yeah, that shouldn't be like that should it". Fingers crossed, so far I've not had the same thing happen with the replacement.

I remember looking for a thread like this at the time, but couldn't find any reports. I can't think that it was due to any sort of drop or impact, so maybe as there are now a few people reporting this its something that can just develop with use over time?
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macrumors G3
Sep 22, 2012
Andover, UK
I just got back from the Apple Store — 9 days out of warranty because I didn’t report the spot when I saw it, and they won’t honor it. It looks like I forgot to buy Apple Care...

May be worth pointing them to this thread? Not sure if it will help


macrumors 6502
Jun 5, 2007
I have an approx 1in spot on my iPad Pro screen which is brighter than the rest of the screen - it's unevenly lit. The spot is about 2in above the home button, and although it has soft edges, I'm anal about my gadgets, and the difference in brightness could be described as 'minor', it's clearly there. It looks a bit like a pressure spot or similar. I always keep it in a case with a screen protector and the Smart Keyboard, so it's well looked-after.
[doublepost=1533038887][/doublepost]i had the same spot on my 11-month old iPad Pro. It recently developed and it didn’t occur to me that I could do anything about it (lucky I saw this thread!). After reading these responses I went to a Genius Bar yesterday and got a replacement,
No problem.

They hadn’t heard of the issue, which surprises me. Don’t they read MR?


macrumors 65816
Apr 25, 2005
Canada, eh!
[doublepost=1533038887][/doublepost]i had the same spot on my 11-month old iPad Pro. It recently developed and it didn’t occur to me that I could do anything about it (lucky I saw this thread!). After reading these responses I went to a Genius Bar yesterday and got a replacement,
No problem.

They hadn’t heard of the issue, which surprises me. Don’t they read MR?
They feign ignorance/surprise. I had one of the fastest chats with AppleCare about this before they took care of it. Something is up.
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