Lets stain the oak side rails!
Magic time laps of 8 hours...
Lets put the first coat of clear on!
Now lets flip the desk, sand the paint relatively smooth and apply another coat of black. Sat the tops on the the top to give a more finished look
The paint is starting to look nicer. 2 more coats with sanding inbetween and I think it'll done as far as a base coat is concerned. The front lip looks ugly (as do the sides) but these are parts that will be covered in leather and oak.
EDIT: I just spoke to a painter friend of mine. He's going to spray the upper rack pieces for me. They will look like glass. I have to wait 24 hours before I can sand them smooth for him to lay the final coats.
Also... after staring at those wonderful oak boards, I think I may make a few more oak accents for this thing. I need to put more though into this part.