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macrumors 6502
Oct 20, 2020
What’s the point of working with modern RAW on a mini?

NONE! Lacking the proper Intel build, I wanted finally see whether and how they have implemented chromatic abberation correction in floating point. And I offered to test it for barracuda156 to see whether his port works on G4 Mini.
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macrumors 68040
Nov 2, 2008
Man. You should really get a piece of this action. I've been waiting three hours building the first dependency and Macports has downloaded a total of 4.4MB onto my G4 mini 😄 Life is but a dream


macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2021
Man. You should really get a piece of this action. I've been waiting three hours building the first dependency and Macports has downloaded a total of 4.4MB onto my G4 mini 😄 Life is but a dream

Building the whole thing requires a modern gcc and cmake (technically, two of the latter), so it will take time on G4 to build from scratch. Do it in a unsupervised manner to save your sanity :)
Or rather use 10.6 ppc and have everything pre-built. I have uploaded pre-built CMake yesterday (it was out-of-date because I use cmake-devel port instead myself), so perhaps all prerequisites are there now.


macrumors 6502
Oct 20, 2020
@MrCheeto, you've been there before, why are you doing it again? Groundhog day?

@barracuda156, 10.6 PPC is alpha quality software! Uncharted waters. For mission critical work (time is money) I personally want something that is confirmed stable and working, i.e. Leopard.


macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2021
@MrCheeto, you've been there before, why are you doing it again? Groundhog day?

@barracuda156, 10.6 PPC is alpha quality software! Uncharted waters. For mission critical work (time is money) I personally want something that is confirmed stable and working, i.e. Leopard.

Given you will need a week to build this on G4, Leopard will likely not save you any time :)

For any commercial production workflow (assuming one wants to do it on a powerpc) get a G5, of course, and then building from sources is tolerable.

As for 10.6, aside of Finder being a bit annoying and a broken outgoing internet-sharing, I haven’t had much issues with 10a190 over two years. When I had to do some work in the InDesign (when required an old InDesign), that was done smoothly.


macrumors 68040
Nov 2, 2008
@barracuda156 I downloaded the prebuilt Macports thing. At the moment I'm simply installing gcc7 😃

Point is to use Tiger. I like Tiger.

Given you will need a week to build this on G4

Excuse me...what? And that's supposed to be acceptable? So on 10.4 G4 how long would I expect RawTherapee to complete? How is this any faster than swapping 30-floppies...after waiting for them in the post?


macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2021
Excuse me...what? And that's supposed to be acceptable? So on 10.4 G4 how long would I expect RawTherapee to complete? How is this any faster than swapping 30-floppies...after waiting for them in the post?

If you talk about building from source, well, I don’t know how long it will take on G4. “A week” is perhaps an exaggeration, but building gcc will take time. Though with MacMici you could just let it do the thing and check in a day or two.


macrumors 68040
Nov 2, 2008
I’ve been compiling gcc7 for 13 hours now 😃 it’s so much fun, I called the in-laws and nephews over to roast some red hot franks and toss the lawn darts for the day and at sundown we’ll fire up the projector and watch the progress bar tick every thirteen-seconds!

I’ll concede that, if this sucker builds, barracuda has helped to resolve the wayward OP’s original complaint and that’s worth something.

Only thing is if I let it build for three days and inevitably it fails after all that time, I’m going Office Space on this Mac.
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macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2021
Any chance to download anything? It's been 10 days.. ;)

The issue is that my Intel machine is in one place and the Quad in another, and when I need to fix something, I need to do that on the Quad. It still takes multiple hours due to rebuilding.

Past three days were dealing with KDE, among other things.
Right now:


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macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2021
I’ve been compiling gcc7 for 13 hours now 😃 it’s so much fun, I called the in-laws and nephews over to roast some red hot franks and toss the lawn darts for the day and at sundown we’ll fire up the projector and watch the progress bar tick every thirteen-seconds!

I’ll concede that, if this sucker builds, barracuda has helped to resolve the wayward OP’s original complaint and that’s worth something.

Only thing is if I let it build for three days and inevitably it fails after all that time, I’m going Office Space on this Mac.

I you would want to have another experience of the kind, I can recommend building SuiteSparse_GraphBLAS.

Unfortunately, other stuff which builds forever is not available in MacPorts master, though it is available in my MacPorts tree. I think guile (v. 3) took 20+ hours to build on G5 2.3 DC, and mongodb perhaps about 10 hours on the Quad, or something like that.


macrumors 68040
Nov 2, 2008
Thank you for your service and dedication. Perhaps an array of G5’s in your home is in order. The grid won’t know what hit it 🫡


macrumors 6502
Oct 20, 2020
Actually, it's not funny at all.
Shoulda, woulda ..

"Yes, yes, dear, dear
Perhaps next year
Or maybe even never
In which .. case.."

Reasons to Be Cheerful, Pt. 3 - Ian Dury


macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2021
Actually, it's not funny at all.
Shoulda, woulda ..

"Yes, yes, dear, dear
Perhaps next year
Or maybe even never
In which .. case.."

Reasons to Be Cheerful, Pt. 3 - Ian Dury

I never delivered any promises that anything gonna work on Tiger and explicitly said on multiple instances that I am not gonna support it.
Something may be done on a case-by-case basis when someone requests help, but that’s it.

If anyone is interested in 10.4, please complain to MacPorts upstream or hire someone to maintain compatibility.
Another option perhaps would be to organize G5 buildbot somewhere which we could use to build ports.
If you think that instead MacPorts should not state that Tiger is supported, again, please report that to upstream. I am fine with that, but not going to be involved.

P. S. The thread is about Leopard, by the way.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 20, 2020
I'm not about you, @barracuda156 , I'm about this porting masochism in general.
If you're not a programmer and can't fix the code yourself, most of the time you are going to suffer.


macrumors 68040
Nov 2, 2008
If you share the log, I can open a ticket.
Teach a man to fish? I’d like to know how to go about opening tickets so I can at least contribute in the future by doing builds on uncommon combinations and then complaining about it. I believe when I tried to open a ticket it asked me to recite my car’s VIN from memory and describe the contours of my fingerprints in vector coordinates. I just got completely lost with every fractal detail it needed. As somebody that’s not a programmer I can’t fulfill all of the ticket’s requests for information

If I could figure it out, though, I would.


macrumors 6502
Oct 20, 2020
If I could figure it out, though, I would.

You also have to realize that there's a great chance that nobody will pay attention to your tickets and your "uncommon combinations", so you will be wasting your time.

I've reported bugs/mistakes to three commercial software developers during past year out of good will, but none of that stuff got fixed. No, make it four, I reported another one last friday, but that was open source.
I could go into rant mode, but I will refrain for now.


macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2021
Teach a man to fish? I’d like to know how to go about opening tickets so I can at least contribute in the future by doing builds on uncommon combinations and then complaining about it. I believe when I tried to open a ticket it asked me to recite my car’s VIN from memory and describe the contours of my fingerprints in vector coordinates. I just got completely lost with every fractal detail it needed. As somebody that’s not a programmer I can’t fulfill all of the ticket’s requests for information

If I could figure it out, though, I would.

Sure. Here is the URL:
One needs a GitHub account to log in (which should be straightforward and anyway described elsewhere step-wise).

The only requirement is clarity, no technical knowledge is needed.

Summary: port_name: error_message (if no explicit error message displayed, then a generic statement “Portname fails to build on macOS_version”).
Description: copy-paste a chunk of the log with the error and say what happened. If it is something obvious from the log, no special description required. If no log available or a problem is not about a build failure, just explain, what is going wrong or what is desired to be improved (which can be a request to add new software, for example, or change something in MacPorts behavior).

Type: options are self-explanatory, for build failures default (defect) is the way to go.
Priority: keep the default.
Component: normally it is ports, so just keep the default.
Version: version of MacPorts being used. If unknown, keep empty or pick the latest one (as long as it is a reasonable choice, i.e. MacPorts was installed or updated within a year).
Port: name of the port, if relevant.
Keywords: if you think the issue is specific to a macOS version or arch, put it there (tiger, leopard, snowleopard, ppc, powerpc). Not strictly required.
Assign to/CC: can be used to tag a port maintainer, if there is any. Desirable, but not strictly required.
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macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2021
You also have to realize that there's a great chance that nobody will pay attention to your tickets and your "uncommon combinations", so you will be wasting your time.

I've reported bugs/mistakes to three commercial software developers during past year out of good will, but none of that stuff got fixed. No, make it four, I reported another one last friday, but that was open source.
I could go into rant mode, but I will refrain for now.

Commercial software developers are unlikely to bother about an archaic platform on an exotic architecture. Also, people miss things, forget, have no time or just not in mood. Obviously, you can infer whatever you wish from the whole of 4 instances, but experiences here vary, and in many cases bugs do get fixed and developers respond to queries and bug reports quickly and consistently. Others do not, or refuse to fix anything and close an issue, this also happens.
(This can be trivially verifiable, since tickets on GitHub and elsewhere are normally public, including a history of closed ones.)

Yes, you risk wasting time, but your potential gain is getting someone to address your issue (which may or may not be personally relevant for you, I just mean the issue you raise). There is an obvious way to ensure you are heard and provided a service you want: create a sufficient incentive for a person you address (or rather a target audience of developers).

What I do not get is why you choose to waste your time to demotivate someone else :)
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macrumors 6502
Oct 20, 2020
Commercial software developers are unlikely to bother about an archaic platform on an exotic architecture.

I didn't mean commercial devels and archaic platform or exotic architectures, quite the contrary. One of the cases involved recent version that's being sold for some big chunk on money and is available right now as I write this.
Developer claims that system requirements are 10.10.x. App crashes, because one framework is compiled for 10.11.x.
I've registered at their support page to report this out of good will, described the problem, described the solution (5 min. work max), received "thanks for the heads up" and that was it. Half a year later, they still haven't changed anything.

Also, people miss things, forget, have no time or just not in mood.

I wish those people that next time they go to their doctor, he also will have no time or will be "just not in the mood". Or chef or waiter in their favourite restaurant. Just.Not.In.The.Mood. Go home hungry. Let your illness progress. We're.Not.In.The.Mood.

What I do not get is why you choose to waste your time to demotivate someone else :)

Someone has to put up a warning sign. ;)

Do I have problem with programmers? Yes, I do, because I'm sick and tired of cleaning up after them or fixing their stuff.

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