The chipset on the motherboard will be exactly the same. The video card is connected to the PCIe interface of the South Bridge.
If WiFi seems to cause the lock-ups, it might as well be an interrupt issue or the WiFi card and video card are using the same memory address range. It's most likely the video card causing the issues because people w/ nVidia cards don't experience the lock-ups. A firmware update for the ATI 4850 should fix this.
Kind of sloppy Apple didn't find out about this earlier. I was about to get myself the 24" iMac but will wait till the problem is solved.
You are totally right, man!
Just think: When there are two totally identical iMacs but one with ATI and one with NVidia graphics card and the one with the ATI graphics card is crashing, what could be the reason for that?
As it looks like that it's not the driver causing this problem as the iMac also seem to crash under Windows/BootCamp, I also do not think it could be the firmware as one half of all reported iMacs crash, the other half not. Same with Wifi or Bluetooth. If the firmware would be responsible for the crashing, all iMacs with ATI graphics card ought to crash.
I believe that Apple got a batch of (some, not all) faulty graphics cards from ATI. This would also explain why it took so long (compared to the ones with NVidia chip) to deliever the new iMacs with ATI graphics card. Maybe they knew of this problem. First I thought they could be waiting for the 10.5.7 update with new drivers - but all ATI iMacs have 10.5.6. If it's really a matter of a bad batch from ATI then I'm certain that Apple already had some serious words with ATI and they certainly will take care of that never happen again. And from the perspective of an entrepreneur I understand that it's better to wait for the affected customers to return the defective iMacs then to start a massive recall program.
Thank god in heaven that my iMac 3,06/ATI 4850 is not crashing at all. I have it since April 15th and no single crash until that. I have to admit that I did and do regular tasks until now, no stress test with the graphics card or other heavy duty - only installing programs, working with some apps, surfing, writing mails, playing small games, using VMWare with Windows a little bit, watching the latest LOST episode in HD and so on. And it did not crash at all. Maybe I'm lucky, maybe it will occure in future. But if it occurs - I'll certainly wait a little bit before demanding a replacement to prevent getting a defective iMac again. The next batch is certainly error free. Damn early adoptors...