Might as well add in my 2c.
I received my machine last thurs (4/16), and ran basic things with no problem, including youtube and other streaming video without any problems. I froze up while playing WoW on friday (in a high density area), and then 3 times within 45 mins just after midnight on sunday. For this whole interval of time I'd been running off the wifi.
Monday I connected all my peripherals and my ethernet cable. I have since had no issues at all.
The machine does pretty good work, although I'm hoping the screen tearing I get while playing WoW will go away when the ATi drivers get updated (which according to blizzard should happen sooner or later).
This thread is convincing me to buy applecare. I'd rather not send mine back over a few freeze's I haven't experienced since, but I don't want to be shooting myself in the foot a year down the line.