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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jan 2, 2008
I was just wondering if cigarette smoke can harm my iMac. My Mom and my Grandparents smoke, and there isn't a thing I can do to get them to stop. But can the smoke harm the iMac? I'm asking, because recently, there has been a really weird noise coming from the fans, (kind of like the bearings are caked with something).


That's because they probably are.

You wouldn't believe some of the horror story PCs I've had the misfortune to see. Ugh.

Tell them that they can either stop and save themselves thousands a year on cigarettes, eventual lung cancer hospital trips, and buying you a new computer because they're ruining it, or they can go ahead and get you a new one when it dies because of being gummed up with smoke.

Ugh, a Mac... killed by cigarettes. It's too horrible to think about.:(
That's because they probably are.

You wouldn't believe some of the horror story PCs I've had the misfortune to see. Ugh.

Tell them that they can either stop and save themselves thousands a year on cigarettes, eventual lung cancer hospital trips, and buying you a new computer because they're ruining it, or they can go ahead and get you a new one when it dies because of being gummed up with smoke.

Ugh, a Mac... killed by cigarettes. It's too horrible to think about.:(

Believe me I've tried everything (my grandmother has emphysema and she still smokes:confused::eek:), they won't stop. Only 4 more years with the smoke and I'm done though. It's painful to watch them kill themselves, and it really pisses me of that they are slowly killing a $2,000 computer.
Tar can get into computers can clog fans and stuff, but with the way the iMac is designed I don't think this would be too much of a problem. The one biggy though it the computer will turn yellow.

I personally smoke, but I always do it outside. The thing is I spent a lot of money on this stuff and when it comes time to resell it I don't want it all yellow and stinky.

Believe me I've tried everything (my grandmother has emphysema and she still smokes), they won't stop. Only 4 more years with the smoke and I'm done though. It's painful to watch them kill themselves, and it really pisses me of that they are slowly killing a $2,000 computer.

And I won't even smoke around my cat. It's sad that 2 of your parental figures would still smoke around you when you asked them to stop.
Yep, it definitely can clog up computers and make they're cases smell for years too, even if it isn't being exposed to smoke.

I think you might want to buy a can of compressed air and blow it through the vents periodically - to stop material building up on the fans, heatsinks and so on.
Tar can get into computers can clog fans and stuff, but with the way the iMac is designed I don't think this would be too much of a problem. The one biggy though it the computer will turn yellow.

I personally smoke, but I always do it outside. The thing is I spent a lot of money on this stuff and when it comes time to resell it I don't want it all yellow and stinky.

I don't have to worry about it turning yellow, (it's aluminum, but I have noticed that my keyboard is turning yellow).

So will Anything that happens to the iMac because of the cigarette smoke be covered by Apple care?


Probably not, they'll open it up and see tobacco residue clogging up fans and say it won't be covered. However, 3rd party insurance might cover it, check the terms and conditions first though!
Did you just say you care more about your computer than your own body?


I am totally a walking talking hypocrite. I know this. Mainly it is I care about my cat's health more then mine. The way I see it I am making this choice, bit the cat, or the equipment are not. btw. I have a full recording studio and a collection of vintage keyboards, so it is more then just a computer that I worry about.;)

I don't have to worry about it turning yellow, (it's aluminum, but I have noticed that my keyboard is turning yellow).


yellow and sticky keys. Tar can build up and tint even the aluminum.
I am totally a walking talking hypocrite. I know this. Mainly it is I care about my cat's health more then mine. The way I see it I am making this choice, bit the cat, or the equipment are not. btw. I have a full recording studio and a collection of vintage keyboards, so it is more then just a computer that I worry about.;)

You should quit. You're harming yourself. Unless your like my grandma, and think that cigarettes are good for you, (she thinks they are good for her blood pressure).

@ JG271- You have got to be kidding me! I just bought the apple care to. There goes $160 out the window. /Bangs head against table cursing family out/

How did I know when I opened this thread out of curiosity that I'd inevitably find some pointless anti-smoking crusade developing.

Yeh, not smoking is nice, I quit seven months ago myself, but the rabidity of some non-smokers is far more grating to me now than catching a whiff of second hand smoke from someone briefly. Yeah I can understand though it would suck being stuck in the same household with people who refuse to stop, but whatever...
instead of starting a new thread in the macbook section, i thought i might ask could the same thing be happening to by laptop? i often take it outside with me while i have a smoke. is there a good chance the insides of my macbook look the same?

its a white macbook if that makes a difference
How did I know when I opened this thread out of curiosity that I'd inevitably find some pointless anti-smoking crusade developing.

Yeh, not smoking is nice, I quit seven months ago myself, but the rabidity of some non-smokers is far more grating to me now than catching a whiff of second hand smoke from someone briefly. Yeah I can understand though it would suck being stuck in the same household with people who refuse to stop, but whatever...

I don't want to start a anti-smoking crusade, I just wish that my family would quit at least until I'm out of the house.


@RTiii320- I don't think it would hurt it if you're smoking outside with it. It's a different story if it's trapped in the smoke cloud inside your house (I think).

You could always get a heavy duty filter to run in the room with the iMac. It wouldn't hurt you either.
I don't want to start a anti-smoking crusade, I just wish that my family would quit at least until I'm out of the house.


@RTiii320- I don't think it would hurt it if you're smoking outside with it. It's a different story if it's trapped in the smoke cloud inside your house (I think).


They wouldn't even need to quit (although they should, as should I), just not smoke around you or the computer.
You could always get a heavy duty filter to run in the room with the iMac. It wouldn't hurt you either.

I'm already saving up for it. I'm thinking HEPA certified would be best right?

@synth3tik- That's true, but my grandparents wouldn't ever go for that, my Mom might though.

OMG this is wicked funny to see people more worried about cig smoke affecting their computer than what its doing to themselves.

Why worry about something that you are going to have for a mere couple of years when you you could quit smoking and have a lot more for many more years.

sorry stepping of the soap box.

Ashes will leave a residue over time, smoke itself will leave a nasty film on the screen. With the plastic on the screen being extremely pourous it will be difficult to remove all the tar and nicotine.

Unless you blow smoke directly on it it will last until you get your next mac is about 2 years.
I remember seeing an article on these forums about an imac that was caught in a fire (burning house) it had pictures and everything, the imac was dark and covered with smoke but it stared right up and worked, has anyone else seen that article? Not sure how long it would last though covered in smoke but it started up nice
OMG this is wicked funny to see people more worried about cig smoke affecting their computer than what its doing to themselves.

Why worry about something that you are going to have for a mere couple of years when you you could quit smoking and have a lot more for many more years.

sorry stepping of the soap box.

Ashes will leave a residue over time, smoke itself will leave a nasty film on the screen. With the plastic on the screen being extremely pourous it will be difficult to remove all the tar and nicotine.

Unless you blow smoke directly on it it will last until you get your next mac is about 2 years.

It's not funny, when I can't escape it for another 4 years. My doctor thinks that I may be developing asthma, if it does go full blown, they may quit then. Is it weird to wish that you have asthma?

It's not funny, when I can't escape it for another 4 years. My doctor thinks that I may be developing asthma, if it does go full blown, they may quit then. Is it weird to wish that you have asthma?


Sorry to hear that.

My wife and I grew up in smoking households. We have a smoke free house and cars. Our son doesn't smoke either :)

Asthma, whew. If you ever wonder what an attack feels like. Take a coffee stirrer and try to breathe trhough it for 2 minutes.

A pack a day you could buy a new mac every year. :p
It's not funny, when I can't escape it for another 4 years. My doctor thinks that I may be developing asthma, if it does go full blown, they may quit then. Is it weird to wish that you have asthma?


I don't want to be mean or belittle members of your family but that to me has a ring of child endangerment to me. If someone wants to engage in an activity that is unhealthy to them, then that is their choice. To endanger the health of someone else though is upsetting and unjustified. It's not like you have the choice of not living there currently. Maybe you could get your doctor's help.

Trust me smokers don't like being told why they should quit. We know that already. I think for your grandparents to talk with the doctor could be helpful though. The doctor could explain that you are starting to develop health problems and that their smoking is a huge contributor to that.

If you were also a smoker I could see why they might not feel responsible for your health and well being. The fact that you are not a smoker and are stating to get sick bugs me. It bugs me because it seems to me at least that they don't care about you well being. Frankly that is really sad.
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