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Can Cigarette Smoke Harm My iMac?

Yes it can, and it can also harm you

I am so glad I quit. I never realized how much cigarettes are nasty until I did.
Jesus. Way to repeat what's already been said, even though people are already irritated the anti-smoking brigade have descended on the thread.

In the first paragraph, you decreed that smoking should be illegal in public; I'm fairly sure you contradict yourself with the (my emphasis) emboldened text.

Awesome idea, by the way. You should then lobby for restriction of free speech, and the introduction of the stoning of women for spending time with men outside their family.

I'm literally shaking my head in exasperation just thinking about your post.

LOL. And I assumed he meant outside his house on his property. I think it's terrible when I am somewhere and cannot get away from people smoking (ie. a line of people waiting outside for something, NYC)
I like smoking... it's bad for me. I only smoke outside and never in remotely crowded outside area, no need to bother anyone else with it...

"The public health authorities never mention the main reason many Americans have for smoking heavily, which is that smoking is a fairly sure, fairly honorable form of suicide."

-Kurt Vonnegut

My favorite (non-serious) excuse for smoking. :p
I like smoking... it's bad for me. I only smoke outside and never in remotely crowded outside area, no need to bother anyone else with it...

"The public health authorities never mention the main reason many Americans have for smoking heavily, which is that smoking is a fairly sure, fairly honorable form of suicide."

-Kurt Vonnegut

My favorite (non-serious) excuse for smoking. :p

The man smoked for the majority of his life. Everyday he was promised death by those small sticks. And it was just a nasty spill that killed him.

So it goes.
I was just wondering if cigarette smoke can harm my iMac. My Mom and my Grandparents smoke, and there isn't a thing I can do to get them to stop. But can the smoke harm the iMac? I'm asking, because recently, there has been a really weird noise coming from the fans, (kind of like the bearings are caked with something).



Second hand smoking is harmful. Nicotine from cigar will inhibit the cilia of the cells from the inner surface of your iMac's trachea. Even worse is direct smoking, if your iMac finds it hard to quit try some nicotine patches, there are some USB and FireWire, even you might find some PCI nicotine patches. If you dont have USB, FireWire, or PCI available for the patches then you might try nicotine gum, just chew it a bit and stick it to the iMac (if your keyboard or mouse are wireless then make sure you stick it to the screen.)
Basically everyone knows smoking is bad for you. How bad? That's debatable. Causing cancer very debatable.

Bad for your computer? It's not good for it, but it's not really worse then always using it outside where there is debris or dead leaves flying around. If you don't like that idea I'd just not chain smoke in front of it ;)
A friend of mine asked me to take a look at her computer. She said the computer was unusually "quiet" and would reboot itself on occasion. I surmised correctly that the fan on her power supply was faulty. She was a chain smoker and apparently smoked a lot while working on the computer; not only was the power supply fan gummed up with revolting tar and nicotine, but the CPU's cooling fan was clogged beyond use, and the cdrom drive drawer would not open. This is the only computer I have ever worked on that died from smoking.

In reply to the above anecdote of stupidity, a reader sent in the following:

I've seen a computer die from smoking, too.

A customer came in with a dead computer, claimed it was under warranty, and asked if we could fix it. We had look at it, and before we even laid eyes on it, we could smell it. Imagine the stench of an overused ashtray times ten.

We looked at the yellow case (it was supposed to be beige) and the date of purchase (3-4 months previous) and goggled in disbelief that she actually had any lungs left.

"What are you doing with this computer?" I asked in total disbelief.

It was at a taxi service. She smoked, the cabbies smoked, and the room was apparently only about eight by twelve. Smoking took place 24/7 in this place, and her fingers and the computer bore witness. We opened the case, and there were visible deposits of brown tar everywhere. The whole thing was gummy and slimy inside.

We had to tell her she was on her own. Naturally, she countered with the "it's under warranty" argument, but the computer was well beyond that. She left quite mad. We insisted she take her computer with her when she left.

So it goes.

(Kurt Vonnegut is awesome)
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