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My question is what if someone has multiple credit cards? Won't they be able to buy more than the limit of two? Or do they track it by name and not credit card number.
That is Strange because I bought mine with cash on April 7th. Maybe they changed after that.
There are quite a lot of things that are either "cash only" or "debit/credit only."

I know there are a lot of cash only, but not aware of anything (retail) that is debit/credit only except the Apple stores we're talking about in this thread.

Interesting read regarding the US tender and it not being required to be used by private business.

I could still see the case of it being discriminatory and excluding people of lower income or those with past credit problems. In this case an option other than one that requires a certain level of credit (credit/debit cards) should be an option. You couldn't even use a cashier's check.

We of course all know why Apple's doing this, but I still think it's lame for those of us that only use cash.
I have had a $20 in my wallet for about 4 months now and not had to use it. I honestly cannot remember the last time I used cash.

I don't use credit or write checks either. Debit cards all the way.
Weird. I paid straight cash for my iPad.

BTW, I'm sure they'll let you purchase with cash if give them a credit/debit card as well. Pay all in cash but let them charge a dollar to your card. All they want is your credit card on file to track your lifetime purchase of iPads so you don't go buying more than 2.
Weird. I paid straight cash for my iPad.

BTW, I'm sure they'll let you purchase with cash if give them a credit/debit card as well. Pay all in cash but let them charge a dollar to your card. All they want is your credit card on file to track your lifetime purchase of iPads so you don't go buying more than 2.
I thought the lifetime was ten; two max per day.

I have had a $20 in my wallet for about 4 months now and not had to use it. I honestly cannot remember the last time I used cash.

I don't use credit or write checks either. Debit cards all the way.

Someone has gotten it! I can't wait for the day that banks stop issuing checks and only issue debit card. What is the deal with such 19th century thinking, "oh let me write you a check for that." What the heck people? This is the 21st century. An idiotic coworker of mine refuses to use debit cards, and still writes checks stating "I want a paper trail." I just want to say "what are you, an idiot?! You're going to get a receipt, dumb ass!"

Don't get me started on the other idiots who hold up others in line at the grocery store writing checks; just swipe your darned debit card and input your pin, it takes 5 seconds! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
So you're telling me that the $630 Apple gift card I have with my hard earned money on it cannot be used to buy an iPad tomorrow?
I bought mine with cash but had to talk to them nicely mentioning I bought the original iphone, iphone 3g, iphone 3gs, macbook, apple tv, and i've been a apple fan for awhile and that this is very inconvenient. The guy I guess felt bad and talked to the manager and they took my cash for 2 ipads (one was for my brother who reserved it himself I was just picking it up and paying for him).

I understand the point, but if a person is going to buy multiple ipads to sell on ebay, they will. Shouldn't sacrifice the convenience of apple supporters.
It is illegal for them no to let you pay in cash if you want to, it is also illegal if they don't let you use you gift crd, because most likely when they sold them to who ever gave them to you they didn't have this new messed up rule, and on top of that, no store can ever ask you to see your ID when paying with a credit card, specially with VISA (As long as they are singed on the back), one of the reason credit/debit card are safer than cash, is because they your bank gives you fraud protection, but when you also show them you ID, they could still that info and it could be used for identity theft...

I never use cash for anything, if the place does not take plastic, they don't get my business, but just because if this, I will go and pay cash tomorrow, and I just hope they tell me I can't, they are no body, and they have no right to ask to see my ID, heck, even the police needs a real reason to ask for it...
It is illegal for them no to let you pay in cash if you want to.

Wrong. Check out the US Treasury page here.

"There is, however, no Federal statute mandating that a private business, a person or an organization must accept currency or coins as for payment for goods and/or services. Private businesses are free to develop their own policies on whether or not to accept cash unless there is a State law which says otherwise."
i posted about this when i bought my wifi. I split pay half cash and half credit and it had to be approved by a manager at the apple store. cause they were no longer taking cash for ipads. they only approoved mine cause part of it was going on my card.
The rule went into affect after Apple noticed a large number of iPads on eBay being sold to international consumers for higher prices. I like the rule becuase it prevent one guy from walking in and buying a ton of them, not leaving any for US consumers who want one.:apple:
From a retailer's perspective my guess is that Apple doesn't want their stores taking in huge sums of cash. Taking in huge sums a cash on a nation wide published "launch" date may encourage potentially robberies.

Besides, the majority of consumers will likely use a debit or credit card for a $500 purchase so Apple figures this "cash only" policy will impact a small percentage of ipad consumers. I do think Apple will gladly take gift cards, because at the end of the day purchases made with gift cards are similar to purchases made with credit or debit are not increasing your cash balances.
He is right. Apple will not cash for the device because of the two per person lifetime ban. They are cross referencing billing addreses with credit cards to also insure done just doesn't use a separate card.

As far as it hurting Apples bottom line it won't affect at all. Does it affect iPhone sales? And on launch day when the cash person gets rejected someone else will step up and slap there cc down and buy it.
That's a common misconception about cash. Businesses aren't required to accept cash for transactions for goods and services. Someone to whom you owe a debt (a creditor), however, must accept US currency to satisfy that debt.

Thank you. The other day there was a thread here where everyone was getting on the "businesses have to accept cash it's legal tender!" bandwagon and all I could do was shake my head.
I know we're all in anticipation for the 3G, some going so far as taking the day off and declaring it "iPad 3G" day. But I know some of you will be carrying cash tomorrow. And I don't want you to be turned away or get embarrassed because you thought you could pay for one with cash.

You can't.

No Apple Store will take cash. They will only be taking credit/debit card and your name must be explicitly stated on the card (you must also have valid ID). It can not be a gift card or a pre-paid debit card (that doesn't have your name on it).

It sucks, but you still have time to deposit that money in your account or take a friend who will purchase with their card and you pay them back, get what I mean.

Bottom line: No cash.

Not sure how that will affect Apple's bottom-line. :rolleyes:

I know how it will affect twitter feeds the nation around tomorrow.
I paid for my ipad, in store with not one, but two different visa gift cards, along with my own credit card. I don't think the statement regarding the gift cards is correct unless they are making special exceptions to the launch day.
Big thanks to the OP for the reminder. I changed some Canadian for U.S last week when the dollar was high forgetting about this no-cash thing and completely forgot to double check. Sure enough, no cash, must be a credit card in the buyers name. They will not accept gift cards either, in addition they specifically said (I asked) they would not take Visa/MasterCard gift cards or any other form of payment that does not have the buyers name embossed. Although, I never thought to ask if a combination of payments, one of which would be a credit car in my name, would work.
I paid for my ipad, in store with not one, but two different visa gift cards, along with my own credit card. I don't think the statement regarding the gift cards is correct unless they are making special exceptions to the launch day.
Was the amount on the card 51% or more of the total cost of the iPad?

It's been stated that cash will be accepted only if 51% of the payment is on a credit/debit card.

I wasn't privy to this rule before I made the thread.
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