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Internet Enzyme

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 21, 2016
Like a lot of us here I think, I had questions regarding Universal Control, the cool new macOS Monterey feature. Craig clarified how it works in a response to an email of mine.

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macrumors 68020
Jul 20, 2012
did you really need to post this though? his reply is what i'd have expected they done. it's quite common sense in how they've implemented it. no harm in you emailing them but this post just comes off as you bragging. oh look at me i got an email from craig. congratulations :confused:

Lol seriously? Do you think Craig doesn’t know that his responses will end up on the internet?
i'm sure he does but it's common courtesy. doesn't matter if he expects it to go up on the internet by some attention seeking apple fanboy but it'd have been the decent thing by OP to do to not share it unless they had asked craig if they could share it. OP just wanted attention and plastered it over the internet.

Internet Enzyme

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 21, 2016
did you really need to post this though? his reply is what i'd have expected they done. it's quite common sense in how they've implemented it. no harm in you emailing them but this post just comes off as you bragging. oh look at me i got an email from craig. congratulations :confused:

i'm sure he does but it's common courtesy. doesn't matter if he expects it to go up on the internet by some attention seeking apple fanboy but it'd have been the decent thing by OP to do to not share it unless they had asked craig if they could share it. OP just wanted attention and plastered it over the internet.
I mean, he’s a public figure and that email address I messaged is public information. The only reason I showed the email address in my initial post is to prove that it was actually him. I thought it was noteworthy, not common information, and so I decided that a forum on Macrumors was a good place to put it. Seems like you have a bone to pick and are giving me a hard time for no reason.
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Sep 21, 2012
In the middle of several books.
did you really need to post this though? his reply is what i'd have expected they done. it's quite common sense in how they've implemented it. no harm in you emailing them but this post just comes off as you bragging. oh look at me i got an email from craig. congratulations :confused:

i'm sure he does but it's common courtesy. doesn't matter if he expects it to go up on the internet by some attention seeking apple fanboy but it'd have been the decent thing by OP to do to not share it unless they had asked craig if they could share it. OP just wanted attention and plastered it over the internet.
Yea, Andy is bragging but, so what. I might have done the same depending on the subject matter and response. It is good to know what Craig took the time, instead of an underling answering for him.
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macrumors 601
Dec 14, 2010
Guys, do you actually think its Craig responding?
Similarly, when emailing Tim, do you think its him responding?

These guys are far too busy to be sitting at a desk checking the thousands of public facing emails they must receive, or even respond to them. It's most likely a dedicated team that filters through emails, responding where a response is required, and sending anything of more major importance to the correct teams. I very much doubt Craig or Tim are sitting at a desk responding to public emails when they have thousands of employees under them.

Internet Enzyme

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 21, 2016
Guys, do you actually think its Craig responding?
Similarly, when emailing Tim, do you think its him responding?

These guys are far too busy to be sitting at a desk checking the thousands of public facing emails they must receive, or even respond to them. It's most likely a dedicated team that filters through emails, responding where a response is required, and sending anything of more major importance to the correct teams. I very much doubt Craig or Tim are sitting at a desk responding to public emails when they have thousands of employees under them.
That sounds about right. Notwithstanding that, based on my own experience and that of others, it is still somewhat rare to receive a response from this email address. And, even if this is just an email address that leads straight to someone in marketing, the information is useful and the response is still appreciated.


macrumors 68040
Apr 18, 2018
did you really need to post this though? his reply is what i'd have expected they done. it's quite common sense in how they've implemented it. no harm in you emailing them but this post just comes off as you bragging. oh look at me i got an email from craig. congratulations :confused:

i'm sure he does but it's common courtesy. doesn't matter if he expects it to go up on the internet by some attention seeking apple fanboy but it'd have been the decent thing by OP to do to not share it unless they had asked craig if they could share it. OP just wanted attention and plastered it over the internet.
Sadly there is nothing common about courtesy lately. It is nice to experience it and to practice it
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macrumors 65816
May 31, 2020
Guys, do you actually think its Craig responding?
Similarly, when emailing Tim, do you think its him responding?
true it’s probably something like this so there’s no point just grab a manual or ask another machead for advices 🙃



macrumors regular
Nov 6, 2017
Guys, do you actually think its Craig responding?
Similarly, when emailing Tim, do you think its him responding?

These guys are far too busy to be sitting at a desk checking the thousands of public facing emails they must receive, or even respond to them. It's most likely a dedicated team that filters through emails, responding where a response is required, and sending anything of more major importance to the correct teams. I very much doubt Craig or Tim are sitting at a desk responding to public emails when they have thousands of employees under them.
It’s not uncommon really. In my work, our execs have dedicated team that filters email from external parties. They even have team that send monthly/quarterly email updates to employees using the execs ‘public’ email addresses.


macrumors newbie
Jun 11, 2021
What is wrong with you?? why the need to post his reply which is obviously a private communication between you and him. Why can't people keep things private anymore. Shame on you.
I don't know if I'd leap straight to "shame", since many people haven't been taught basic etiquette and a gentle reproach might be more helpful, but yeah... it's not cool to publish private correspondence with identifiable info. You can make an edge-casey argument about Craig being a public figure and thus fair game, but in general, it's not a good look, and certainly shouldn't be encouraged.
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