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macrumors regular
Nov 21, 2009
Paris, France
As far as I can tell, the blue shift / pink shift issue was silently fixed by Apple as soon as 2-3 months after release.

All iPhones X produced after this period seemed fine and that’s why the issue and also this thread became quite inactive.

Now iPhone Xs may be another story (because of different display suppliers) but whatever caused the issue on the first iPhones X produced, it got figured out by Apple and was fixed.


macrumors 6502
Apr 9, 2016
As far as I can tell, the blue shift / pink shift issue was silently fixed by Apple as soon as 2-3 months after release.

All iPhones X produced after this period seemed fine and that’s why the issue and also this thread became quite inactive.

Now iPhone Xs may be another story (because of different display suppliers) but whatever caused the issue on the first iPhones X produced, it got figured out by Apple and was fixed.

Hope you are right with this. Would be not so fine if it still will persist


macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
As far as I can tell, the blue shift / pink shift issue was silently fixed by Apple as soon as 2-3 months after release.

All iPhones X produced after this period seemed fine and that’s why the issue and also this thread became quite inactive.

Now iPhone Xs may be another story (because of different display suppliers) but whatever caused the issue on the first iPhones X produced, it got figured out by Apple and was fixed.


No pink shift on models 2-3 months after launch?

Mine is pink ish straight On and white/blueish off angle


Apr 11, 2018
As far as I can tell, the blue shift / pink shift issue was silently fixed by Apple as soon as 2-3 months after release.

All iPhones X produced after this period seemed fine and that’s why the issue and also this thread became quite inactive.

Now iPhone Xs may be another story (because of different display suppliers) but whatever caused the issue on the first iPhones X produced, it got figured out by Apple and was fixed.
So does that mean all iPhone X made after february 2018 should no have that shift issue?
Mine is made around middle of this year, and it definitely has shift when tilting screen.
Also other X in our family has shifting and it is build even month later than mine.
Only difference is that mine first shift reddish and then bluish when increasing tilting angle. Other X only slightly turns pinkish (very slightly almost not noticeable when these two are side by side) and then turn greenish. That one has very neutral image even from angle while mine is hard to get even colour even when looking it straight (I actually have to tilt is slightly forward to make it look about even). Also mine has somewhat darker bottom picture.

Should they be really like that, or have they started using again panels before fix you mentioned they made?
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macrumors 68020
Oct 19, 2015
All Apple devices = display lottery. More so with X series phones. I dont see that they made any hardware changes to fix this.


Apr 11, 2018
I guess I'll wait if some considerable improvement happens in build quality in the future until I buy again. When I started buying these years ago the product met my expectations (and even exceeded).


macrumors 68040
Sep 24, 2013
US Eastern time zone
I guess I'll wait if some considerable improvement happens in build quality in the future until I buy again. When I started buying these years ago the product met my expectations (and even exceeded).
Instead of taking opinions from other people as facts, why not go to Apple store and play with the dozens of display phones.

Decide for yourself if the screen is a problem for you. Just be aware that all OLED screens always shift color from red to blue as you increase the angle of viewing. That’s not a defect, it’s the way they work.


Apr 11, 2018
I have checked quite many display phones and they seem ok but it is very hard to do any real conclusion in such bright environment. These problem became more evident in dimmer lightning and lower screen brightness settings.

I realize this is someway related to this screen type but we have two phones here and they are very different. For example mine does very obvious two colour shift when tilting first shifting to red and then blue (gradually, so part of the screen it red part blue). Other phone does ever so slight pinkish shift before turning greenish and is much less distracting. Also mine has darker bottom part of the screen, other is much more uniform. Anyway my point here is that these type of issues where brightness is noticeable different in different areas of the screen should be always detected during quality control at the factory (not to mentioned creaking/popping case and scratched screen and back cover) and if they just consider those normal or every product is not even checked for any of those and sell them anyway, then I must say price and quality no longer meets my expectations.


macrumors 68040
Sep 24, 2013
US Eastern time zone
I have checked quite many display phones and they seem ok but it is very hard to do any real conclusion in such bright environment. These problem became more evident in dimmer lightning and lower screen brightness settings.

I realize this is someway related to this screen type but we have two phones here and they are very different. For example mine does very obvious two colour shift when tilting first shifting to red and then blue (gradually, so part of the screen it red part blue). Other phone does ever so slight pinkish shift before turning greenish and is much less distracting. Also mine has darker bottom part of the screen, other is much more uniform. Anyway my point here is that these type of issues where brightness is noticeable different in different areas of the screen should be always detected during quality control at the factory (not to mentioned creaking/popping case and scratched screen and back cover) and if they just consider those normal or every product is not even checked for any of those and sell them anyway, then I must say price and quality no longer meets my expectations.
My XS Max shifts slightly pink to slightly blue as I change viewing angle. Normal for all OLED screens. I don’t find this in any way objectionable.

Since it’s an OLED screen there is no back lighting. Color is uniform across screen. Bright or dim no issues appear regarding screen uniformity. True Tone works fine and I use it.

Have no poping or cracking. Screen seems completely and uniformly sealed. Have owned a number of iPhones all of which had great displays. Have owned two each of; 3GS, 4S, 5S, 6, 6s Plus, 7, X, and one each 7S, 7S Plus, XS, XS Max.

So far all have met or exceeded my expectations. Not overjoyed about higher prices but since it is my main computer, not just a phone and I pay a bit over half on monthly plan, it still works for me.

My opinion continues to be favorable based on continued good experience using the iPhone.
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Apr 11, 2018
I finally had time to finish reading this thread completely through. There definitely seems to be some variation in panels and maybe (just maybe) some made in certain factory or silver ones are better. For example in our case the one that is perfect has serial DN and silver while bad on is FK and space grey. It turned out that I cannot really get mine replaced with brand new one. So I would have to take a risk by return mine and hope dealer would not notice it has been used at all, because only way they allow returns is that you have just opened the box and maybe turned it briefly on without actually using it. So in the end it could be that they just refund it partly or don't even accept the return, so I don't know if it is even worth to try knowing how my luck usually is, if it is even remotely possible that things can go wrong they will (I'm a living and breathing example of Murphy's law).

I've been comparing our two units several times in past few days and screens do act pretty similar way when you tilt them in various angles but for some reason the one that does the more obvious two tone shift (white-red-blue instead of white-almost undetectable pink-green) is more noticeable but on the other hand it seems to have somewhat better contrast, especially when tilted. Worst one just makes even slight 1 degree change from straight on position colour shift more obvious that the other, even it also does shift colour even slightly tilted but due to different kind of colour shift it is just not as noticeable. Anyway more I use my bad one, less I seem notice it but I do see it every time I want unless I hold it in certain position. Reading this forum with my phone is one of the easiest way to see the problem when I compared between upper and bottom part of the picture. Also I've been using mine mostly around 30% brightness or even little less in dim environment and doing comparison with that screen brightness. So am I just expecting too much with dim settings since pretty much everyone it this thread is talking about issues with 100% screen brightness? I think from what I have briefly tried our phones at 100% that issues became maybe less evident in that case. Also I've been running my comparisons with True Tone on or even Night Shift on because I like both modes and I do prefer warm screens and preferably accurate D65 calibrated over cool ones.

Mine also has obvious popping sound from the chassis but I did remove it from the Apple case and examined all screen and back cover seams I did not notice that those parts had lifted from corners or similar signs of adhesive problems. There was one small parts where I thought it looks like slight gap between rubber seal and steel frame but it was not in the corner and I could not even fit a corner of a paper there, so I think it is nothing to worry about Also pressing corners did not make popping sounds. There are popping sounds when pressing back cover around Apple logo or by twisting the phone gently in my hands. Also I was able to confirm that chassis of the phone is straight so that when I place it on the table face down it was completely even against the table. So I don't know if that is more than just a cosmetic flaw, probably not since I called my local place that is certified service and asked that, they said probably no need to worry about it.

There is still one thing that bothers me and it is the battery. In both phones battery menu says battery capacity is 100% but I've been checking their condition with iMazing and the one with better screen has stronger battery. Mine has been hovering around 2760mAh and even peaked once or twice 2776 but obviously after every charge cycle it has been very slightly going down and it now currently 2745. Better screen one has very strong battery and has peaked over 2800mAh many times and is even worst situations around 2780 and my wife has been abusing it a lot because she often lets it run below 20% even I have told it is not good to let it go so low. Mine I have been trying to use as carefully as possible and I have been charging it around 34-45% in worst case and I'm pretty sure if I'd let it drain more I would get battery capacity dropping under 100% since running it low is when actual "recalculating" battery capacity usually occurs. Also I should mention that both were straight out of the box 2784 and 2782 (before charging them, other values I mention here are taken after that), so pretty even and the better one has actually improved from that and other one weakened but it was disturbing that mine came out of the box with only 1/3 charge while that other was over 3/4 so if they charge these at the same level during manufacturing process why that other did lost some much charge during shelf life?? Also I have noticed few times that mine something skip percentages when it is going down during use, like yesterday it went straight from 83% to 80% during I was using it (I was intentionally keeping track of the battery use while I was using it). It does seem that I need to charge my phone pretty much daily or after two days if I don't much use it but my wife goes often three days on single charge but she uses the phone a little less that I. Also I compared battery percentage between the two by using them side by side with same screen brightness doing the same things and while other one dropped 10% during that test mine dropped 13%. But just last night I tested again but this time I used one phone at the time for certain amount of time with same settings and doing the same thing (browsing this forum) and this time they were so that mine actually used less battery during certain time. So I don't know what gives. Maybe difference came from actual use in first test and I actually used that another one less even the screen was always on.

Anyway what I'm trying to ask about the battery is that what is your capacity reading in iMazing or Coconut Battery and have you got readings from different times like what it was when it was brand new and how it changed or did not change after first few charges? Currently mine is 2745mAh and 9 cycles (reported by iMazing) and other one is 2780mAh and 7 cycles.
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Apr 11, 2018
I tried to take few photos of my screen but it is not so easy.
I'll post some of them here for comments.
Those are with TT on and screen brightness about 25% or so.
Some of the strong and sharp discoloration in some edges of the some images are from screen protector reflections.

These are photos taken from 100% white image straight on and then from two different angle.


[doublepost=1544726761][/doublepost]And finally these again with the same settings but image is light gray and again from straight (maybe some angle in this one) and two different angles.

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macrumors 68020
Oct 19, 2015
I tried to take few photos of my screen but it is not so easy.
I'll post some of them here for comments.
Those are with TT on and screen brightness about 25% or so.
Some of the strong and sharp discoloration in some edges of the some images are from screen protector reflections.

These maybe show the best how the screen really looks in real life from straight on and slight angle.

View attachment 810588 View attachment 810590
[doublepost=1544726506][/doublepost]These are photos with the same settings but this time taken from 100% white image straight on and then from two different angle.

View attachment 810592 View attachment 810593 View attachment 810594
[doublepost=1544726761][/doublepost]And finally these again with the same settings but image is light gray and again from straight (maybe some angle in this one) and two different angles.

View attachment 810595 View attachment 810596 View attachment 810597

Looks pretty good. There will always be some colour shift so yours is OK I reckon, especially with TT and a screen protector on.


Apr 11, 2018
Thanks for comment. I'm really seriously thinking about keeping this unit since return/exchange would be very difficult or probably even impossible. Actually screen is not that bad (now that I'm more used to it) when I look at it straight but even slight angle and there is different shade upper and lower portion of the screen. Without TT on this looks cooler (more blue) compared to my wife's screen which seems rather neutral or maybe slightly greenish/yellowish then. I'm not sure if popping sound from chassis is a real issue or just some manufacturing feature that occurs in some units. I could not see anything obvious reason for that externally when I examined it.

Anyway I'm still concerned about the battery, anyone any comments on that?


Apr 11, 2018
Miracle happened and my dealer after all agreed to replace the phone as a goodwill gesture to new retail box because it had many issues (screen uniformity one of them). New one seems to have pretty uniform and warm (which I prefer) screen and it looks that even near black full screen image is fully uniform even with lowest brightness and it looked amazing then (my original had like half screen bright half dark in the same test and even my wife's phone that has excellent white uniformity did have quite a lot variation in brightness in that test in various parts of the screen).

I will do more testing with different test images before making last decision if I will keep this as I still have my original one here too since my dealer allowed me to transfer data from old to new at home and return the unit after Christmas. Especially because this new one came with cosmetic flaw also, so I guess I just have to pick one that has less flaws overall. I just can't believe this is something I have to accept after paying nearly 1K for a damn mobile phone.
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Apr 11, 2018
Looks like this new one has slightly more reddish tone display and it seems quite a lot brighter than my original one. It does not look bad at all, but definitely when they are side by side this one is warmed (which is not a problem for me generally). Definitely these both look different than my wife's X (silver) that has more yellowish but still quite neutral grey tone.

As I mentioned above, near black images are completely uniform in this new unit but it also has pretty reddish tint when brightness is on the lowest setting during that test, our both other phones are more greenish tinted with reddish darker parts (they are not even remotely uniform in that test, mine first one is about half screen brighter/half darker in that test and my wife has alternating patch of brighter and darker parts (kind of alternating a bars).


Apr 11, 2018
Before I returned my first unit, I took a photo of the screen to compare with my new one.
I edited them in the same photo (upper is the old and lower is the new unit). Photos are taken from some mobile form web site running (I blacked that part out so it makes more obvious for seeing the difference between upper and lower portion of the screen). In the photo my new unit appears pretty cold but that is mostly just camera picking up the cooler tone for it in that photo and the main thing is just to show the difference in colour temp between upper and lower portion of the screen. Diagonal lines in the photos are just from PWM that camera picks up because display brightness setting is pretty low in these photos.

In reality my old had kind of a bluish screen with strong red push and it appeared very red in the upper part of the picture and lower part was darker yellowish look causing anything with white or grey web sites look bad (for example browsing this forum brought up the difference too clearly). It had very narrow usable viewing angle before considerable uneven colour shift, and this I guess what partly gave it that look but it had considerable difference in upper and lower part hue and I actually had to hold it in difficult angle to make it look tolerable (tilt upper part of the screen towards me causing the screen being in awkward angle)

This new one has a little yellowish warm even toned display (I like warm display) with not much noticeable difference in upper and lower part of the image. It is very nicely uniform looking even turned on side (landscape mode). Also viewing angle is a little better in this unit but still nowhere near the same as in our another X manufactured in different factory. I can still view this unit in pretty normal angle without too much trouble.


So considering the screen this new one is a keeper. It also does not make so much popping sounds when handling it and it did not came with almost empty battery out of the box. It was obviously charged again at the factory some point since it had 2 charge cycles already and IOS 12.1 preinstalled (but it was in brand new box and everything shows it is a brand new unit. It was handed me by my dealer who just picked up the random unit among the new units they sell (authorized reseller)). My luck with these is terrible so I managed to get one that had couple dents in the SG colour rim where some small pieces of "paint" had peeled off and case was not completely straight. But I did not want to play screen lottery any more and take a risk for another replacement (which I'm not sure my dealer would have even allowed as it was very complicated to get it replaced even once) and my dealer was willing to compensate the damage by giving small discount, so I took that option.
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