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I have already some quick questions:

1. Can it be run in single pane mode?
2. How can i customize the columns? I need a timestamp for files f.e., the date is not enough. I don't need the ext column, the kind column contains all the info i need.
3. Customization of the toolbar seems also not to be possible. Would be nice to add some commands as icons (thrash f.e.)
4. Will there be a startup option or do i have to start it automatically as an user app? Can it be run instead of the Finder like some other Finder alternatives? (XtraFinder f.e.)


Hi! Thanks for the feedback. Please see comments below:

1. No, it can not
2. You can do it the same as in Finder - make date column wider and you will also see time
3. Will be added in following updates
4. Only by right click on the icon, Options->Open at Login

Feel free to contact us anytime!
This is not the folder I was talking about.

Folder ~/Library is hidden. So you need:
1. switch on - Show hidden files
2. use main menu - Go -> Go to Folder
3. make folder ~/Library not hidden (sudo chflags nohidden ~/Library/)

Thank you for that. I can still not see the iCloud disk or it's folders and contents.

It would be helpful if the iCloud disk was visible in the same way it is with the finder.. As an extension to the local disk.

Being able to see my IOS files is very helpful. Thank you.
Hi everyone!

We are happy to announce the release of new Commander One. Version 1.1 comes with a number of new features and enhancements.

What is new:

A number of enhancements for better compatibility with OS X 10.11 El Capitan.


· Tar.Z, tar.lzma and tar.xz support (PRO Pack)

· FTPS protocol support (PRO Pack)

· Changing file permissions via FTP/ FTPS/SFTP protocols (PRO Pack)

· Selecting a program to open a file, ‘Open with’ command is accessible via File and context menus

· German and Dutch languages support


· Detecting computers that use NetBIOS protocol and displaying them in the list of network computers

· Truncating long file names with an ellipsis in the middle – works in Thumbs and Brief view modes. To see a full name, hover over it.


· Erroneous search through the files contents using regular expressions

· Wrong creation time of a file displayed when copying it from iOS, MTP or FTP to Mac
Hi everyone!

Meet Commander One on the Mac App Store.

You can now download it here.

Do not miss a chance to try extra benefits of Commander One PRO Pack, available via in-app purchase!
While it's nice and convenient to have things distributed via single point and I welcome that the Commander One enters the Mac App Store, I'd personally never use such kind of application (file manager) from Mac App Store anymore. After one previous experience I learned that the currently enforced sandboxing restrictions are too much for such kind of app and especially quarantining every file such app touches it terribly annoying.

Therefore it would be great if you'd add an explanation/comparison of differences between the MAS and non-MAS editions to your website.
Something along the lines of the following examples: (the file manager I currently use)
While it's nice and convenient to have things distributed via single point and I welcome that the Commander One enters the Mac App Store, I'd personally never use such kind of application (file manager) from Mac App Store anymore. After one previous experience I learned that the currently enforced sandboxing restrictions are too much for such kind of app and especially quarantining every file such app touches it terribly annoying.

Therefore it would be great if you'd add an explanation/comparison of differences between the MAS and non-MAS editions to your website.
Something along the lines of the following examples: (the file manager I currently use)

Hi! Thanks for your feedback. As for now the only difference is Terminal Emulator. We will add comparison chart soon.
Nice, though sadly no such sale for the non-MAS edition :-( I know I'd want too much, ungrateful me. :-D
Would be nice if non-MAS version could be fully licensed after a purchase from the MAS. This is a convenient option for many. 1password does this, Vitamin R-2, etc.
I've bought the pro version from the app store.
It's nice and fast, but misses a few things. It'd be a good competitor if it has these options:

  1. Why is the version on the mas lower than the one on the site itself? 1.0 vs 1.1?
  2. It's not possible to open a file on FTP with my own text editor (text wrangler), but only edit it with the builtin editor...
  3. it's missing the "Columns" view.
  4. a sidebar would be nice. For both panes. It's easier to navigate. Instead of the "menu/favorites"-bar
  5. right clicking has very little options. Create new files, open with, services, refresh folder. I think those are a must for a true Mac workflow.
  6. it doesn't remember the panes sizing and windows sizing after reopening.
  7. it doesn't remember the "view"-setting per folder. (i want thumbs for my pictures/movies folders, brief for general, columns for ftp)
I love the "windows explorer"-briefs view though. And the history is handy, so is the quick "show hidden files"-shortcuts.

in short: a bit more customisation options would be nice.
Last edited:
Would be nice if non-MAS version could be fully licensed after a purchase from the MAS. This is a convenient option for many. 1password does this, Vitamin R-2, etc.

Hi! We will consider that option. Thanks!
I've bought the pro version from the app store.
It's nice and fast, but misses a few things. It'd be a good competitor if it has these options:

  1. Why is the version on the mas lower than the one on the site itself? 1.0 vs 1.1?
  2. It's not possible to open a file on FTP with my own text editor (text wrangler), but only edit it with the builtin editor...
  3. it's missing the "Columns" view.
  4. a sidebar would be nice. For both panes. It's easier to navigate. Instead of the "menu/favorites"-bar
  5. right clicking has very little options. Create new files, open with, services, refresh folder. I think those are a must for a true Mac workflow.
  6. it doesn't remember the panes sizing and windows sizing after reopening.
  7. it doesn't remember the "view"-setting per folder. (i want thumbs for my pictures/movies folders, brief for general, columns for ftp)
I love the "windows explorer"-briefs view though. And the history is handy, so is the quick "show hidden files"-shortcuts.

in short: a bit more customisation options would be nice.

Thank you for your feedback. Please see my comments below:
1. We will update MAS version to 1.1 soon
2. Will be available in next updates
3/4/5/7. We are checking the possibility to add these features.
6. As for panes sizes, yes it does not remember it. But as for windows size - this is fixed in version 1.1

Please contact us if you have any questions.
I second the sidebar view like in Finder. It's a pain to navigate to locations in it's current format.
I am trying to replace the awesome TotalFinder so I can upgrade to EL Capitan but right now neither Forklift or TC Pro quite make the cut.
I second the sidebar view like in Finder. It's a pain to navigate to locations in it's current format.
I am trying to replace the awesome TotalFinder so I can upgrade to EL Capitan but right now neither Forklift or TC Pro quite make the cut.

Hi! I would like to inform you that Commander One has the alternative option, called Bookmarks. To know how to use Bookmarks, please see the following instruction:
Hi! I would like to inform you that Commander One has the alternative option, called Bookmarks. To know how to use Bookmarks, please see the following instruction:
Thanks. Unfortunately bookmarks don't offer the same flexibility or ease of use as the sideview pane. For example, as far as I can tell it won't automatically add drive when it mounts.

C Pro is a nice product but I really miss the sideview pane so I still can't transition.
Yup, unfortunately as it is now, it's still an unpolished product.
It's hard to compete with the established filemanagers like ForkLift and especially PathFinder. It's not a matter of "learn to work with something new"

If you were able to implement all the mentioned, commander one might be able to compete.
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Yup, unfortunately as it is now, it's still an unpolished product.
It's hard to compete with the established filemanagers like ForkLift and especially PathFinder. It's not a matter of "learn to work with something new"

If you were able to implement all the mentioned, commander one might be able to compete.

I agree. Commander One has the potential to be excellent, and a much needed addition to our Mac toolbox. There are still too many 'unfinished' features though, and I regret I am still unable to move beyond them.

The inability to see iCloud Drive 'out of the box' (I still can't see it despite the instructions given above) is a huge handicap. Virtually all my working files are held on my iCloud Drive in order that I can access them from any device. If I use Commander One those files are simply not visible. ( The developers say otherwise, but even they accept only with complex manipulation)
Current version of Commander One has no integration with iCloud drive yet. Only Dropbox online storage is available at the moment. We are searching for methods to include other cloud storages (Google Drive, iCloud Drive, One Drive, etc.) in similar fashion, and hope to achieve this in the upcoming upgrades of Commander One.
I really want to like this app; I really do. But I'm a sucker for eye candy. The look and feel of the app just seems a tad dated, unfortunately. Below is a list of 'look and feel' feature requests:
  • Option to allow user to remove the column delimiters and/or change the colour.
  • Option to show alternate white/grey backgrounds for each row in column view.
  • Selection of multiple files draws a rather wierd light blue box around the file. Also, changing the selection after you've selected multple files doesn't seem to get rid of this box.
Basically, just make it look like Finder, but with your added bells and whistles. :)
I really want to like this app; I really do. But I'm a sucker for eye candy. The look and feel of the app just seems a tad dated, unfortunately. Below is a list of 'look and feel' feature requests:
  • Option to allow user to remove the column delimiters and/or change the colour.
  • Option to show alternate white/grey backgrounds for each row in column view.
  • Selection of multiple files draws a rather wierd light blue box around the file. Also, changing the selection after you've selected multple files doesn't seem to get rid of this box.
Basically, just make it look like Finder, but with your added bells and whistles. :)

Hi! Thank you for your feedback.

As for first and second feature requests, we have received such requests from other users also and we will try to add them in the future upgrades. As for the last one, could you please send the screenshot of what you mean to our support e-mail

Hi! Thank you for your feedback.

As for first and second feature requests, we have received such requests from other users also and we will try to add them in the future upgrades. As for the last one, could you please send the screenshot of what you mean to our support e-mail


Great stuff :)

I've emailed with what I mean about the light blue selection box. I'll include the screenshot below of the selection box around the files, so people know what I mean:

Commander One selection:

commander one selection.png

Finder selection (as it should look):

finder selection.png

When I then go around clicking on other files, which should get rid of the selection, and select those files instead, the selection remains intact. In fact, I can't seem to get rid of any multiple file selection I make.

Hope this illustrates what I mean :)
Great stuff :)

I've emailed with what I mean about the light blue selection box. I'll include the screenshot below of the selection box around the files, so people know what I mean:

Commander One selection:

View attachment 597111

Finder selection (as it should look):

View attachment 597112

When I then go around clicking on other files, which should get rid of the selection, and select those files instead, the selection remains intact. In fact, I can't seem to get rid of any multiple file selection I make.

Hope this illustrates what I mean :)

We are sorry for possible misunderstanding, but both screenshots show the same mass-selection method, as in Finder as in Commander One. The only difference is visualization, but the selection behavior is similar.

Commander One shows all selected files in one row, and Finder shows them as several separately selected files, but any operations performed to the mass-selected items will be exactly same. This is only design and visualization difference.

We are releasing the latest version of Commander One, our dual-pane file manager. We have been working on betterment of the product ever since it was released and today we are thrilled to share the results of our work with you. Especially since we have incorporated a lot of changes suggested by you - make sure to check it out for yourself! The latest Commander One is just so much more than what it was, and here is what it has to offer you:

Version 1.2

There are various enhancements to help the app work better with OS X 10.11 El Capitan. Migration to Swift 2.0 has improved Commander One in terms of stability and speed.


· Access and manage data stored on Amazon S3 (available in PRO Pack)

· Access and manage contents of Google Drive (PRO Pack)

· Mount Dropbox as a disk, Share it or use other Dropbox options (PRO Pack)

· New languages support – Spanish, Czech, Chinese


· Queuing file operations, including those that have already started

· Processing file operations in the background. This allows working with multiple Commander One windows

· Displaying hidden files as translucent. This helps identify them better.

· Displaying time remaining for modal operations such as copy, move, etc.


· Connection interrupted when downloading large files

Try Commander One 1.2 Now
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