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I agree with the previous commenters - this would be great if it had a sidebar. It would be ideal if it looked like Finder, but I can compromise on that.
I kind of like the look of this offering. It reminds me of my fav utility for DOS - XTree.

Take that as a complement as it was one of the all time most useful utilities for some of us. In fact,
I ended up using it with OS/2 for some projects that included satellite downlinks of data that was
opened up, re-assembled and passed to another computer running Farlap extended (32 bit) DOS.

So, I'll have to have a look at this product and glad these are made available to us who prefer non-Windows OS.
I agree with the previous commenters - this would be great if it had a sidebar. It would be ideal if it looked like Finder, but I can compromise on that.

Thank you very much for your feedback, we appreciate every opinion.
I kind of like the look of this offering. It reminds me of my fav utility for DOS - XTree.

Take that as a complement as it was one of the all time most useful utilities for some of us. In fact,
I ended up using it with OS/2 for some projects that included satellite downlinks of data that was
opened up, re-assembled and passed to another computer running Farlap extended (32 bit) DOS.

So, I'll have to have a look at this product and glad these are made available to us who prefer non-Windows OS.

Thanks! We are glad you liked it!
Hi everyone!

Eltima Software presents the newest version of Commander One – make sure to check it out! We keep striving to provide you with the best functionality for managing your files. Version 1.2.1 boasts a number of fixes and enhancements.

Here is the full list:

Improved: error descriptions became more detailed when connecting to an FTP Server

Much improved:

- work with Amazon S3 storage service, namely:

- speed became much higher when processing a big amount of files;

- issue when some files and buckets were not displayed was fixed.


- erroneous handling of hidden files when working on FTP server:

- hidden files were not shown;

- folders containing hidden files couldn't be deleted.

Fixed: crash when viewing the list of all computers in a local network on OS X Mavericks and Yosemite

Fixed: incorrect display of folders contents in Brief and Thumbs views

Fixed: copying of empty folders from DropBox in case folders' names contained capital letters

Fixed: wrong date during file copying

Fixed: several cases of application crash (Thanks for your crash reports, guys!)
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Hi everyone!

If you want to try Commander One PRO 1.2 from the MacAppStore, today is your lucky day! Eltima Software is giving away 10 redeem codes for MAS version of their dual pane file manager for Mac - Commander One.
Take one for yourself and get Commander One here


Please note that this is a limited time offer, which is valid for one week only (last day 19/12/15).
Hi everyone!

If you want to try Commander One PRO 1.2 from the MacAppStore, today is your lucky day! Eltima Software is giving away 10 redeem codes for MAS version of their dual pane file manager for Mac - Commander One.
Take one for yourself and get Commander One here


Please note that this is a limited time offer, which is valid for one week only (last day 19/12/15).

So exactly how does this work, we pay the Apple store and then what?
So exactly how does this work, we pay the Apple store and then what?

Thank you for your question.
You pay nothing to AppStore. You need to go to Redeem link at Quick links like on the picture below and enter code there. After that Commander One will appear in the product you bought.

But, unfortunately, it seems all codes are already used.

We, at Eltima Software, are happy to announce the release of the latest version of our dual-panel file manager for Mac - Commander One 1.5. New upgrade has lots of new components, including Dropbox Business and Microsoft OneDrive support, connection with WebDAV servers - all in new optimized Connection Manager alongside with FTP, Amazon S3, Google Drive and Dropbox support .

Besides new features, Commander One 1.5 received many improvements: support for .ipa, .apk, .jar, .ear and .war archives; disabling certain hotkeys, optimized performance of the FTP and Amazon S3 clients; ability to resume downloads and reconnect on error for FTP client and much more.

Here is what Commander One 1.5 offers:
- a new Connections manager;
- Dropbox Business and Microsoft OneDrive support (in PRO Pack);
- support for the WebDAV protocol (in PRO Pack);
- the ability to work with .ipa, .apk, .jar, .ear and .war archives;
- icons and previews for files on Google Drive;
- search in the built-in viewer (in text and binary modes);
- in the full display mode, the ability to hide and reorder columns and to enable alternate background color;
- OS X services support;
- a hotkey for showing the favorites list: ⌘⌃F;
- the ability to disable certain hotkeys in Preferences;
- support for Amazon S3 buckets in the Asia Pacific (Seoul) region (in PRO Pack);
- Russian localization.

- the FTP client has better performance and is now able to resume downloads and reconnect on error (in PRO Pack);
- better performance when working with a large number of files on Amazon S3 (in PRO Pack);
- files uploaded to Amazon S3 are now automatically assigned the proper MIME type (in PRO Pack);

- an incorrect Keychain entry being used for FTP and Amazon S3 connections;
- Finder's window popping up on mounting a network share;
- incorrect display of file names in certain encodings when working with .zip archives;
- crashes on copying/moving of files and mounting/unmounting of disks;
- issues with folders merging when moving files to a different disk;
- lots of other minor fixes and improvements (thank you guys for your continued feedback!).

Upgrade now and see all the benefits of the latest version for yourself.
Right now I've got purchased the MAS version of C1 Pro, however due to the sandboxing restrictions that result in many annoyances in any file manager I'd rather use the non-MAS version. Did you implement transition from the MAS to the non-MAS version (I haven't tried that myself as I haven't found any mention of that anywhere), or do you at least consider that? There are some programs that support that (from those I know about these are for example: DaisyDisk, WiFi Explorer and I think 1Password as well) so it's at least technically possible.
Right now I've got purchased the MAS version of C1 Pro, however due to the sandboxing restrictions that result in many annoyances in any file manager I'd rather use the non-MAS version. Did you implement transition from the MAS to the non-MAS version (I haven't tried that myself as I haven't found any mention of that anywhere), or do you at least consider that? There are some programs that support that (from those I know about these are for example: DaisyDisk, WiFi Explorer and I think 1Password as well) so it's at least technically possible.


We can upgrade you to non-MAS version for free. Please contact our support team for that at

Does this program support "filter by typing" ?

Hi! Thanks for your question. Sorry, but Commander One does not have this option at the moment. You can find more information about files search in Commander one here
Still no straight forward connect to iCloud Drive?


Not yet. We will inform if that option becomes available. Stay tuned!
Upgrade your Commander One to latest version, released today!

Version 1.5.1(2031) offer following fixes:
a crash when working with Google Drive;
a crash when viewing files in fullscreen mode;
an error when connecting to some FTP servers.
lots of other minor fixes and improvements (thank you guys for your continued feedback!).
I am still trying to like this program, but frankly, it just lacks too many features. I've been using PathFinder for years. When I found this thread, I was hopeful that Commander One would offer something different, something better... but after 6-7 months, it's still sorely lacking both function and features.

It's sad when the major update consists primarily of fixes for crashes. I'm giving up on it... maybe some day it will offer the features of the current crop of dual-pane file managers... but not holding out much hope for this.
I am still trying to like this program, but frankly, it just lacks too many features. I've been using PathFinder for years. When I found this thread, I was hopeful that Commander One would offer something different, something better... but after 6-7 months, it's still sorely lacking both function and features.

It's sad when the major update consists primarily of fixes for crashes. I'm giving up on it... maybe some day it will offer the features of the current crop of dual-pane file managers... but not holding out much hope for this.


As far as I remember from our previous discussions you had two features requests: one for a "preview" window similar to the PathFinder's "bottom shelf"; and another one - add a secondary background color to allow for a "striping" effect.

You can add a secondary background color in Commander One Preferences in tab Appearance and tick the check-box -Alternate background color.

Please let us know what other features you would like to see in our app, we constantly try to improve it.

And the update to Version 1.5 added a lot of great new feaures, like Dropbox Business and Microsoft OneDrive support, support for the WebDAV protocol, the ability to work with .ipa, .apk, .jar, .ear and .war archives and more.

Stay tuned for new updates!
Happy Birthday Commander One!

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if you give other redeem codes or if you put again a price of 1.99 for Pro edition please let me know because i want to compare your app Commander Pro vs Forklift 2 / Forklift 3.

Thank you for your interest in Commander One PRO Pack. If you already own Forklift you may request 50% discount from our web-site. Also subscribe to our social networks to stay tuned about all promotional offers, sales and new features of Commander One!
Thank you for your interest in Commander One PRO Pack. If you already own Forklift you may request 50% discount from our web-site. Also subscribe to our social networks to stay tuned about all promotional offers, sales and new features of Commander One!
i subscribe to your social and wait some good offer.
The new version has been released today. Do not forget to upgrade!

Commander One 1.6 brings:

  • support for OneDrive for Business accounts.
  • iOS 10 support.
  • the ability to lock tabs.
  • the ability to configure hotkeys for:
- switching between tabs;
- selecting and unselecting items;
- opening a file;
- selecting a file and checking its size.
  • Added: more criteria for sorting and display as columns in the Full mode: date added, date created, date last opened, permissions.
  • the ability to choose the default text editor (used when you select a file and press F4).
  • the Korean and Japanese localizations.
  • clipboard handling (now files can not only be copied, but also moved using the ⌘C / ⌥⌘V shortcuts, as in Finder).
  • the size and modification date of the current file is now displayed in the Brief and Thumbs modes.
Lots of other minor fixes and improvements (thank you guys for your continued feedback!).
I've just bought Commander One Pro 1.6
The problem is that I can not eject a USB drive, eject button is not available and Eject Drive command in the corresponding button is not active. Is it a bug? How can fix it?
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