I agree with the previous commenters - this would be great if it had a sidebar. It would be ideal if it looked like Finder, but I can compromise on that.
I agree with the previous commenters - this would be great if it had a sidebar. It would be ideal if it looked like Finder, but I can compromise on that.
I kind of like the look of this offering. It reminds me of my fav utility for DOS - XTree.
Take that as a complement as it was one of the all time most useful utilities for some of us. In fact,
I ended up using it with OS/2 for some projects that included satellite downlinks of data that was
opened up, re-assembled and passed to another computer running Farlap extended (32 bit) DOS.
So, I'll have to have a look at this product and glad these are made available to us who prefer non-Windows OS.
Hi everyone!
If you want to try Commander One PRO 1.2 from the MacAppStore, today is your lucky day! Eltima Software is giving away 10 redeem codes for MAS version of their dual pane file manager for Mac - Commander One.
Take one for yourself and get Commander One here https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/commander-one-pro-ftp-sftp/id1035237815?ls=1&mt=12
Please note that this is a limited time offer, which is valid for one week only (last day 19/12/15).
So exactly how does this work, we pay the Apple store and then what?
Right now I've got purchased the MAS version of C1 Pro, however due to the sandboxing restrictions that result in many annoyances in any file manager I'd rather use the non-MAS version. Did you implement transition from the MAS to the non-MAS version (I haven't tried that myself as I haven't found any mention of that anywhere), or do you at least consider that? There are some programs that support that (from those I know about these are for example: DaisyDisk, WiFi Explorer and I think 1Password as well) so it's at least technically possible.
Does this program support "filter by typing" ?
Still no straight forward connect to iCloud Drive?
I am still trying to like this program, but frankly, it just lacks too many features. I've been using PathFinder for years. When I found this thread, I was hopeful that Commander One would offer something different, something better... but after 6-7 months, it's still sorely lacking both function and features.
It's sad when the major update consists primarily of fixes for crashes. I'm giving up on it... maybe some day it will offer the features of the current crop of dual-pane file managers... but not holding out much hope for this.
Great news! Commander One is available at $1.99 starting today! Hurry up to grab the deal, available on Mac App Store https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/commander-one-pro-ftp-sftp/id1035237815?mt=12
if you give other redeem codes or if you put again a price of 1.99 for Pro edition please let me know because i want to compare your app Commander Pro vs Forklift 2 / Forklift 3.
Ok,Thank you for your interest in Commander One PRO Pack. If you already own Forklift you may request 50% discount from our web-site. Also subscribe to our social networks to stay tuned about all promotional offers, sales and new features of Commander One!