Is it just me or does MemVendorID" = <0600> look like the problem child?
So far that seems to be the case.
Is it just me or does MemVendorID" = <0600> look like the problem child?
ioreg -l | grep ATY | grep Mem
| | | | "ATY,MemVendorID" = <0600>
| | | | "ATY,MemRevisionID" = <0100>
Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
Device ID: 0x9583
Revision ID: 0x0000
ROM Revision: 113-B2250F-212
EFI Driver Version: 01.00.212
Damn, except now we've got three people with that combination who report no freezes.
"ATY,MemVendorID" = <0600>
"ATY,MemRevisionID" = <0100>
I've had my iMac 20" just a few weeks. It's locked up a few times when I had
a lot of stuff open.
% ioreg -l | grep ATY | grep Mem
| | | | "ATY,MemRevisionID" = <0900>
| | | | "ATY,MemVendorID" = <0100>
Not good.
I hope you're right - I'm going to give it another couple of weeks before I take it in for repair. My biggest problem is that I can't reproduce the problem easily - sometimes it run's fine for days without any trouble then it locks up at the slightest provocation, usually shortly after waking up. In bootcamp it will sometimes run fine for hours or it will lock up within 1 minute of playing a game. The lockup is always preceded by loads of white streaks like a meteor shower on dark backgrounds.