For Now, maybe.
No secret you thought that. But for the people you 'respect', it's only 2x or 3x, right?
Never said that. Once again you have to distort and slander and feel it necessary to repeat that every time. Why don't you make it easier on yourself and incorporate that slander on me in your signature. It would save you some time!
Yeah, once again that bloated sense of self importance showing. And I guess all your 'contributions' make you think you have the right to judge others and completely dominate the conversation on every macbook air forum.
Oh well...
You have no clue who I am.
Everything you have posted about me must be your self reflection or feelings of your own inadequacies. I mean you took the Einstein quote in my signature and came to the completely false accusation that it's showing that I think I have a superior mind and I think everyone else has a lesser mind. You should probably read the origin of a quote such as this one and determine what the quote truly pertains to rather than reacting irrationally coming to your own conclusion of the meaning. All of that lead to your perception focused on finding some way to accuse me of this self-diagnosed assessment of "superiority" which you have completely fabricated.
You better go look up the definition of "slander." I don't think you understand the meaning or use. I have simply pointed out that I don't respect it when people disrespect their own spouse publicly, who think and act superior to their spouse and blame them for being stupid and costing them money, who always have to be correct and use their spouse's inadequacies as proof of their superiority. I have never called you a name only pointed out your own actions and words on these forums. Look at the names you have called me multiple times and accusations you have made of me... this is ridiculous, as you are clueless and know NOTHING about me.
If it makes you so mad that you don't feel you can reply because I have already replied and "dominated" the conversations on these forums, then ignore my posts. There is no rule about adding TOO MUCH thought and insight into threads on these forums. I mean this is all coming from someone who calls me names both publicly and privately and tells me off in a PM and then blocks me from replying... whatever.
I consider the source... and here the "source" is someone who cannot even respect his own spouse. Based on your actions, statements, treatment toward others and name calling, there is no reason to believe your arguments toward me aren't actually a self-assessment of yourself. You have proven that point time and time again.
Now, I am not going to leave these forums nor participate less to please you. I know I spend a lot of time here, but that time is not spent to intentionally piss two forum members off because I write "too much." You call it rant and domination of conversation, but that's not the intent. When I either die from cancer or beat it and go back to work, I will spend a lot less time on these forums. When that time comes so be it, but I am going to keep writing as long as I enjoy it here. We all have our own ideas and opinions, and sometimes those ideas conflict, but I am not spending my time here to fight or encourage others to call people names and be downright rude. I am going to defend myself from others, because my mission here is good natured, and I know I am a great person. Do I write too much, maybe for you. Do you have to read my writing, NO you don't. So why don't you just ignore my posts. If you don't write about me or call me names, I will not retaliate and defend my reputation from you. I am always going to defend myself, and I am always going to use facts to show character of anyone attacking me.
I love writing, debating, reading, and thinking with you all here at Mac Rumors. I believe we all could have a much better experience if we left the name calling out of it, or if we at least TRIED to leave out personal attacks and keep on focus of all Apple products, our opinions of those products, and realize that we're all people not just usernames. I don't feel like most would go off and call names and etc if we were all meeting face to face... let's realize that and learn how to make the experience better here at MR.
Now, cannot we all just write about the MBA, dream about what we want from the next MBA, and share with others everything MBA related?
To all interested in writing SJ a letter, start sending them. Let's not let a few negative members get in our way, call us names, or tell us how stupid we are. So what if some think we're grade school dorks, we know what we really are can be summed up as die-hard MBA fans. We obviously know the chances of a reply are slim, but the chances are ZERO if we don't try. We all would love a reply from SJ like, "I know you will love spending your retirement savings on a new MBA soon enough. Not to worry!"