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Original poster
Nov 22, 2011
East Coast USA
Hello all...just trying to wrap my head around an ongoing complaint that keeps popping up around a bezel free iPad. Seems lots of folks here and online are hating on the fact the iPad is most likely going bezel free..

They just can’t imagine how to hold something like that maybe?

Who even holds their iPads by the bezel? Like holding a paper map lol? I’ve always held my ipads the same way.

My left hand behind the iPad while it rests on my pinkie finger from the right hand..I also use my additional fingers from the right hand resting against the back for more support if needed.

My hands and fingers don’t even touch the bezel. It’s a non issue on the iPhone X too. Now granted I’ve never held the bigger iPad that is being reduced in size greatly.

Half the time the iPad is sitting on my desk propped by a Smart Cover.

There really hasn’t been any solid evidence confirming anything yet, and we don’t even know if Face ID will work in both portrait and landscape.

But the less bezel the better imo.. and stop holding it like a steering wheel lol
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Not really,hardly ever. But I can still hold it with one hand and not touch bezel.

I don’t know many who hold their iPad with just one hand for an extended period of time. That just doesn’t make much sense.

Sorry, but I call BS. There is no way you can hold a full sized iPad with one hand securely without touching the bezel unless you have freakishly large hands. I use the iPad one handed all the time, mainly for reading only using my other hand to turn the page/scroll down.

Everyone uses the iPad (and iPhones) differently. For the same reason I haven't moved to the iPhone X or a plus model iPhone. I tend to like to do things one handed and both are a PITA to use with just one hand. A little task for you; Hold your iPad in one hand without touching the bezel while using your iPhone X in the other hand and take a video of it. No cheating by already having the iPhone unlocked with camera open. Let us know how that works out for you :)
I don’t like the idea because when using it, my hands (other than my fingers) would constantly be touching the screen when I don’t want them to. It would get INCREDIBLY annoying when I go to type on it.
Sorry, but I call BS. There is no way you can hold a full sized iPad with one hand securely without touching the bezel...

Everyone uses the iPad (and iPhones) differently. For the same reason I haven't moved to the iPhone X or a plus model iPhone. I tend to like to do things one handed and both are a PITA to use with just one hand. A little task for you; Hold your iPad in one hand without touching the bezel while using your iPhone X in the other hand and take a video of it. No cheating by already having the iPhone unlocked with camera open. Let us know how that works out for you :)

First, what you ask lol that’s not truly real world experiences.. hold an iPad with one hand while taking a photo with the other.

It can be done but obviously this isn’t what I was referring too.

Second, as I want to be on the same page I’m talking about the 10.5 and down. Not the largest iPad.

We can argue how secure it feels, but it’s not difficult what so ever to hold it with one hand while not touching bezel.

And I don’t even see the point of holding it with one hand.
When I’m using my iPad by myself I may not need to hold it by the bezels all of the time but that doesn’t mean that I don’t need bezels.

Hold an iPad in landscape orientation in one hand and reach out with it as if you’re handing it to someone else or showing them your screen. How securely can you hold it out away from you at an angle that would be comfortable for someone else to read what you’re showing them without placing your thumb partially over the bezel? It’s certainly not impossible to hold an iPad out away from you but you basically have to hold it nearly horizontal if you don’t pinch it.

If the bezels are completely gone and you can still hold the iPad that way to be able to show someone something on your screen without occasionally scrolling inadvertently then great, but I call BS on NEVER needing to place ones thumb on the bezels of the screen to securely hold the device.

I don’t even need to have to be showing someone something on my screen to have to place my thumb on the bezel while holding the iPad one handed. Quite often I’ll be using my iPad and will have the need to move around while continuing to hold it one handed but not necessarily look at the device while keeping it turned on so that I can return to using it. During those times I’ll shift my thumb onto the screen so that I can lower the device and shift my attention to something else before returning my attention to the iPad and moving my thumb off the bezel. I hate cases so the bezels are useful to me to ensure secure one handed use when necessary.
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First, what you ask lol that’s not truly real world experiences.. hold an iPad with one hand while taking a photo with the other.

It can be done but obviously this isn’t what I was referring too.

Second, as I want to be on the same page I’m talking about the 10.5 and down. Not the largest iPad.

We can argue how secure it feels, but it’s not difficult what so ever to hold it with one hand while not touching bezel.

And I don’t even see the point of holding it with one hand.

Doing it combined no - but my point was that people do both of those tasks while doing something with the other hand.
And yes I'm referring to the full sized iPad 9.7 or 10.5.

You asked why people are opposed to bezel-less designs and I gave you a reason. Just because YOU don't see the point of people wanting to hold their iPad in one had securely doesn't mean others don't. Maybe people want to hold it securely in one had while taking notes in the other, or eating messy food, or talking on the phone, or pleasuring themselves ;)

Another reason is studies have shown that bezels provide an eye buffer making it easier on the eyes. I've found this to be true as it was truly horrible for me when I went to a bezel-less computer monitor in an environment where I had things going on behind it. It probably has less of an affect with an iPad, but can still see how it would/will bother some people.
This complaint has always seemed a bit weird to me. Is it because unlike me, most people don’t use some sort of protective cover for they’re shiny new, expensive iPad? It was the first thing I bought. Because of the edge of the case itself, when I hold my iPad I rarely touch the screen other than to purposely tap on it. Bezeless (and its larger screen) would be welcomed.
People worry way too much about reduced bezels

Apple dealt with this problem a long time ago with the iPad mini. It won’t work if it’s completely bezel-less, but here all they’re doing should be reducing the top and bottom ones (no need home button, symmetry at the top).

Apple won’t be so silly as to compromise ergonomics just for screen size without some intelligent solution in mind.
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People worry way too much about reduced bezels

Yeah, can't disagree there. Two cm bezels, five cm, ten, honestly I couldn't care less. Not one iota! I'm spending more time than I'd like of late in art museums, my girlfriend seems to like it, me I'd prefer catching old Pats games, but in any event, I've noticed, all those painting are framed by bezels, frames whatever, and no-one, and I do mean no-one is going, oh man, that painting there, like totally sucks man, i mean, look at those frickin' huge frickin' bezels. It's the content that matters, not that bezel size thingamagig, and the iPads do a mighty fine job already, as is, at displaying content.
I hold my iPad with a thumb over the bezel. Could they be smaller on my 12.9" model? Yes, but not to the point there are no bezels. I still haven't seen accidental finger rejection that works good enough.

I can understand having next to no bezels on a phone due to the way you hold it but removing all bezels on a tablet does not really improve the user experience. If anything I would like to see them do something to reduce the weight rather than size.
Personally, i never even touch the bezels when i hold my ipad. Wether its in landscape or portrait mode, when i hold any ipad, i simply rest my fingers on the back of the ipad and press my palms into the sides of the ipad and type with my thumbs.

So I don’t understand all the hysteria out there about a possible ipad pro with no bezels. People screaming about Oh my God! How will we be able to hold it without bezels?!! LOL. Really? Come on. First of all, i think there will be a very slim bezel around the next ipad pro. But even if there wasn’t, do you seriously think Apple would release an ipad that nobody could hold without it getting confused by false screen touches?

Relax people. If Apple does release a bezel-less ipad or even one with a very thin bezel around the entire can rest assured they will also have state of the art screen rejection tech built in to ensure that any accidental touches from fingers on the sides of the ipad don’t interfere with its functionality.

Personally, i never even touch the bezels when i hold my ipad. Wether its in landscape or portrait mode, when i hold any ipad, i simply rest my fingers on the back of the ipad and press my palms into the sides of the ipad and type with my thumbs.

So I don’t understand all the hysteria out there about a possible ipad pro with no bezels. People screaming about Oh my God! How will we be able to hold it without bezels?!! LOL. Really? Come on. First of all, i think there will be a very slim bezel around the next ipad pro. But even if there wasn’t, do you seriously think Apple would release an ipad that nobody could hold without it getting confused by false screen touches?

Relax people. If Apple does release a bezel-less ipad or even one with a very thin bezel around the entire can rest assured they will also have state of the art screen rejection tech built in to ensure that any accidental touches from fingers on the sides of the ipad don’t interfere with its functionality.


Exactly! I mean who holds their iPad where they need a bezel lol
Don't understand the fascination with removing bezels. No point having a larger screen that you cover up with thumbs. I'm thinking of my use case but obviously those with fingers like E.T. will disagree.
Don't understand the fascination with removing bezels. No point having a larger screen that you cover up with thumbs. I'm thinking of my use case but obviously those with fingers like E.T. will disagree.

You don’t understand why manufacturers want to give the user more screen real estate while keeping the form factor the same or even smaller and lighter?

The problem here is with the title. I actually agree that ZERO bezels are unlikely to work. You need at least some bezel, the point here is that Apple is reducing the bezels. If done with consideration to ergonomics, I don’t see why people need to be concerned about it.

In particular the top and bottom bezels are easily reduced, the side ones maybe not so much.
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The problem here is with the title. I actually agree that ZERO bezels are unlikely to work. You need at least some bezel, the point here is that Apple is reducing the bezels. If done with consideration to ergonomics, I don’t see why people need to be concerned about it.

In particular the top and bottom bezels are easily reduced, the side ones maybe not so much.

Yup.... I don't agree with removing/reducing bezels at the detriment of functionality. A larger screen is no use if reduced bezels mean you cover up the extra screen with thumbs/fingers etc. Reduction of the top/bottom bezels would be the obvious, less impact choice, as long as there is no notch.
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