I wonder why I bought Sennheiser Open Aire headphones back in the mid-1970s. Oh, yes. I remember why. They didn't become wet.Its the same with all closed back headphones, but most people does not remove the cups to inspect and starts to yell in forums about that.
Is this condensation or ear sweat?
This is true. This may be a little off topic but I wear earmolds for extra security to make sure my cochlear implants doesn’t fall off of my head when I’m active. My earmolds has a plastic tube that goes through the mold and then it’s connected to the hook that overhangs the upper top of my ear and where my processor sits on the ear. My earmold’s tube gets condensation quite a bit to the point where I would have to replace the plastic tube by my audiologist at least every few months because the plastic tube can harden with the condensation from the ear, environment, and daily usage. So this wouldn’t surprise me if this happens with headphones. Especially with wireless headphones that goes into your ear.It's both.
Air between the ears and headphones is somewhere around body temperature. Sweat evaporates and saturates the air up to 100% humidity, when the moisture starts to condensate. It will always condensate on the coolest and most heat conductive surface, which is - metal parts of the headphones. This is also why the mesh remains dry.
For now it really, really seems like another totally failed design by Apple, not unlike butterfly keyboard (design first, real world usability second).
It's both.
Air between the ears and headphones is somewhere around body temperature. Sweat evaporates and saturates the air up to 100% humidity, when the moisture starts to condensate. It will always condensate on the coolest and most heat conductive surface, which is - metal parts of the headphones. This is also why the mesh remains dry.
For now it really, really seems like another totally failed design by Apple, not unlike butterfly keyboard (design first, real world usability second).
Don't get confused about some people shouting on their soapboxes.Okay, I'm totally confused right now. I've ordered a space gray, estimated shipping in the middle of February. IDK what to do now, cancel the order or just wait if they did something in the making to resolve the issue... 😫
Thank you for trying it out.I wore my B&O H95's for 3 hours this morning and took off the magnetic cup to see if there was any condensation. There was not. This isn't to say that there wouldn't be if I wore them longer, but I did see that some people are seeing condensation after an hour or so with the APM. I just wonder if it has to do with the amount of clamp the APM have that causes this to occur.
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I can confirm I have the same issue and that it is also linked to the issue of the ANC failing and the wind noise. The drivers get wet and the noise starts up, ANC stops working and sometimes no sound comes out of either ear. A restart helps but this is extremely disappointing.
Also it’s disgusting how the fanboys are attacking people for reporting on this issue. I saw it on Reddit where people were saying those with the issue were making it up. Freaking pathetic.
I get this on my Sony WH1000XM3. I've had them for a long time and it's no big deal. Have none of you owned over the head cans before? Your ears are gonna a sweat and there will be some condensation. I think it's pretty common for this type of headphones.
It is absolutely insane, but this is typically what happens with any Apple product that is flawed, you will get fanboys who don’t want to hear about it and they deny people’s experience.
At this price, having these headphones functions fail this quickly is pure madness and needs to be rectified quickly.
What is the average lifespan going to be for a pair of APMs, like 3 months? Quite worrying. Down here in South Africa they are going for the equivalent of $719.
It is absolutely insane, but this is typically what happens with any Apple product that is flawed, you will get fanboys who don’t want to hear about it and they deny people’s experience.
At this price, having these headphones functions fail this quickly is pure madness and needs to be rectified quickly.
What is the average lifespan going to be for a pair of APMs, like 3 months? Quite worrying. Down here in South Africa they are going for the equivalent of $719.
It’s extremely disappointing but I did buy Apple Care, I have until the 8th to decide if I want to return. I love them but this issue is pretty crappy.
And the dude in this thread saying people are shouting on soapboxes is ridiculous. Hopefully karma doesn’t bite him when he buys an expensive product and there is a flaw that affects functionality.
Don't get confused about some people shouting on their soapboxes.
never base your decision from a posting on Macrumors, they are the biggest sensation mongers, and every small detail gets blown out of proportion, because they love it
All headphones get warm and you will have some sweat in the headphones, the only difference is, in the Max you can actually see it
if you wear a watch, you also get sweat under the band.
I plan to use them during flight, but the air temperature on planes is pretty low, so im afraid that circumstance may cause this condensation issue... 😒I've been using mine pretty much non-stop since launch day. I have not noticed this issue at all. To be fair, I use them very carefully and the house is kept pretty warm. I do not use them outside and don;'t plan on using them in any other environment aside from home/office/airplane.
I will be checking thoroughly now though. Interesting to see what Apple says about this. It seems like a design oversight