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lol @ the ethernet thing.

I do realize that CS 2 isn't universal yet, but I'd still have to re-buy it, which is pricey. I could always download it, but my Dad would notice. I'll probably have to use my PC for a little while for things like that, sadly.
Konstantino said:
lol @ the ethernet thing.

I do realize that CS 2 isn't universal yet, but I'd still have to re-buy it, which is pricey. I could always download it, but my Dad would notice. I'll probably have to use my PC for a little while for things like that, sadly.

but- according to your post- the ONE thing you are really excited to do on your potentially new intel imac is the CS stuff.....

so- why get a machine that won't let you achieve your goals?

go out & find a really nice refurb imac or mini-
don't get the intel yet-

OR- wait for them to release a intel photoshop version- and BUY it-
downloading software is illegal -- and this forum will not tolerate it-

by the time they release it- maybe you've saved up enough $$ to buy the computer you want--

howevever- we've got off topic-
you want to know how to convince your parents:

- i'd talk w/ them about you paying half
- talk w/ them about how you could photograph family events...etc
- talk w/ them about how this computer will help you to achieve your goals
- talk w/ them about how much you enjoy photography...etc -show them some of your work (not the nuddie pix of your girlfriend though)
- mention to them that (for example) an intel iMac or a refurb G5 - will hold it's value for the next 2 years or so- also- that such a machine will be 'useable' and still 'close to medium/top of the line- for a few years-
(a friend of mine has an iMac g3 300 odd mHz processor- which does what she needs just fine- running 9.1)
- discuss w/ your parents what 'value' is
- talk w/ them about selling off some of dad's old machines (the ones he has gotten from the company) mention that YOU will be willing to undertake this - also talk about how that means figuring out shipping costs, ebay vs Craigslist vs other selling places...etc
- talk w/ them about ways you can 'help' around the house & with the family
- unless they are very tech savy......DO NOT be all 'tech talk' w/ them- comparing the imac g5 w/ the intel...etc PC vs MAC- briefly mention that you have done your research- and you are interested in _______ machine- also- print out a sheet of paper showing the machine, stats, PRICE - that you want- so that (if dreams could come true) - mom/dad would go to the apple store hand the print out to the rep and get you the RIGHT thing-
so incld things like applecare....etc

just some ideas
if you really want this- you are going to have to work for it-
may not mean flipping burgers @ macd's- but it would mean working on your relationship w/ the 'rents & opening up those communication lines...etc
Dude, that's the most helpful post I've seen in this topic so far. A lot of your ideas are really great. I have already presented a business case to my parents, and they've read it. (9 pages about the pro/cons/price/specs/etc).

Thanks, I'll try these out. And my Dad DOES have a lot of old computers in his office.
A Paper route, Delivering Pizzas, Mowing Lawns, and Doing freelance PHP can EACH deliver over 1000/month if you bust it. hard.

Do all 4 (or at least two) and save up. The sooner you learn work=money the better off you'll be. If you are seriously interested in doing freelance PHP PM me. I always need PHP freelancers.

Hey, thanks for the ideas. My Dad is actually making me do a little coding already as well, and I think I could get a little reward for that. I did a lot of graphic design for tickets and ads and stuff recently, too.

I remember the days of begging for a new Mac.
When I was 14 I wanted a PowerMac 6100 really bad. And I eventually got a 7500/100, a much better deal than I initially thought. So just have some patience and you'll probably end up with something better than you initially were trying for. (of course I didn't have the internet in 1994 to search for leverage).

Didn't we just have a thread about a kid begging his parents for a Mac??? What was that guys name?
lol, I'm not really begging either. I'm trying to find a way to make a good deal that I can actually use. But thanks for that word of advise - I do realize that good things come to those who wait - and I often think about that.
annk said:
He wasn´t begging, he had a communication strategy :) Here´s the thread:
Ok, didn't we just have a kid on here with a 'communication strategy' to get a Mac?

Asking, wanting, needing, begging, saying pretty please with a cherry on top. It doesn't matter, it is all in the name of getting someone to buy you a new Mac.
And I've been there Konstantino... Good luck with it all.
Hey, thanks GS12. :)
By the way, if I get an iMac, is there a way of using it just as a monitor? (Sorry for being off topic, but I was wondering about it since then I could connect it to my PC whenever I needed to use it).
Konstantino said:
Hey, thanks GS12. :)
By the way, if I get an iMac, is there a way of using it just as a monitor? (Sorry for being off topic, but I was wondering about it since then I could connect it to my PC whenever I needed to use it).
No you cannot.

You are able to use another monitor with the computer (don't ask me how), but you cannot use the computer as a monitor only.
Yeah, I thought so. Thanks for confirming that.

Does anyone have any short-term suggestions on what I could do to save up for some money? I've already had a few great ones, but I'd like to have a broad horizon. Thanks.
Actually, I do have a lot of toys from when I was young in my closet. I remember when kids used to come to my house they used to love playing with them. I'm sure I could sell those.

And I could babysit, I just don't know many people who would need to have a babysitter.
celebrian23 said:
Yeah now I just feel dumb...:eek:

No no no, just wait til I slip up and write something that just happens to be a funny mistake - you´ll laugh a bit at it, then you just write a reply with grins or tongues sticking out.

The writing goes fast and furious here, the slip ups are part of the fun. :p Didn´t mean to make you feel bad!!
I dunno...
I think you'd be better off with a new PC. Runs all the software, no buying expensive Photoshop CS2, and there's a ton of awesome text editors and IDEs and such if you're the coding type.

And get a USB hub, so you don't have to switch. $20.

(sorry, I know i'm not helping, but that's just imo. iMac isn't the best computer to buy because of the integrated display, iBook isnt too feasible for doing too much work in Photoshop because it can't do monitor spanning without a hack, and it's a tiny display. Your best bet would be a Power Mac G5 and a new display - room for upgradability, the display of your choice, compatibility with all your programs.)

I dont think i've ever babysitted, all my stuff so far was computer work. *groans*

I might be a bit more forceful with my answer if only photoshop cs2 worked with wine..then you could run linux...malware problems solved..
student_trap said:
Actually I think that that was a great slip-up...babysitting is a ludicrous business!

Getting paid to watch someones TV and eat their food!

I meant ludicrous because it's so grossly underpaid. If you think about the responsibility you have when babysitting (not to mention all the work - it's NOT all watching TV and eating ;) ), it should be the best paid job on earth!
well I suppose the responsibility levels differ depending on age etc, my experiences with babysitting involved just 'being' in the house while the kids were asleep and their folks were out:D guess i had it real easy
Hey guys, way off topic with babysitting thing.

There's no way my next computer will be a PC. My Dad generally doesn't have a problem with buying stuff like Photoshop CS2, especially since he can easily find it for cheap. He likes using Photoshop, and that's one of the reasons I use it.

For coding, I found a HTML and PHP editor that's perfect for me: Taco HTML Editor. It's for Mac OS X, and it has a lot of features that would help me be more productive with my work.

Anyways, thanks again guys,
When it comes to the subject of Photoshop and Intel Macs I beg to differ. Sure, Photoshop won't run as fast as it would on a triple-quadruple-hyperdrive-G5 system or whatever but judging by OP's need to replace his PC I think it's the same situation I had: the only way is up. If the Intellimac runs CS2 faster than his PC = job description fulfilled.

Besides, his iMac is still some time away which is all the more closer to Intelized CS3. And, as I like to think: anyone buying a new Mac at this point, and even more those who do not already have a Mac (like myself) should go for the Intel, it's looking more into the horizon than staring at your own feet.

But these are just the views of a recent Switcher, nevermind me :p
Konstantino said:
For coding, I found a HTML and PHP editor that's perfect for me: Taco HTML Editor. It's for Mac OS X, and it has a lot of features that would help me be more productive with my work.

Well, if you insist...

There's a ton of text editors out there for Mac OS X. There's subethaedit for collaborative editing, textmate, smultron, nvu, text wrangler...the possibilities are endless.

good luck on your new purchase
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