Konstantino said:
lol @ the ethernet thing.
I do realize that CS 2 isn't universal yet, but I'd still have to re-buy it, which is pricey. I could always download it, but my Dad would notice. I'll probably have to use my PC for a little while for things like that, sadly.
but- according to your post- the ONE thing you are really excited to do on your potentially new intel imac is the CS stuff.....
so- why get a machine that won't let you achieve your goals?
go out & find a really nice refurb imac or mini-
don't get the intel yet-
OR- wait for them to release a intel photoshop version- and BUY it-
downloading software is illegal -- and this forum will not tolerate it-
by the time they release it- maybe you've saved up enough $$ to buy the computer you want--
howevever- we've got off topic-
you want to know how to convince your parents:
- i'd talk w/ them about you paying half
- talk w/ them about how you could photograph family events...etc
- talk w/ them about how this computer will help you to achieve your goals
- talk w/ them about how much you enjoy photography...etc -show them some of your work (not the nuddie pix of your girlfriend though)
- mention to them that (for example) an intel iMac or a refurb G5 - will hold it's value for the next 2 years or so- also- that such a machine will be 'useable' and still 'close to medium/top of the line- for a few years-
(a friend of mine has an iMac g3 300 odd mHz processor- which does what she needs just fine- running 9.1)
- discuss w/ your parents what 'value' is
- talk w/ them about selling off some of dad's old machines (the ones he has gotten from the company) mention that YOU will be willing to undertake this - also talk about how that means figuring out shipping costs, ebay vs Craigslist vs other selling places...etc
- talk w/ them about ways you can 'help' around the house & with the family
- unless they are very tech savy......DO NOT be all 'tech talk' w/ them- comparing the imac g5 w/ the intel...etc PC vs MAC- briefly mention that you have done your research- and you are interested in _______ machine- also- print out a sheet of paper showing the machine, stats, PRICE - that you want- so that (if dreams could come true) - mom/dad would go to the apple store hand the print out to the rep and get you the RIGHT thing-
so incld things like applecare....etc
just some ideas
if you really want this- you are going to have to work for it-
may not mean flipping burgers @ macd's- but it would mean working on your relationship w/ the 'rents & opening up those communication lines...etc