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lol, thanks. So I guess that means my eyes are focused directly on the Intel iMac now?

And a point that was brought up about Photoshop running faster than it does now on the iMac Core Duo: There's no way it can run any slower than it already does. It lags, and sometimes when I click a button, the whole application window goes white for about 10 seconds and says it's not responding. And if I get the iMac before Photoshop CS 3 comes out, I could either wait, or just get the upgrade version to CS 3 from CS 2, rather than buy the whole new CS 3.
janey said:
Photoshop takes ~2mins to even open on my mac mini.

Geesh, stock RAM or what the...?

21 secs here from clicking Photoshop CS2 icon to when it finished loading, with the 20" 2.0Ghz Intel iMac with 1,5GB of RAM. And yeah, it was doing a few other minor tasks at the same time.
21 seconds is faster for opening Photoshop than it is on my PC, which currently takes about a minute. That's one acceptable thing about a non-universal application, I guess.
Yeah, that's still my main intention. I'm now considering buying it online via Amazon? I mean, there's a $135 mail-in rebate, but I'd still have to have the original amount to even buy the product, before I could get the rebate.
I am 12, just got a 1500 imac intel. If you have a good reason like i did, you shall get this. My hD was defective, so Was basically given to me within about 10h
gallagb said:
(remembers the day he bought a machine w/o an ethernet card in it and tried to plug it into the network....realizing yet again that phone ports and ethernet ports are not the same)

lol! took me a day to figure out with port on my base station the adsl modem had to plug into. Then another 2 hours to find out why i wasnt getting broadband! (the company hadnt sent me 2 area numbers for my county)

In reply to getting a Mac, save up man. If you can, wait out till CS3, then get a Mac. It will be native then, and Macs will be quicker!
Konstantino said:
Does anyone have any short-term suggestions on what I could do to save up for some money?

Here is one...


You're 17, you want your parents to cash out 1500 bucks for a computer for you even though they probably will in another year when you goto college (laptop)? Im not surprised. At 15 my parents were already telling me to go get a job so I can pay for my own things.

The fastest way to get the system you want or anything that you want for that matter is to simply get a job. Within 3 or 4 months you can probably buy it or even a PowerMac or Mac Pro, whatever they are going to call it.

Best part of having a job and getting paid is that you dont have to beg. You should probably try this out first.
wako said:
Here is one...


You're 17, you want your parents to cash out 1500 bucks for a computer for you even though they probably will in another year when you goto college (laptop)? Im not surprised. At 15 my parents were already telling me to go get a job so I can pay for my own things.

The fastest way to get the system you want or anything that you want for that matter is to simply get a job. Within 3 or 4 months you can probably buy it or even a PowerMac or Mac Pro, whatever they are going to call it.

Best part of having a job and getting paid is that you dont have to beg. You should probably try this out first.

I don't know why, but most of the under 18 crowd on here seem to be really spoiled. I made $1300 in three months working 18ish hours a week. As you don't have any bills being 15, a job is actually an easy way to make money.
look on ebay actually. theres usually a few Macs on there, and ive seen a few Intels too, going for resonable prices. i saw a 1 month 20" up for sale for £1100, when it cost the bloke £1300, and he threw the printer in the sale too which was ontop of the £1300.

just a thought. OR, find a G5 on ebay, those go for about £500
I don't know why, but most of the under 18 crowd on here seem to be really spoiled.

Trust me, I'm faaar from spoiled. I get maybe one or two things a year from my parents subtract food and clothing. Just because I'm partly relying on my parents doesn't mean I'm spoiled, and you'd be naive to assume that.

About getting a job, you make it sound easier than it really is. I do some freelance work, but I haven't been so speedy with the cash on it. One guy still owes me money for the 4+ hours I worked on his project.

Especially in my town, there isn't any real work a teenager can do except work at a supermarket/store. My father doesn't encourage me to be like the normal person when it comes to jobs, he wants me to use my creativity. Plus my house isn't in walking distance from any place I could possibly work, and I can't drive. You think my Dad will drive me with that attitude? I really doubt it.
My MacBook Pro is being paid for by graduation gifts (money), parents, and my leftover scholarship money since the college is basically paying me to go there.

I would wait until graduation to get one personally; that is what I did/am doing.

If you maintain your grades through high school and plan to go to college, then I think your parents would agree, at least, to help buy the iMac, assuming of course they are in a financial situation to do that.

Just because parents do not want their children to work does not mean that they are spoiling them. I am not spoiled yet did not work. I maintained a great GPA and focused on school which allowed me to have my college paid for; I am sure that I am saving them and myself more money than I could have ever earned working. What is wrong with that?
p0intblank said:
I'll most likely be getting a Mac mini soon, so PLEASE tell me you are using the stock 512 MB RAM...
A few months late, but yeh. MOst likely with the stock 512, cause now it opens in 5-20 seconds with like 10 other apps open (2gb ram :) )
cjc343 said:
If you are getting it for Photoshop, do not get an intel mac. CS 2 is not universal, and will run slower than it does on your PC.

Well, if he got an intel mac he could always install windows and run the photoshop cs2 on the windows side :eek:
markkk! said:
Well, if he got an intel mac he could always install windows and run the photoshop cs2 on the windows side :eek:

I was going to say that - use Bootcamp since you already have Photoshop CS2 for Windows. There's no need to rebuy or suffer a performance hit unti CS3 comes out. Then get the UB one.

Some people seem to have missed that you are currently using Photoshop on Windows.
calebjohnston said:
Kids on here that have MBP's and etc. when they are 15 are not normal, they are spoiled and have serious repercussions coming to them in the following years.

Hey, I'm 14 and got a job in Febuary to save for a new Mac laptop. I had my mind set on a MacBook Pro but then they released the MacBooks. So not every young kid on here is spoiled rotten. Some of us actually work to get what we wnat. i haven't had my parents pay for any of my technology either.
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