Beat me to it. If for Microsoft it's wrong doing, how can it not be for Apple? Your fanboyism reaches newer lengths with every post *LTD*.
One could argue that they are doing it with the integration of iTunes, iBooks and the App Store in iOS. I won't go into much detail but I think the whole kindle store link button debacle explains how anti-competitive Apple is at the moment. A whole world away from simply just bundling an irremovable web browser with an OS.
You're riding a hypothetical situation (that you made up) and passing it off as fact or a foregone conclusion.
My "fanboyism" actually points to facts (never mind Apple not being forced to provide any browser selection option, etc., after all this time) while your wishful thinking points non-existent situations that you might like to see come to pass.
Apple was not required to provide any browser selection mechanism because their actions and market behaviour did not merit it. Are the courts "fanboys" too?? Because you'll need to apply the same warped strictures you use on me to them as well.
YOU have decided Apple is acting anti-competitively. Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, no court on the planet has made that accusation (for the past decade), much less actually convicted Apple on grounds of any kind of monopoly abuses.